Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Anyone who is under psychiatric care should be reported to the system. Anyone prescribed psychotropic medication should be reported to the system. Anyone with any type of gun charge should be reported to the system. Maybe add some more but I’ll add theses instances shouldn’t necessarily prevent gun ownership but require further investigation.

Psychiatric care is anyone seeing a psychiatrist for anything, not just schizophrenic nut jobs. Psychotropic drugs aren't just for schizophrenic nut jobs but also are readily recognizable, routinely prescribed drugs for anxiety and mild depression and other benign mental unease.

Roughly 19-20% of adults have received 'psychiatric care' in the past year. Products - Data Briefs - Number 380 - September 2020 That's about 50,000,000 of the adult, over-18 population. Now we see the actual numbers. We can violate the shite out of inalienable rights and will never be able to stop the mass shooters because mental evaluation will always have complete misses. Further, it's not 'settled science', to use a phrase, that even a majority of shooters are mentally ill. Personally, I think they are emotionally broken, FU people probably more than the 'crazy' we imagine mentally ill to be. Even if they're not the most gregarious people, they are generally functional, keep to themselves, and fly under the radar.

If your neighbors have have had armed home invasions with two cars in the drive way, do you wait for psychological evaluation or screening of people in your area to determine a course of action? Hell naw! - you harden your fooking house and worry about FBI offender profiles later, don't you?

Fook this talk about psych evals, background checks, weapon bans and EVERYthing else until you harden the fooking schools. Then gnaw the bare bone of this peripheral shite that only produces another round of "we have to identify crazy people!!" while they're stacking kiddie cordwood at the mortuary.
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Wait for details.

On a side note: my 16 year old son told me two days ago:

"If I know there is a person shooting people in my school, I'm running out the nearest door as fast as I can.'

I read that people in the area were helping children cross the road, so at least some of them got out of the building while the shooting was happening.
So then you agree I should be able to buy a gun with no background check, registration, or licensing, gift it to my brother with no background check, registration or licensing and my brother or even my 13 year old niece can shoot it on my brother’s land all she wants with no background checks, registration, or licensing?

Cause I can do that with a truck this weekend if I wanted.

TheDeeble with the two-handed slam.
So "arms" means guns and not weapons?

Yes, firearms in common use that can be used in defense of home/person and borne by the individual. That firearm, equivalent to those borne by the standing army, is to accompany the person if the militia is called to muster (the "to bear" part) for training in course of making uniform their efficacy (that's the "well-regulated" part) or in actual defense of the community or state when called to do so by the state official (governor).

In short, a tank, nuke, or RPG is not typically used to defend person, home, or to hunt; they are not the common use firearms discussed in the state conventions which provided the blueprint for the federal Bill of Rights. Again, citizens were required to show up bearing their own arms with ammunition when called upon; that is the primary purpose of the 2A; an armed populace that doesn't rely on equivalent heavy weaponry as the standing army - who the hell could afford that? - but superior numbers to the standing army; they speak of it numerous times.

Even though we've come to accept the restrictions on automatic weapons, they are exactly the type of equivalent firearm discussed in U.S. vs Miller in common use by the military. @screenthis

Further @Vol in Buckeye Land the National Guard is a federal branch of the Army and therefore not the militia - the unorganized militia - referred to in the 2A and delineated in 10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes. Aside from posse comitatus actions from time to time, usually initiated by sheriffs, the last time the unorganized militia of the 2A was mustered was WWII. In response to Japanese balloon bombs making landfall from Alaska to the Pacific NW states, and German subs patrolling the eastern seaboard - including onshore capture of German naval spies - governors along both coasts sent orders for citizens to appear armed and established security patrols. Being a federalized force and branch of the Army, the National Guard has been deployed abroad.

Lastly, the 2A is simply about preventing the federal government from having a monopoly on force. It does that not by establishing a right to keep/bear arms but recognizing the right as pre-existing the formation of any government, inalienable, and that people may defend themselves against unwarranted government aggression as justifiably as attack by other citizen(s).
Ok, I see your point. Let's arm all the mentally unstable and disabled since it's their right. My bad. weren't saying anything about "mentally unstable and disabled" until just now? Why change the subject?
Your bad, indeed.
Fad. People do different or outrageous to be noticed. Just a variation of the class clowns we knew in school.
Agree it's a fad, but it may have more serious consequences. A friend of mine's daughter never exhibited anything but normal behavior through highschool. Happy kid.

Goes off to college at Emory and "becomes" lesbian. She has become an angry, bitter person, lashing out at people she has known all her life in bizarre ways and I do not for one minute believe she truly is a lesbian.
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This is not a new thought for me. Brian Kilmeade on Fox is an idiot. Unfortunately, that is a common affliction on all the morning shows.
That's the complete reverse of what is happening. You guys claim, you can't ban anything, it's all protected.....which is obviously BS. Just have an open and honest discussion.

