Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

But what unique upheaval has the Gen Z population faced compared to other generations? We've all faced different stuff, but what is unique about Gen Z other than there seems to be a lot of confusion over what is considered normal. Maybe it's more societal because the rules keep changing, and Gen Z has a shifting foundation. After all, the rest of us knew what sex we were ... it's not that complicated ... really, but Gen Z seems to struggle with simple stuff like that.
Any generation raised by social media is going to struggle. Increase in isolated kids who feel their self worth is through how many followers or likes they get.
Not true. There were others in the open area who were able to get to a secure area before being mowed down.

And then move on the other recent school shootings.
But, if you want to take the stance that school shootings would be no worse if the shooter was armed with a fully automatic, go ahead and make that stance clear. Because then everyone will know you are full of it.
If an AR will fire 900 RPM then it wouldn't have mattered if she had full auto or not.
I know you think you are the militia. the brave men that are standing between freedom and tyranny.
Most find that laughable.....delusional....
The militia they wrote about ALWAYS was accompanied by the words WELL REGULATED. The individual gun owners, such as yourself, who claim to be "that militia" are anything but "well regulated." That group makes up what possibly may be the most poorly regulated group in human history. They (you) fight against every single measure that even approaches "well regulated".
You guys have bastardized half of 2A while ignoring the other half.


You and who you are arguing with have it wrong.

The 2A grants the states the right to have and maintain a well regulated militia free from federal control. Each state is allowed to have it's own Army. Completely separate from that right is the right of the people to be armed. One is not dependent on the other, a state could choose not to have a militia and it's people would still maintain the right to bear arms.
good for them...the great thing about this country.. we can all parent how like..I just know personally, it would take awhile to process...and there is nothing wrong with that

There are plenty of accepting parents out there, as Dink said. That doesn't mean they were always accepting or were immediately all on board like nothing ever happened. And you can be supportive immediately, but truly accepting the reality of the information could take a while. I imagine I would be immediately supportive, but I would struggle with accepting the situation (not necessarily struggle with accepting my kid) for a while.
If I'm not mistaken you have publicly stated here there is no need for citizens to have access to military grade weapons. AR-15 etc. Am I mistaken?
I do not believe citizens should have access to automatic weapons and/or military grade weapons -
outside of the context of a well regulated militia

I'm all for citizens having access within the context of a well regulated militia,
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good for them...the great thing about this country.. we can all parent how like..I just know personally, it would take awhile to process...and there is nothing wrong with that (and you didn't answer my question)..I was also a liberal before I had kids lol...imaginary kids differ a lot from actual kids

I'm not a liberal. I'm fiscally conservative and the BoR is sacred to me. I just don't have a stick up my butt about alternative lifestyles.
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There are plenty of accepting parents out there, as Dink said. That doesn't mean they were always accepting or were immediately all on board like nothing ever happened. And you can be supportive immediately, but truly accepting the reality of the information could take a while. I imagine I would be immediately supportive, but I would struggle with accepting the situation (not necessarily struggle with accepting my kid) for a while.
Natural reaction for many parents is a sense of failure on their part. It obviously isn't, but they have to get through it. I think thoughts of what it means for your child from a societal perspective are also natural. In my experience, the initial support you mention is the most important piece. The deeper acceptance may take time.
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I would get pretty damn close to emulating Switzerland's laws.
Was Switzerland the country that never did Covid lockdowns? Or was that Sweden? I think a lot of these European countries have a lot less people and a different cultural I'm not sure that what works there would work here on 330 million people mad at each other, and counting
It depends on the family. Mine, being loving, accepting, and empathetic... well, if my 35 year-old sister came for family dinner and said "Mom, dad, I've been living a lie. I'm gay," they'd probably just hit her with a "well whoopty doo, can you pass the green beans?"
Those are the ones that say “we’ve known for a long time”
I do not believe citizens should have access to automatic weapons and/or military grade weapons -
outside of the context of a well regulated militia

