Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis
CBS News told staffers to "avoid any mention" of the transgender Nashville Christian school shooter being transgender, according to a leaked memo obtained by the NY Post.
It does. Good grief man you can't be serious.
It does not limit but it reduces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read it over and over, one word at a time, and then two words at a time.

Maybe you can understand with a simpler, non-gun related, scenario.

McDonalds increases the price of a Big Mac to $17.
They do not limit the number a person can purchase, but the number people purchase will be reduced.

Get it?
Reduction without limitation.

But I also have some reasonable proposals that would set limits. (but that's a different debate)

You just said you were eliminating resales. How is that increasing price?
This is in their Give a Mouse a Cookie handbook:

We're going to have to take one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily — given the political realities — going to be very modest. Right now, though, we'd be satisfied not with half a loaf but with a slice. Our ultimate goal — total control of handguns in the United States — is going to take time. My estimate is from seven to ten years. The problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns sold in this country. The second problem is to get them all registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition — except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors — totally illegal.
It's the old, "how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

Despite the fact that over 90% of mass shootings are committed by handguns, they go after the ARs. ARs are way easier to use in manipulating the populace through their propagandised media. That fact is easily provable by what we see here in this very thread by a handful of gullible sheep that know zero about what they're talking about.

Remove ARs and then the next mass shooting using a semi auto rifle of any type the answer will be "Do we really need semi autos to hunt with?" Then those will be on the ban list. Then when someone uses a semi auto handgun, the answer will be "do we really need semi auto anything?" Then those will be on the ban list. Then someone will use a .45 long colt revolver, and then "do we really need calibers that large?" Before you know it the populace will be regulated to muskets. It has nothing to do with saving children's lives, the democrat controlled media will tell you that, it's about power and control over the populace.
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This is in their Give a Mouse a Cookie handbook:

We're going to have to take one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily — given the political realities — going to be very modest. Right now, though, we'd be satisfied not with half a loaf but with a slice. Our ultimate goal — total control of handguns in the United States — is going to take time. My estimate is from seven to ten years. The problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns sold in this country. The second problem is to get them all registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition — except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors — totally illegal.
It's more from the compromise and negotiation handbook.
You just said you were eliminating resales. How is that increasing price?
The McDonalds example was only meant to highlight the concept of "reduction without limitation".
Price is in no way the only way to achieve that result.
It does. Good grief man you can't be serious.
It does not limit but it reduces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read it over and over, one word at a time, and then two words at a time.

Maybe you can understand with a simpler, non-gun related, scenario.

McDonalds increases the price of a Big Mac to $17.
They do not limit the number a person can purchase, but the number people purchase will be reduced.

Get it?
Reduction without limitation.

But I also have some reasonable proposals that would set limits. (but that's a different debate)

“Shall not be infringed” says nothing about reducing anything. It’s sad that the very government you want to give more power to has failed us with the “reducing” system we already have in place. You’re as inept as they are.
Lol. You're idea of compromise is a little different than most. I ask for this, you ask for this, I get nothing, you get everything, or maybe a little less than you asked for. It's hilarious how the communist mind works.

You are arguing with a guy who thinks political rancor will go away with Trump.
He's a dyed in the wool communist. Ask him about property rights.
I got a former co-worker that spews much of the same nonsense. His views on healthcare are incredible. Govt ran of course. Doctors should make around the average annual income of most Americans. 50-60k. To keep them honest. Also, he thinks all his appointments should be scheduled by the Govt. And they should call him to remind him the day before.

He wants a mommy is what he’s saying.
Such a tired and shallow argument.
I know it was so shallow and tired it had the unintended affect on alcohol and now drugs. What's tired is the call for bans that make non of us safer, let's make attempts to actual curb violence instead of selling warm and fuzzies that don't materialize.
The motivation for purchasing with intent to resell would be reduced.

The motivation for purchasing with intent to resell means there’s demand. The demand will be unchanged so why wouldn’t they just buy the guns direct?

Are you being willfully ignorant at this point? You’re proclaiming it’ll reduce the number of guns sold but you refuse to state how.
I got a former co-worker that spews much of the same nonsense. His views on healthcare are incredible. Govt ran of course. Doctors should make around the average annual income of most Americans. 50-60k. To keep them honest. Also, he thinks all his appointments should be scheduled by the Govt. And they should call him to remind him the day before.

He wants a mommy is what he’s saying.
They're commies and don't even recognize it. I had an old missionary tell me when I was in my teens that communism would take over the United States without ever firing a shot. I laughed and said no way, Americans would never give up our freedoms. It absolutely is happening right before our eyes.
Lol wut? Criminals don't have full auto weapons? Chicago says hi
Of course they do. Who said they didn't? Certainly NEVER me.
You guys have the reading comprehension skills of a fourth grader.
Which ironically enough, is what Fox as its audience target level.
Hopefully that will come out during the Dominion suit.
Lol. You're idea of compromise is a little different than most. I ask for this, you ask for this, I get nothing, you get everything, or maybe a little less than you asked for. It's hilarious how the communist mind works.
I think most everyone has the same definition....

  1. an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

  1. 1. settle a dispute by mutual concession.
2. accept standards that are lower than is desirable.
I know it was so shallow and tired it had the unintended affect on alcohol and now drugs. What's tired is the call for bans that make non of us safer, let's make attempts to actual curb violence instead of selling warm and fuzzies that don't materialize.
I'm all for making those conjunction with.

There is not one thing that causes the problem and there will never be just one things that solves the problem.
That's where you're wrong. It's people like me that will ensure your rights are actually worth having. I no longer expect you to understand that.
So you are going to decide what rights we get and what we don't. You're right, I don't understand how anyone that has enjoyed the liberties that they have had growing up in this country to make a statement like the one above. I wouldn't trust you as a crossing guard, much less to "make my rights worth having". You are one ****ed up individual.
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