Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I don't know. I guess we just live in different realities. Exactly what militia will that be? What does that scenario look like?
The bigger danger is that the nutty gun-crazed right will form a militia when a militia is neither needed or desired.

Think Jan. 6.....
Yet the only one murdered was unarmed
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Anyone who would own more than 5 rifles is clearly unstable in some mental capacity.

We just need to discern the exact nature of their deficiency.

Don’t worry. We’ll find it.

Right? No way having the psych community screening/approving gun ownership would go wrong. "Two weeks to flatten the citizen..."

And obviously none want actual violently mentally-ill people to have weapons, but that bar must be a lot higher than I see folks talking about, or it will be used to fornicate gun owners over a barrel.

@C-south If it sounds like I'm shouting at anyone, I'm only using words for effect. These are not emotional conversations for me, but purposeful ones.
Nope, to the contrary. The basis of my argument was that it is ridiculous that there is almost no ability to legally prevent mentally incompetent individuals from possessing weapons - the definitions are narrow and the ability to enforce is almost non existent...

What is the vetting criteria you'd impose, if able?
Which perfectly highlights that 1776 and 2023 are vastly different. That's where original intent factors in.


Actually it isn’t different and the original intent still applies. Afghanistan showed that a vastly less trained and equipped insurgency can still win even when outgunned and less trained.
Libs of TikTok
Today a violent group of insurrectionists stormed the Tennessee Capitol. This is worse than 9/11.
Literally shaking.

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I'm not sure how else I can explain it to Luther, I think his resistance to see what was so beautifully laid out as right by our founding fathers is on purpose. It goes against his view of government.

Our founding fathers were so skeptical of centralizing government and so opposed the idea of government overreach they purposefully separated powers.

They also knew that if government did become too powerful there could be the need for the citizenry to take up arms against it. So to ensure they had power to that end they enshrined access to arms via the 2nd.

It's so opposed on every level to being regulated by the government that resistance to that understanding must be either willful or ignorant.
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Actually it isn’t different and the original intent still applies. Afghanistan showed that a vastly less trained and equipped insurgency can still win even when outgunned and less trained.

I wouldn't say they were "less trained" by any means. They've been fighting for 2,000 years. Warfare is in their DNA practically.
Of course, a little perspective is always useful.

After all.......“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

I view it as my civic duty to make it harder for people to forget the actual truth of Trumpism.
Which perfectly highlights that 1776 and 2023 are vastly different. That's where original intent factors in.
Ah, the old loothur dichotomy. If only he felt as strongly about tyrannical governments.
I feel that you open a hole for the Luthers of the world to drive their gun grabbing agenda through when you tie the 2 sections together in anyway.

When you say 'gun grabbing', it sounds like grabbin all guns which is not the intent.
Ah, the old loothur dichotomy. If only he felt as strongly about tyrannical governments.
It's good to be leery of governments becoming tyrannical (ie. Russia and China) but it's a balance. That doesn't mean there should be exceptionally lethal weapons spread broadly throughout the population.
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I do not believe citizens should have access to automatic weapons and/or military grade weapons -
outside of the context of a well regulated militia

I'm all for citizens having access within the context of a well regulated militia,
Which seems perfectly reasonable.
It was written in 1776 to protect us in 2023 which can be seen from your posts that it is needed now more than ever. Everytime I read you and your sister's posts it convinces more and more that this year I will buy enough ammo to support my own well regulated militia. You and your entire progressive party is after all of it. You continue to lie but we all see through it.
Sounds prone to conspiracies and a bit paranoid.

Actually it isn’t different and the original intent still applies. Afghanistan showed that a vastly less trained and equipped insurgency can still win even when outgunned and less trained.

Which is what makes the comments on F-15’s, and nukes, and comedy bits on drone strikes so stupid.

The US Military can roll over whatever it chooses. It is what comes after that is unpalatable.
It's good to be leery of governments becoming tyrannical (ie. Russia and China) but it's a balance. That doesn't mean there should be exceptionally lethal weapons spread broadly throughout the population.
Right up until the point that those weapons are needed and all controlled by the tyrants you are fighting.
When you say 'gun grabbing', it sounds like grabbin all guns which is not the intent.

It is the intent otherwise why after every tragedy does "bans" lead off as the solution? You may not feel that way but every gun control supporter is lying through their teeth when they say "we don't want to ban all guns".

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