Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

It's definitely complicated. I don't have any answers but just feel strongly that something more than nothing needs to happen. We have elected people who have a responsibility to evaluate the facts and act - and have the resources to engage experts that can make educated proposals. The problem is that they continue to do nothing either due to laziness, extreme partisanship or are beholden to special interest.
Personally I'll defer to Madison or Jefferson before ever going to a Biden. Show me an intelligent lawmaker calling for increased gun control and maybe I'll listen. Until then we can just go with the smart guys
The militia was us, just people like us, bringing what they had. Lawyers, teachers, farmers, laborers. They were organized locally mostly by county and organized into larger groups by region and then state typically.
and they typically had to keep it hidden.. a lot of the weapons used in the Revolutionary War were stockpiled in people's barns and silos.. they had to do it for a while lol..they were completely outmanned and out armed..if George III had not been so insane, and Britain fighting in other places, we would likely be British subjects today
Who said it ONLY has something to do with militias?
NOT ME.....
But it obviously has SOMETHING to do with militias. Seeing as how they included that all...

Gun nuts ignore that part far more often than reasonable people highlight it.
looth you keep being obtuse and clairvoyant and you simply destroy any discussion you want to have. Us "gun nuts" believe we are the militias that are written about. If we aren't, who will form the militia to protect us from a tyrannical government? 20 years ago I could never imagine in my lifetime having to fight for our republic on our own shores. Now, I'm not so sure. It's posts and beliefs exactly like yours that make me think that if there are enough sheep in the country that they will sign over the 2A to the feds and replace it with hunting weapons only, then we are on the verge.
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A lot of families, it would take time as a parent.. I love my kids and would probably eventually get over it, but it's not what you envisioned for them, or really wanted for them to be honest...and it would take some time to process, probably longer for my expect everyone to jump up and down immediately is asking too much, especially if it does not mesh with your belief system and how you were raised, and how you raised would kind of rock your world

There's a lovely gray area between jumping for joy and being unable to remind yourself, as a parent, that it's not about you; it's about them.
Yes, that is one excellent piece of legislation.
The problem is they can get them in a heartbeat. The forms have to be retained permanently at the selling point. I don't know where they go afterward but they are still retained.
The local officials were us, members of our communities. The state officials selected to lead were men the local militias would have known of and followed.

That and "well regulated militia" when written was regarding the militia being well outfitted and trained ready to do the job. Not under federal scrutiny.
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You and I both probably know what this is. This individual went off to school and found something that validated a small piece of them. Got super enthused about it and began seeing every single thing in life through the prism of their new found persona, being super militant about it and refusing to engage from the history with family and friends, instead pushing onto them " this is who I am now" our history/past was a farce.

That's extremely difficult for any family to move past when you just show up and demand they accept it, family needs time to unpack that. I've experienced a similar situation with a family member of mine.

My cousin was similar. She is not gay, but she went away to LSU and got brainwashed into the SJW hivemind/cult. She became militant about it and completely disowned her parents (for not being progressive enough for her new sensibilities) and moved to the complete opposite side of the country. She had three kids and to this day has not allowed her parents to come visit to meet the kids. Just so sh*tty. And her upbringing was not some buttoned up super conservative church going lifestyle. They lived in New Orleans and were fairly progressive raising her.
Which you completely ignore, that the intent was to allow the public to possess arms independent of their service to militias.
Everyone recognizes that. The debate is over what are the limits.
Mental stability?
No prior felonies?
Fully automatic?
Anti aircraft missiles?
Bulk purchases?
Waiting periods?
Background checks?

Reasonable restrictions, limitations, regulations.........are not infringements.
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Which perfectly highlights that 1776 and 2023 are vastly different. That's where original intent factors in.
It was written in 1776 to protect us in 2023 which can be seen from your posts that it is needed now more than ever. Everytime I read you and your sister's posts it convinces more and more that this year I will buy enough ammo to support my own well regulated militia. You and your entire progressive party is after all of it. You continue to lie but we all see through it.
It's definitely complicated. I don't have any answers but just feel strongly that something more than nothing needs to happen. We have elected people who have a responsibility to evaluate the facts and act - and have the resources to engage experts that can make educated proposals. The problem is that they continue to do nothing either due to laziness, extreme partisanship or are beholden to special interest.
So do something even if it is wrong. I love all of the posters that claim that we have to do something but they don't know what. If you don't know, then how do you know what if we do something it won't be wrong?
Everyone recognizes that. The debate is over what are the limits.
Mental stability?
No prior felonies?
Fully automatic?
Anti aircraft missiles?
Bulk purchases?
Waiting periods?
Background checks?

Reasonable restrictions, limitations, regulations.........are not infringements.
Restrictions, limitations and regulations are by definition infringements.
looth you keep being obtuse and clairvoyant and you simply destroy any discussion you want to have. Us "gun nuts" believe we are the militias that are written about. If we aren't, who will form the militia to protect us from a tyrannical government? 20 years ago I could never imagine in my lifetime having to fight for our republic on our own shores. Now, I'm not so sure. It's posts and beliefs exactly like yours that make me think that if there are enough sheep in the country that they will sign over the 2A to the feds and replace it with hunting weapons only, then we are on the verge.
I know you think you are the militia. the brave men that are standing between freedom and tyranny.
Most find that laughable.....delusional....
The militia they wrote about ALWAYS was accompanied by the words WELL REGULATED. The individual gun owners, such as yourself, who claim to be "that militia" are anything but "well regulated." That group makes up what possibly may be the most poorly regulated group in human history. They (you) fight against every single measure that even approaches "well regulated".
You guys have bastardized half of 2A while ignoring the other half.
It's definitely complicated. I don't have any answers but just feel strongly that something more than nothing needs to happen. We have elected people who have a responsibility to evaluate the facts and act - and have the resources to engage experts that can make educated proposals. The problem is that they continue to do nothing either due to laziness, extreme partisanship or are beholden to special interest.

As a constituent what do you want to see your representative (state and federal) do? Do something isn't an answer.
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It was written in 1776 to protect us in 2023 which can be seen from your posts that it is needed now more than ever. Everytime I read you and your sister's posts it convinces more and more that this year I will buy enough ammo to support my own well regulated militia. You and your entire progressive party is after all of it. You continue to lie but we all see through it.
I would take out a loan if I were you, just to ensure you stockpile enough.
See plenty of accepting parents out there.
good for them...the great thing about this country.. we can all parent how like..I just know personally, it would take awhile to process...and there is nothing wrong with that (and you didn't answer my question)..I was also a liberal before I had kids lol...imaginary kids differ a lot from actual kids
Everyone recognizes that. The debate is over what are the limits.
Mental stability?
No prior felonies?
Fully automatic?
Anti aircraft missiles?
Bulk purchases?
Waiting periods?
Background checks?

Reasonable restrictions, limitations, regulations.........are not infringements.
If I'm not mistaken you have publicly stated here there is no need for citizens to have access to military grade weapons. AR-15 etc. Am I mistaken?
The problem is they can get them in a heartbeat. The forms have to be retained permanently at the selling point. I don't know where they go afterward but they are still retained.

When a dealer closes all 4473s have to be sent to the ATF who has a place in WV where they put them all on micro-phish. When a big event happens it's pretty amazing how fast they can narrow down the owner considering it's against the law for them to keep a computer database. :eek:

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