Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

We see things a little differently.
The thing you worry about (the fed) grows, because the things I worry about are not adequately addressed in the absence of government. Maybe if you redirected your worry, the thing you are most worried about would no longer deserve as much worry.

We see things alot differently. A fact I’m extremely thankful for.
I am talking about reducing the number of new guns sold.

Not with this specific proposal. This would just naturally reduce the sell but not limit the sell.

I have plenty of reasonable proposals that would limit sells.

So your plan does not reduce the number of new guns sold. Despite you saying it did earlier
Why would I care if am liable for a gun registered to me? Honest and law abiding gun owners should be pleading for this.
Because it is all of you honest and law abiding gun owners (which is the vast majority) that are inconvenienced because of the dishonest and unlawful gun owners.

Life lesson 101 - the innocent ALWAYS suffer because of the guilty.
Life lesson 102 - given 101, it is incumbent on the innocent to make it increasingly less attractive to be guilty.

The innocent always suffer because of people like you.
So you’re not actually going to limit the availability of guns nor the sale of guns.
I've had this conversation with him before. He proposes legislation that does not remedy a problem. What will happen a few months later when something happens gun grabbers don't like is they propose new legislation that goes further than the previous "rational and reasonable" legislation.

He readily admits his suggestions of limiting the increase of purchase of firearms does not reduce the number of firearms. Only the rate of increase of purchase. The amount of guns in circulation has not decreased and will not do so which is supposedly the problem according to gun grabbers.

So in Lutherland his legislation after much debate and negotiation goes into effect that supposedly will reduce gun crime. Negatively affecting millions of law abiding gun owners. What happens 4 months later when another trans person shoots up a building? The govt pretends the previous legislation never happened and we get "WE NEED RATIONABLE AND REASONABLE GUN CONTROL LAWS". That will do what? Nothing but infringe on law abiding gun owners who aren't the problem to begin with.

As Hog said they want a registry for confiscation.
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Not in the least. School shootings account for an infinitesimal amount of gun violence. You guys are always talking about the unnoticed children being killed in places like Chicago. These proposals address the much larger problem.
There are already laws banning many different guns in Illinois. And a federal ban on automatic weapons...... But both are rampant in and around Chicago and other cities there.

The bans haven't stopped gun violence. All you do is create a black market, prohibition simply doesn't work.
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Trans Anti-Christian Video Game Attacking ‘Gender-Critical Tyrants’ Released Months Before School Attack


A video game featuring a transgender hero who shoots down trans critics — including priests — in order to allow players to “unleash [their] pent-up fury upon the gender-critical tyrants with an arsenal of deadly weapons” was published by a trans game developer two months before Monday’s Christian school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee.

Trans Anti-Christian Video Game Released 2 Months Before School Attack
OK, now I'm up on the latest LGBTQI+ lingo and slang, but wtf is a "terf"?
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Either that or put Luth in charge. Same outcome, different approach.
Luther's "rational and reasonable" approach is just a copy of the gun grabbers format laid out years ago.

Back in 1976, Pete Shields, chairman of what is today the Brady Campaign, candidly laid out the blueprint for The New Yorker:

We're going to have to take one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily — given the political realities — going to be very modest. Right now, though, we'd be satisfied not with half a loaf but with a slice. Our ultimate goal — total control of handguns in the United States — is going to take time. My estimate is from seven to ten years. The problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns sold in this country. The second problem is to get them all registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition — except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors — totally illegal.

Why Gun Owners Are Right to Fight Against Gun Control

Sound like someone we know in this forum?
There are many things in life far more deserving of our distrust.
I don't trust the government, but I trust it much more than the absence of government.
I don't trust the government, but I trust it much more than unchecked and unregulated corporate greed.
I don't trust the government, but I trust it much more than the crackhead with an AR-15.
The federal government via it's unregulated agencies supplied both the crack and often the AR to the crackhead.

I don't trust either, but one is a much bigger threat to me than the other.
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Why would I care if am liable for a gun registered to me? Honest and law abiding gun owners should be pleading for this.
Because it is all of you honest and law abiding gun owners (which is the vast majority) that are inconvenienced because of the dishonest and unlawful gun owners.

Life lesson 101 - the innocent ALWAYS suffer because of the guilty.
Life lesson 102 - given 101, it is incumbent on the innocent to make it increasingly less attractive to be guilty.

Because if someone steals your vehicle and runs over 10 people you are 100% liable.
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So your plan does not reduce the number of new guns sold. Despite you saying it did earlier
It does. Good grief man you can't be serious.
It does not limit but it reduces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read it over and over, one word at a time, and then two words at a time.

Maybe you can understand with a simpler, non-gun related, scenario.

McDonalds increases the price of a Big Mac to $17.
They do not limit the number a person can purchase, but the number people purchase will be reduced.

