Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Why hasn’t Luther advocated for banning LGBTQ people from owning weapons? Considering they make up like less than 2% of the population and have been responsible for several of the most recent mass shootings, they are statistically more dangerous to society.

Your sample size is lacking, sir.
1. No one is even close to who they eventually will be when in high school.

2. No one "becomes" a lesbian. That **** ain't a choice.

3. If family and close friends refuse to accept a fundamental truth about yourself, you're probably going to be resentful of it.

I don't think men become gay, but I think women can "become" lesbian. My sister in law has gone back and forth and she insists she is not bi. She married a man and had no interest in women, got a divorce and got hooked on drugs. Went to jail. Fell in love with her cell mate (a woman). Got married to that woman and insisted that she was lesbian, not bi. Started cheating on her with a man. Got divorced. Is now engaged again to a man. She maintains that she is not bi.
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I don't think men become gay, but I think women can "become" lesbian. My sister in law has gone back and forth and she insists she is not bi. She married a man and had no interest in women, got a divorce and got hooked on drugs. Went to jail. Fell in love with her cell mate (a woman). Got married to that woman and insisted that she was lesbian, not bi. Started cheating on her with a man. Got divorced. Is now engaged again to a man. She maintains that she is not bi.

She sounds like she's bi.

Intimacy is on a spectrum. I'd say a little over half the women I've been with have also been with women at some point.
1. No one is even close to who they eventually will be when in high school.

2. No one "becomes" a lesbian. That **** ain't a choice.

3. If family and close friends refuse to accept a fundamental truth about yourself, you're probably going to be resentful of it.
Social contagions are real. Young people can be manipulated in search of belonging. Look at any cult. Not saying this individual is that but it's fair to submit it's possibility.

When it comes to trans, I do believe it is a mental illness. Gay and lesbians are focused on who they are attracted to. Not perception of self. We don't tell a schizophrenic that their delusions are real. We don't encourage them the voices are actually from God or the devil or whoever.

We do a massive disservice to these folks by encouraging it because at the end of the day, no matter what they look like, dress like, etc. They always see evidence that it's all a mirage. No matter what they do, surgeries leave scars and they are ugly ones.
Not happening. It's simply time to do a little better and understanding the intent through the lens of today's realities.
The intent is obvious. If you want to move away from the intent the repeal the 2nd. The framers knew what they were doing. They wanted a mechanism for fighting tyranny. The wanted a mechanism to push back against people like you that want to destroy freedom.
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Social contagions are real. Young people can be manipulated in search of belonging. Look at any cult. Not saying this individual is that but it's fair to submit it's possibility.

When it comes to trans, I do believe it is a mental illness. Gay and lesbians are focused on who they are attracted to. Not perception of self. We don't tell a schizophrenic that their delusions are real. We don't encourage them the voices are actually from God or the devil or whoever.

We do a massive disservice to these folks by encouraging it because at the end of the day, no matter what they look like, dress like, etc. They always see evidence that it's all a mirage. No matter what they do, surgeries leave scars and they are ugly ones.

It's certainly a new concept in the Western world, and perhaps it's too hot for some to handle and a lot of people mistake fundamental identity issues as being trans. I absolutely believe that.

But this has been a social caste in certain parts of the world for centuries. Shoot, they're a revered class in certain parts of Southeast Asia.
1. No one is even close to who they eventually will be when in high school.

2. No one "becomes" a lesbian. That **** ain't a choice.

3. If family and close friends refuse to accept a fundamental truth about yourself, you're probably going to be resentful of it.

Respectfully, I going to disagree on your points 1 & 2.

With regards to 1, absolutely, by the time one is 18 (typical age for someone graduating high school, biology, nature or whatever one chooses to call it has pretty much established certain basic, fundamental aspects of a human being. It's science. Actually, the sexual nature we are referring to is pretty much determined a lot earlier by nature; the genetic determination simply manifests itself as children grow and, according to the studies I am aware of, approximately 95% of the population is hetero.

On Number 2, technically, I agree with you. Maybe I was not as clear to the nuance I meant to express, but a normal heterosexual can choose to engage in homosexual behavior and vice-versa. Have known too many that it was obvious they were homosexual and others that were not but chose to behave that way. As I said, it is my opinion based on my observations that the person I referred to was not born lesbian but, for whatever reasons, chose that lifestyle and got married. She is not a happy person.

On 3, I agree with you. In the case of my friend's daughter, the family refuses to accept a lifestyle choice, so she may be resentful, but her homosexual lifestyle is not fundamental to her nature.
Why hasn’t Luther advocated for banning LGBTQ people from owning weapons? Considering they make up like less than 2% of the population and have been responsible for several of the most recent mass shootings, they are statistically more dangerous to society.
Has the LGBQRSTUV community come out and sent condolences to the victims families etc etc ? I haven’t heard.
Respectfully, I going to disagree on your points 1 & 2.