Yeah, I know. You’re verifying the slippery slope is real. “Because we have some gun laws, I can justify any”.
The founders intent was obvious. The reason for the 2nd amendment wasn't for hunting, it wasn't for home defense. The second amendment was to keep government in check. It was to have a populace that could fight back against a tyrannical government, a government similar to that they fought for independence. So given that intent, it only makes sense that they meant weapons similar to what the government had at the time. AR15s don't even come close to that standard today.
Which is obviously impossible today. There is no way that people can arm themselves in any way shape or form like the current military. It can't be done and it shouldn't be done. This would lead many to revisit the well regulated militia part.
Which is obviously impossible today. There is no way that people can arm themselves in any way shape or form like the current military. It can't be done and it shouldn't be done. This would lead many to revisit the well regulated militia part.
Then get your fellow commies together and change the constitution. In the meanwhile let's go back to what the forefathers intended and repeal the NFA and the 1986 law preventing manufacture of full auto weapons for civilian distribution in the US.
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I waited until I was 34 before having kids. I have 2 boys now. It took a minute to adjust. I remember my wife telling me “Well that’s just too f’ing bad!!” when I was complaining about how little I was getting to golf after we had our first son.

Although there are plenty of times I want to punch both of them in the face, the last 5 years surpass anything and everything I did in my 20s and early 30s. These little dudes are crazy fun! Just throwing that out there.

Now, if you will excuse me, I’m gonna search the sites for one of those guns that I can shoot 800-1200 rounds per minute!
I had my son at 26 and now he is about to turn 18 and I'm about to turn 44 . I'm still young and have a friend that is a little me.
Then get your fellow commies together and change the constitution. In the meanwhile let's go back to what the forefathers intended and repeal the NFA and the 1986 law preventing manufacture of full auto weapons for civilian distribution in the US.
Not happening. It's simply time to do a little better and understanding the intent through the lens of today's realities.
Which is obviously impossible today. There is no way that people can arm themselves in any way shape or form like the current military. It can't be done and it shouldn't be done. This would lead many to revisit the well regulated militia part.
And who exactly do you think the well regulated militia was? And where did their arms come from?

No one is arguing we must have exactly what the military does........ But the intent of the 2nd is clear and the people should not give up that right, especially today, for any number of reasons.
Which is obviously impossible today. There is no way that people can arm themselves in any way shape or form like the current military. It can't be done and it shouldn't be done. This would lead many to revisit the well regulated militia part.

"Can't be done and shouldn't be done"
This is a low IQ statement. What you are saying is that you are ok with the US government intruding on any rights at their whim and the people have zero power. There are plenty of examples in history that show you are incredibly wrong.

Afghanistan is laughing at you. Also, in civil wars, the military splits. At most there are 2 million in the service. Even if it splits 60:40, the revolutionists will get their hands on weapons.

And regardless of that, the US military is severely outnumbered and severely out strategized since this will be guerilla warfare. The US military has lost every war under that strategy in the modern era.
Agree it's a fad, but it may have more serious consequences. A friend of mine's daughter never exhibited anything but normal behavior through highschool. Happy kid.

Goes off to college at Emory and "becomes" lesbian. She has become an angry, bitter person, lashing out at people she has known all her life in bizarre ways and I do not for one minute believe she truly is a lesbian.

The tone deafness of this post, dude 🙄
Not happening. It's simply time to do a little better and understanding the intent through the lens of today's realities.
Why because it makes people feel better? Giving up more rights doesn't make you safer. What specific ban would have prevented this person from killing children to get revenge for some perceived wrong done to them?
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I won't say it's selfish. I didn't want kids... until I first held my newborn son. Then it clicked.

Parents understand what they would be missing if they didn't have kids. People who don't have kids can't say the same.
That’s my situation. I never would have understood how amazing it is to have kids until I actually had them. But I also agree with Dink in that not everyone should have kids or is necessarily selfish for deciding to not have them, although there are times where it is based entirely on selfish reasons. That being said, I’m not judging anyone for their choice either way.
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Not sure what is "tone deaf" about it. What I said was factual in response to another post. I'm willing to concede the point if you can explain it a bit better.

1. No one is even close to who they eventually will be when in high school.

2. No one "becomes" a lesbian. That **** ain't a choice.

3. If family and close friends refuse to accept a fundamental truth about yourself, you're probably going to be resentful of it.
Why because it makes people feel better? Giving up more rights doesn't make you safer. What specific ban would have prevented this person from killing children to get revenge for some perceived wrong done to them?
Why hasn’t Luther advocated for banning LGBTQ people from owning weapons? Considering they make up like less than 2% of the population and have been responsible for several of the most recent mass shootings, they are statistically more dangerous to society.
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