Get it?
Reduction without limitation.

But I also have some reasonable proposals that would set limits. (but that's a different debate)
Because if someone steals your vehicle and runs over 10 people you are 100% liable.
Good point. But go even further. According to leftist media, an SUV is capable of acting on its own. Can’t be too careful @C-south. Make sure you always keep an eye on your car. You may wake up one morning and find out that it started itself and ran over a bunch of people, completely on its own, while you were asleep. You will be liable!!!

The innocent always suffer because of people like you.
That's where you're wrong. It's people like me that will ensure your rights are actually worth having. I no longer expect you to understand that.
Loother is a died in the wool communist. He knows the 2nd amendment stands in the way for his full tyrannical, democrat government takeover. We already see several steps toward that goal and he supports them all. Weoponize the judicial system, judges, federal law enforcement, the doj. Control the media and use it as a propaganda arm. Remove guns to minimize resistance. Devide the population into groups and make it us or them mentality. He, his president and the DNC are bought and paid for by radical communist including China. They truly hate the constitution.
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No he just wants a registry for seizure.
Again with that two dimensional misinterpretation.
Why would a registry lead to seizure? The amount of unjustified fear and paranoia is shocking.....while being blinded to the real issues (curious who is programming you guys to function that way). But you certainly and willingly fall into lockstep.
There are already laws banning many different guns in Illinois. And a federal ban on automatic weapons...... But both are rampant in and around Chicago and other cities there.

The bans haven't stopped gun violence. All you do is create a black market, prohibition simply doesn't work.
Such a tired and shallow argument.
I've had this conversation with him before. He proposes legislation that does not remedy a problem. What will happen a few months later when something happens gun grabbers don't like is they propose new legislation that goes further than the previous "rational and reasonable" legislation.

He readily admits his suggestions of limiting the increase of purchase of firearms does not reduce the number of firearms. Only the rate of increase of purchase. The amount of guns in circulation has not decreased and will not do so which is supposedly the problem according to gun grabbers.
What??????? Limiting the increase certainly reduces the number that would have been purchased otherwise.
I was very clear. Multiple times. I'll try again..................
New sells of 13,000,000 in 2024 is less than, and therefore better, than 2024 new sells of 17,000,000.
No need to grab a calculator, I'll do the work for you....that is an increase of 13,000,000 which is 4,000,000 less than an increase of 17,000,000. Said another way, there would be 4,000,000 less guns in circulation at the end of 2024 if proposal A is implemented than if it is not.

So in Lutherland his legislation after much debate and negotiation goes into effect that supposedly will reduce gun crime. Negatively affecting millions of law abiding gun owners. What happens 4 months later when another trans person shoots up a building? The govt pretends the previous legislation never happened and we get "WE NEED RATIONABLE AND REASONABLE GUN CONTROL LAWS". That will do what? Nothing but infringe on law abiding gun owners who aren't the problem to begin with.
This is simply to ridiculous to even warrant a response.
As Hog said they want a registry for confiscation.
Please do better
Loother is a died in the wool communist. He knows the 2nd amendment stands in the way for his full tyrannical, democrat government takeover. We already see several steps toward that goal and he supports them all. Weoponize the judicial system, judges, federal law enforcement, the doj. Control the media and use it as a propaganda arm. Remove guns to minimize resistance. Devide the population into groups and make it us or them mentality. He, his president and the DNC are bought and paid for by radical communist including China. They truly hate the constitution.
That is just so incredibly insane it's jaw-dropping. I'm seriously dumbfounded by the level to which many of you have been zombified. I just have to keep reminding myself that the right-wing nuts in the PF represent a very small minority.

The irony to me is that you guys claim to be all about freedom yet refuse to take advantage of the most important freedom of all.
The freedom to think for yourself.
This is in their Give a Mouse a Cookie handbook:

We're going to have to take one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily — given the political realities — going to be very modest. Right now, though, we'd be satisfied not with half a loaf but with a slice. Our ultimate goal — total control of handguns in the United States — is going to take time. My estimate is from seven to ten years. The problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns sold in this country. The second problem is to get them all registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition — except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors — totally illegal.
That is just so incredibly insane it's jaw-dropping. I'm seriously dumbfounded by the level to which many of you have been zombified. I just have to keep reminding myself that the right-wing nuts in the PF represent a very small minority.

The irony to me is that you guys claim to be all about freedom yet refuse to take advantage of the most important freedom of all.
The freedom to think for yourself.
Zombie is exactly what I see when I read your post. You're 100% communist as is the leadership of your party. Your president should be in prison for treason. We have bank records showing millions were paid to the bidens by China. He's a treasonous criminal and your support for it along with their policy shows exactly the kind of person you are.

What's the difference between liberal and communism? The spelling.
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