I've had this conversation with him before. He proposes legislation that does not remedy a problem. What will happen a few months later when something happens gun grabbers don't like is they propose new legislation that goes further than the previous "rational and reasonable" legislation.
He readily admits his suggestions of limiting the increase of purchase of firearms does not reduce the number of firearms. Only the rate of increase of purchase. The amount of guns in circulation has not decreased and will not do so which is supposedly the problem according to gun grabbers.
What??????? Limiting the increase certainly reduces the number that would have been purchased otherwise.
I was very clear. Multiple times. I'll try again..................
New sells of 13,000,000 in 2024 is less than, and therefore better, than 2024 new sells of 17,000,000.
No need to grab a calculator, I'll do the work for you....that is an increase of 13,000,000 which is 4,000,000 less than an increase of 17,000,000. Said another way, there would be 4,000,000 less guns in circulation at the end of 2024 if proposal A is implemented than if it is not.
So in Lutherland his legislation after much debate and negotiation goes into effect that supposedly will reduce gun crime. Negatively affecting millions of law abiding gun owners. What happens 4 months later when another trans person shoots up a building? The govt pretends the previous legislation never happened and we get "WE NEED RATIONABLE AND REASONABLE GUN CONTROL LAWS". That will do what? Nothing but infringe on law abiding gun owners who aren't the problem to begin with.
This is simply to ridiculous to even warrant a response.
As Hog said they want a registry for confiscation.