With regards to 1, absolutely, by the time one is 18 (typical age for someone graduating high school, biology, nature or whatever one chooses to call it has pretty much established certain basic, fundamental aspects of a human being. It's science. Actually, the sexual nature we are referring to is pretty much determined a lot earlier by nature; the genetic determination simply manifests itself as children grow and, according to the studies I am aware of, approximately 95% of the population is hetero.

On Number 2, technically, I agree with you. Maybe I was not as clear to the nuance I meant to express, but a normal heterosexual can choose to engage in homosexual behavior and vice-versa. Have known too many that it was obvious they were homosexual and others that were not but chose to behave that way. As I said, it is my opinion based on my observations that the person I referred to was not born lesbian but, for whatever reasons, chose that lifestyle and got married. She is not a happy person.

On 3, I agree with you. In the case of my friend's daughter, the family refuses to accept a lifestyle choice, so she may be resentful, but her homosexual lifestyle is not fundamental to her nature.

I can respect that, not having known her.

I just went to a religious high school before transferring to a very podunk public high school. A good friend of mine whom I met in the latter was a multi-athlete, ran with a popular crowd, and tagged more chicks than just about anyone in our class. He came out of the closet in his second year at UT, and is married now. His life would have been hell at that high school if he hadn't gone undercover for those three years and who knows what psychological damage he would have endured had he "been himself" there.
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Ban q*eers!
They have mental illness and want attention. Not one school shooter was apart of the NRA but the left wants to take guns away from the people who are not doing anything wrong and the bad guys will still have weapons. They traded to number 1 arms dealer for Brittany Griner so Biden is full of it if he says he cares. Bidens first two years in office he had the house and senate and didn't do anything and now acts like he does to try and make Republicans look bad to people who don't pay attention.
And who exactly do you think the well regulated militia was? And where did their arms come from?

No one is arguing we must have exactly what the military does........ But the intent of the 2nd is clear and the people should not give up that right, especially today, for any number of reasons.
I would take it to mean a militia that was well regulated.
I can respect that, not having known her.

I just went to a religious high school before transferring to a very podunk public high school. A good friend of mine whom I met in the latter was a multi-athlete, ran with a popular crowd, and tagged more chicks than just about anyone in our class. He came out of the closet in his second year at UT, and is married now. His life would have been hell at that high school if he hadn't gone undercover for those three years and who knows what psychological damage he would have endured had he "been himself" there.
Hey, you know the gay guys have all the hot female friends, amirite? I went to a private school and, of course, there were a couple of kids who "came out" gay when they got older for the same reason: life would have been absolutely miserable for them otherwise, but we kind of knew they were not quite the same as everyone else.
"Can't be done and shouldn't be done"
This is a low IQ statement. What you are saying is that you are ok with the US government intruding on any rights at their whim and the people have zero power. There are plenty of examples in history that show you are incredibly wrong.

Afghanistan is laughing at you. Also, in civil wars, the military splits. At most there are 2 million in the service. Even if it splits 60:40, the revolutionists will get their hands on weapons.

And regardless of that, the US military is severely outnumbered and severely out strategized since this will be guerilla warfare. The US military has lost every war under that strategy in the modern era.
That is not what I am saying in the least.
What I am saying is I do not want individual citizens owning and flying fighter jets, spy drones, or cruising the Bahamas in their nuclear subs.
Why because it makes people feel better? Giving up more rights doesn't make you safer. What specific ban would have prevented this person from killing children to get revenge for some perceived wrong done to them?
Maybe none. That's not the point.
But I am happy she didn't have a fully automatic...
Thank god for that ban!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The intent is obvious. If you want to move away from the intent the repeal the 2nd. The framers knew what they were doing. They wanted a mechanism for fighting tyranny. The wanted a mechanism to push back against people like you that want to destroy freedom.
And that was with a well regulated militia.
1. No one is even close to who they eventually will be when in high school.

2. No one "becomes" a lesbian. That **** ain't a choice.

3. If family and close friends refuse to accept a fundamental truth about yourself, you're probably going to be resentful of it.
You and I both probably know what this is. This individual went off to school and found something that validated a small piece of them. Got super enthused about it and began seeing every single thing in life through the prism of their new found persona, being super militant about it and refusing to engage from the history with family and friends, instead pushing onto them " this is who I am now" our history/past was a farce.

That's extremely difficult for any family to move past when you just show up and demand they accept it, family needs time to unpack that. I've experienced a similar situation with a family member of mine.

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