Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

The militia was us under leadership...... Of, get this....... Us.

Who do you think the militias report to, who's leadership were they under?
You seem to be missing the point.
Made up from people like us......and the all important "well regulated".
I don't understand. Laws are already on the books. The laws are not being properly enforced because the government is incompetent. Your proposed solution is to pass more laws? How does that make any sense?

The underlined statement above is simply irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Laws do restrict people with mental illness from legally purchasing guns; however the criteria are 1) they have been involuntarily committed to a mental institution and 2) they have been deemed mentally incompetent by a court. So these recent mass shootings are not a function of a failure to enforce laws, but clearly a failure or inability to put common sense limitations and laws in place. The government has certainly shown plenty of incompetence, but the gun lobby has put up so many barriers for the authorities to do their job. Did you know that the government cannot even keep searchable records of gun sales due to federal law due to the Firearms Protection Act and subsequent riders? Until we get rid of barriers and enact purposeful legislation, the local and federal authorities have little to enforce and limited tools to do so. The default of choosing to do nothing because it's not easy or simple is getting tiresome.
I waited until I was 34 before having kids. I have 2 boys now. It took a minute to adjust. I remember my wife telling me “Well that’s just too f’ing bad!!” when I was complaining about how little I was getting to golf after we had our first son.

Although there are plenty of times I want to punch both of them in the face, the last 5 years surpass anything and everything I did in my 20s and early 30s. These little dudes are crazy fun! Just throwing that out there.

Now, if you will excuse me, I’m gonna search the sites for one of those guns that I can shoot 800-1200 rounds per minute!
We had a hard adjustment period because your spousal relationship does take a backseat for a's how nature wires us as Mom and I talked about it too, and it was a thing.. as well as with my female friends... I had to have some come to Jesus talks with my husband as well.. and he had to have some talks with me lol.. we were 31, and I think it made it easier financially, but harder because we were so used to doing just whatever we wanted lol..and that stops (until about teenager years)
The underlined statement above is simply irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Laws do restrict people with mental illness from legally purchasing guns; however the criteria are 1) they have been involuntarily committed to a mental institution and 2) they have been deemed mentally incompetent by a court. So these recent mass shootings are not a function of a failure to enforce laws, but clearly a failure or inability to put common sense limitations and laws in place. The government has certainly shown plenty of incompetence, but the gun lobby has put up so many barriers for the authorities to do their job. Did you know that the government cannot even keep searchable records of gun sales due to federal law due to the Firearms Protection Act and subsequent riders? Until we get rid of barriers and enact purposeful legislation, the local and federal authorities have little to enforce and limited tools to do so. The default of choosing to do nothing because it's not easy or simple is getting tiresome.

Yes, that is one excellent piece of legislation.
You seem to be missing the point.
Made up from people like us......and the all important "well regulated".
Regulated by who? What were they saying?

You keep attempting to dance around it. The words had meaning, and they certainly weren't regulated by the federal government.
The militia was us, just people like us, bringing what they had. Lawyers, teachers, farmers, laborers. They were organized locally mostly by county and organized into larger groups by region and then state typically.
Yep, and that is also how Congress was intended to it is all mostly lawyers, who don't work in the private sector, who get fat off the lobbyists, stock tips, and PACs and never leave.. even when they are about to keel over in their depends undergarments
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Regulated by who? What were they saying?

You keep attempting to dance around it. The words had meaning, and they certainly weren't regulated by the federal government.
The state or local officials in charge of the militia.
It depends on the family. Mine, being loving, accepting, and empathetic... well, if my 35 year-old sister came for family dinner and said "Mom, dad, I've been living a lie. I'm gay," they'd probably just hit her with a "well whoopty doo, can you pass the green beans?"
A lot of families, it would take time as a parent.. I love my kids and would probably eventually get over it, but it's not what you envisioned for them, or really wanted for them to be honest...and it would take some time to process, probably longer for my expect everyone to jump up and down immediately is asking too much, especially if it does not mesh with your belief system and how you were raised, and how you raised would kind of rock your world
Psychiatric care is anyone seeing a psychiatrist for anything, not just schizophrenic nut jobs. Psychotropic drugs aren't just for schizophrenic nut jobs but also are readily recognizable, routinely prescribed drugs for anxiety and mild depression and other benign mental unease.

Roughly 19-20% of adults have received 'psychiatric care' in the past year. Products - Data Briefs - Number 380 - September 2020 That's about 50,000,000 of the adult, over-18 population. Now we see the actual numbers. We can violate the shite out of inalienable rights and will never be able to stop the mass shooters because mental evaluation will always have complete misses. Further, it's not 'settled science', to use a phrase, that even a majority of shooters are mentally ill. Personally, I think they are emotionally broken, FU people probably more than the 'crazy' we imagine mentally ill to be. Even if they're not the most gregarious people, they are generally functional, keep to themselves, and fly under the radar.

If your neighbors have have had armed home invasions with two cars in the drive way, do you wait for psychological evaluation or screening of people in your area to determine a course of action? Hell naw! - you harden your fooking house and worry about FBI offender profiles later, don't you?

Fook this talk about psych evals, background checks, weapon bans and EVERYthing else until you harden the fooking schools. Then gnaw the bare bone of this peripheral shite that only produces another round of "we have to identify crazy people!!" while they're stacking kiddie cordwood at the mortuary.
Anyone who would own more than 5 rifles is clearly unstable in some mental capacity.

We just need to discern the exact nature of their deficiency.

Don’t worry. We’ll find it.
The state or local officials in charge of the militia.
The local officials were us, members of our communities. The state officials selected to lead were men the local militias would have known of and followed.

The most important part in all of this you avoid is that the militias arms were supplied by the people. They brought what they had from home, even up to the Civil War this was common practice.
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Reactions: AM64 weren't saying anything about "mentally unstable and disabled" until just now? Why change the subject?
Your bad, indeed.
Nope, to the contrary. The basis of my argument was that it is ridiculous that there is almost no ability to legally prevent mentally incompetent individuals from possessing weapons - the definitions are narrow and the ability to enforce is almost non existent...

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