I'm all for citizens having access within the context of a well regulated militia,
The context of a well regulated militia in this case was private ownership of those weapons......... So no, you do not. You believe well regulated militia means arms being under strict control of government. That was never the intent.
I know you think you are the militia. the brave men that are standing between freedom and tyranny.
Most find that laughable.....delusional....
The militia they wrote about ALWAYS was accompanied by the words WELL REGULATED. The individual gun owners, such as yourself, who claim to be "that militia" are anything but "well regulated." That group makes up what possibly may be the most poorly regulated group in human history. They (you) fight against every single measure that even approaches "well regulated".
You guys have bastardized half of 2A while ignoring the other half.
Keep laughing looth. The gun owners now will become that militia should it ever be necessary. That fact that you fear us so much simple goes to confirm it's necessity. People like you that are ready to hand over our rights because you think moron's like Biden will protect you are the very reason that we arm and keep arming. Am I afraid, yes I am. I am scared of every single sheep like yourself that is allowed to vote. You support gun bans every single day and that scares me.
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You and who you are arguing with have it wrong.

The 2A grants the states the right to have and maintain a well regulated militia free from federal control. Each state is allowed to have it's own Army. Completely separate from that right is the right of the people to be armed. One is not dependent on the other, a state could choose not to have a militia and it's people would still maintain the right to bear arms.
Yeah, don't think I have it wrong Hog. No one died and left you the only constitutional scholar on VN. I am just more granular than you are. Ask yourself, who that well regulated militia will be made up of if and when it is needed and where the arms will come from. Then you will see why my answer is correct. Think beyond your nose brother.
There are plenty of accepting parents out there, as Dink said. That doesn't mean they were always accepting or were immediately all on board like nothing ever happened. And you can be supportive immediately, but truly accepting the reality of the information could take a while. I imagine I would be immediately supportive, but I would struggle with accepting the situation (not necessarily struggle with accepting my kid) for a while.
I can see that..I would love them, but not necessarily love their choices...just like if they went to prison I would still love them, but not what they did (not that it's the same thing) I have a gay aunt and she knows it makes us uncomfortable, so she is not all up in your face about it..I'm never going to be comfortable discussing family member's sex lives whatever they are lol... I get no indication of this, it doesn't look like it is something we will have to deal with...thank would take time to work through and I would struggle with it, if I am being honest...I would probably fake being accepting at the beginning, but I really wouldn't be....I'd be really disappointed
My cousin was similar. She is not gay, but she went away to LSU and got brainwashed into the SJW hivemind/cult. She became militant about it and completely disowned her parents (for not being progressive enough for her new sensibilities) and moved to the complete opposite side of the country. She had three kids and to this day has not allowed her parents to come visit to meet the kids. Just so sh*tty. And her upbringing was not some buttoned up super conservative church going lifestyle. They lived in New Orleans and were fairly progressive raising her.

Probably a little more complex than that.
Natural reaction for many parents is a sense of failure on their part. It obviously isn't, but they have to get through it. I think thoughts of what it means for your child from a societal perspective is also natural. In my experience, the initial support you mention is the most important piece. The deeper acceptance may take time.

nice to see you gcb - hope all is well
I can see that..I would love them, but not necessarily love their choices...just like if they went to prison I would still love them, but not what they did (not that it's the same thing) I have a gay aunt and she knows it makes us uncomfortable, so she is not all up in your face about it..I'm never going to be comfortable discussing family member's sex lives whatever they are lol... I get no indication of this, it doesn't look like it is something we will have to deal with...thank would take time to work through and I would struggle with it, if I am being honest...I would probably fake being accepting at the beginning, but I really wouldn't be....I'd be really disappointed

I am not sure why it would bother you so much. You compare going to prison with being gay. That seems pretty damn harsh.
Yeah, don't think I have it wrong Hog. No one died and left you the only constitutional scholar on VN. I am just more granular than you are. Ask yourself, who that well regulated militia will be made up of if and when it is needed and where the arms will come from. Then you will see why my answer is correct. Think beyond your nose brother.

The well regulated militia would be made up of the residents of the state and the arms could come from state arsenals or personally owned weapons it doesn't matter.

Where you and Luther have it wrong is when you (and maybe I'm reading you wrong) associate the "well regulated militia" with "the right of the people to keep and bear arms". The right of the people is not dependent on the state having a militia as there is no requirement in the constitution for a state to have a militia the 2A simply grants the states the right to have one free of federal control. The 2 have nothing to do with each other.

The "well regulated" means that the militia will be under the control of the state civilian government and not an autonomous force and it has nothing to do with regulating the arms of the people.

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