Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

If an AR will fire 900 RPM then it wouldn't have mattered if she had full auto or not.
A fun exercise for those who have never shot full auto:

Go to a range where you can rent and shoot full auto. Set up targets. Shoot a 30 round mag semi auto, then shoot a 30 round burst. Report back which method yields the most hits.

It's not like these people have chain guns.
The well regulated militia would be made up of the residents of the state and the arms could come from state arsenals or personally owned weapons it doesn't matter.

Where you and Luther have it wrong is when you (and maybe I'm reading you wrong) associate the "well regulated militia" with "the right of the people to keep and bear arms". The right of the people is not dependent on the state having a militia as there is no requirement in the constitution for a state to have a militia the 2A grants the states the right to have one free of federal control. The 2 have nothing to do with each other.

The "well regulated" means that the militia will be under the control of the state civilian government and not an autonomous force and it has nothing to do with regulating the arms of the people.

Early Madison draft made it clear that the two portions were not dependent upon each other.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well armed and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country: but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in person.
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The well regulated militia would be made up of the residents of the state and the arms could come from state arsenals or personally owned weapons it doesn't matter.

Where you and Luther have it wrong is when you (and maybe I'm reading you wrong) associate the "well regulated militia" with "the right of the people to keep and bear arms". The right of the people is not dependent on the state having a militia as there is no requirement in the constitution for a state to have a militia the 2A simply grants the states the right to have one free of federal control. The 2 have nothing to do with each other.

The "well regulated" means that the militia will be under the control of the state civilian government and not an autonomous force and it has nothing to do with regulating the arms of the people.
I don't associate the two except that the right of the people to bear arms is so that there can be a local, county or state militia if needed. The right to bear arms does not compel a citizen to serve but allows that citizen to protect themselves as needed. At the time it was written, there was no ready stock of arms at the state level to be had. Same as today, there aren't enough arms stored by the states to hand out an M16 to everyone of us that would show up to be "well regulated". That is why we have to arm ourselves to be part of a militia if needed and to protect ourselves as needed. That we can hunt with many of those same weapons has absolutely nothing to do with the 2A.
I don't associate the two except that the right of the people to bear arms is so that there can be a local, county or state militia if needed. The right to bear arms does not compel a citizen to serve but allows that citizen to protect themselves as needed. At the time it was written, there was no ready stock of arms at the state level to be had. Same as today, there aren't enough arms stored by the states to hand out an M16 to everyone of us that would show up to be "well regulated". That is why we have to arm ourselves to be part of a militia if needed and to protect ourselves as needed. That we can hunt with many of those same weapons has absolutely nothing to do with the 2A.

That is wrong. The 2 have nothing to do with each other.
My cousin was similar. She is not gay, but she went away to LSU and got brainwashed into the SJW hivemind/cult. She became militant about it and completely disowned her parents (for not being progressive enough for her new sensibilities) and moved to the complete opposite side of the country. She had three kids and to this day has not allowed her parents to come visit to meet the kids. Just so sh*tty. And her upbringing was not some buttoned up super conservative church going lifestyle. They lived in New Orleans and were fairly progressive raising her.
it's pretty common in that area, my husband's millennial cousins in Louisiana have completely cut us off because we aren't down with all of that lol..they cut us off, not the other way around...we never cut them off because we don't agree with them..(and none of them are actually gay) lol...meanwhile, my aunt, who is actually gay, we still talk to and go and see lol..some people are ate up with it lol...this crap doesn't even normally cross my mind until stuff like this happens...cutting people off because they don'y agree with you is asinine...and while I would think what my kids were doing was not right, I would never cut them off..never dream of it
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The context of a well regulated militia in this case was private ownership of those weapons......... So no, you do not. You believe well regulated militia means arms being under strict control of government. That was never the intent.
Sure it was.
REVEALED: Nashville shooter was having 'private counseling sessions' with school's head pastor before massacre where she shot dead his nine-year-old daughter 'because HE wasn't on site'

  • An ex-pastor is claiming that Hale could have been targeting Hallie's father, Pastor Chad Scruggs, after disagreeing with him in a session
A former pastor of the Covenant school has claimed that trans shooter Audrey Hale was receiving counseling sessions with the father of one of her victims.

Ex-pastor at the school Jim Bachmann has now claimed that she was receiving private sessions from the current pastor of the school – Chad Scruggs.

His daughter, Hallie, 9, was one of the children gunned down in the brutal attack, and police still say they still do not have an official motive for the incident.

Nashville school shooter had 'private counseling sessions' with school's head pastor | Daily Mail Online
Keep laughing looth. The gun owners now will become that militia should it ever be necessary. That fact that you fear us so much simple goes to confirm it's necessity. People like you that are ready to hand over our rights because you think moron's like Biden will protect you are the very reason that we arm and keep arming. Am I afraid, yes I am. I am scared of every single sheep like yourself that is allowed to vote. You support gun bans every single day and that scares me.
I don't know. I guess we just live in different realities. Exactly what militia will that be? What does that scenario look like?
The bigger danger is that the nutty gun-crazed right will form a militia when a militia is neither needed or desired.

Think Jan. 6.....
I'm going to wager a lot of things that go against your beliefs don't ping your radar like this.

Materialism, vanity, gluttony, judging... all sins within your system of beliefs.
Nope, I actually did cut off friend because she was messing with a married man...since y'all seem to have such a problem with Christians...go bother the Muslims on this one...we are far, far more tolerant
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Benny Johnson
🚨BREAKING: Gun-control Lefitsts STORM Tennessee Capitol, politicize anti-Christian Nashville shooting

Nope, I actually did cut off friend because she was messing with a married man...since y'all seem to have such a problem with Christians...go bother the Muslims on this one...we are far, far more tolerant
That's not the cool thing to do, plus they have this knack for blowing stuff up.
That's not the cool thing to do, plus they have this knack for blowing stuff up.
I tried talking to her, and she had no misgivings about inserting herself into someone's marriage who had kids...and had no remorse about it...and I was like 'ok, then, go be a ho, but you're not going to do it with me as a friend, I want no part of this'
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