Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

The motivation for purchasing with intent to resell means there’s demand. The demand will be unchanged so why wouldn’t they just buy the guns direct?

Are you being willfully ignorant at this point? You’re proclaiming it’ll reduce the number of guns sold but you refuse to state how.
Of course there is demand, how the hell do you think so many "legally" purchased guns find their way into the hands of criminals in places like Chicago. (moving forward I will use Chicago as the default to represent all the urban areas the right loves to demonize)

And what is "it"? If "it" is a national registry and limited liability for the person who the gun is registered when the gun is used in the commission of a crime. Then "it" will reduce the number of new guns being "legally" purchased with the intent to illegally resell by accurately tracking the "owner" of the gun and holding them partially liable for its use.
So you are going to decide what rights we get and what we don't. You're right, I don't understand how anyone that has enjoyed the liberties that they have had growing up in this country to make a statement like the one above. I wouldn't trust you as a crossing guard, much less to "make my rights worth having". You are one ****ed up individual.
Of course I don't decide, WE decide. As a society, which you are as much a member as am I.
What concessions are you willing yo make? Repealing the NFA?
This is how compromise works: I want a one month waiting period, you want a one minute waiting period; we compromise on 10 days. Neither of us got what we wanted or thought was best, but we both prefer that compromised outcome over the other side getting exactly what they wanted.

But there could be compromise on NFA. We will allow certain types of silencers in exchange for a national registry....something like that......compromise.
This is how compromise works: I want a one month waiting period, you want a one minute waiting period; we compromise on 10 days. Neither of us got what we wanted or thought was best, but we both prefer that compromised outcome over the other side getting exactly what they wanted.

But there could be compromise on NFA. We will allow certain types of silencers in exchange for a national registry....something like that......compromise.
No I want a zero waiting period. Thats not how compromises work. The the communist definition comrad. In your scenario im the only one losing. See how that works?
No I want a zero waiting period. Thats not how compromises work. The the communist definition comrad. In your scenario im the only one losing. See how that works?
You lost 10 days, I lost 20. I lost (compromised) more than you did.
Again with that two dimensional misinterpretation.
Why would a registry lead to seizure? The amount of unjustified fear and paranoia is shocking.....while being blinded to the real issues (curious who is programming you guys to function that way). But you certainly and willingly fall into lockstep.

I’m every country that enacted or required registration it lead to seizures.
You've lost nothing. If I have $50 and you say give me $20, I've lost $20 and you've lost nothing. Are you really this stupid?
Okay, so maybe my example wasn't the best since the current law is 0 days. I should have said we will throw in some silencers, or when waiting periods were first being negotiated.
Okay, so maybe my example wasn't the best since the current law is 0 days. I should have said we will throw in some silencers, or when waiting periods were first being negotiated.

The current isn’t alway 0 days. Sometimes it’s more. If you get delayed they have up to 3 business days to get back to you with either everything is good or you’ve been denied. After 3 days however the gun can be legally transferred to the buyer due to the ineptitude of the government agency performing the background check. It’s great you’re willing to compromise on things you are COMPLETELY IGNORANT about.
The Mirror Savaged for Since-Deleted Profiling Nashville Shooting Suspect as 'Whimsical' and 'Childlike'

With one of the worst takes on Monday's shooting that took place at the Covenant School in Nashville, the Mirror has reminded how it is indeed a tabloid. In an article which no longer exists on the site--there's an error message--the tabloid provided a profile of the suspect, Audrey Hale, going in depth about what her art teacher told them, including how she was "whimsical" and "childlike."

It appears that great lengths were taken to scrub such a take, since archived versions of the article still show the error message. The Mirror also appears to tried to do so quietly, without a note about the deleted article or accompanying tweets. So, they went with such a heinous tweet, and then tried to cover it up. People kept the receipts though.

The Mirror Savaged for Since-Deleted Profiling Nashville Shooting Suspect as 'Whimsical' and 'Childlike'
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By making resale more difficult. Having a national registry, limited liability for every gun registered to you.

Here's my basic premise.
There are people who legally buy guns with the intent to resale illegally (they may have to act like they are not being purchased for resale, and the original seller may have to act like he doesn't know they are being purchased for resale) but they just giggle about how intentionally ineffective gun laws are. They are basically being allowed to commit criminal activity under the guise of being law abiding citizens.

Are you open to a national registry of women who received an abortion and the doctors who performed the procedure?

This way we can identify and make sure follow-up is performed with the woman with needed care for this traumatic event. It will also allow us to see the number of procedures performed by individual doctors where we can make sure needed resources like social workers are there in the office to ensure all factors are discussed, both pro/con. The goal of course for all this is to make sure this procedure is rare as both sides have clearly stated.
Are you open to a national registry of women who received an abortion and the doctors who performed the procedure?

This way we can identify and make sure follow-up is performed with the woman with needed care for this traumatic event. It will also allow us to see the number of procedures performed by individual doctors where we can make sure needed resources like social workers are there in the office to ensure all factors are discussed, both pro/con. The goal of course for all this is to make sure this procedure is rare as both sides have clearly stated.
Now we're talking. National registry for both.
The Mirror Savaged for Since-Deleted Profiling Nashville Shooting Suspect as 'Whimsical' and 'Childlike'

With one of the worst takes on Monday's shooting that took place at the Covenant School in Nashville, the Mirror has reminded how it is indeed a tabloid. In an article which no longer exists on the site--there's an error message--the tabloid provided a profile of the suspect, Audrey Hale, going in depth about what her art teacher told them, including how she was "whimsical" and "childlike."

It appears that great lengths were taken to scrub such a take, since archived versions of the article still show the error message. The Mirror also appears to tried to do so quietly, without a note about the deleted article or accompanying tweets. So, they went with such a heinous tweet, and then tried to cover it up. People kept the receipts though.

The Mirror Savaged for Since-Deleted Profiling Nashville Shooting Suspect as 'Whimsical' and 'Childlike'
Honestly, she might have been at some point. I’d be curious as to when her mental change occurred.
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Trans activists clash with masked Neo-Nazis in violent brawl outside Supreme Court - after 'Trans Day of Vengeance' was canceled due to 'credible threat to life' in the wake of Nashville massacre

A fight broke out in front of the Supreme Court Saturday between pro-transgender activists and masked neo-Nazis despite the cancelation of the 'Trans Day of Vengeance' in the wake of the Nashville mass murder.

Only a few people on either side of the transgender culture war attended after the event was called off due to warnings of a 'credible threat to life and safety' by pro-trans activists.

The video, captured by a reporter for The Post Millennial, shows a man in a red shirt confronting two masked men with a sign that said 'Revolt Against F***otry 1488,' a combination of two known Nazi code numbers.

Trans activists clash with masked Neo-Nazis in violent brawl outside Supreme Court | Daily Mail Online

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