Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

How? You’ve not said anything about limiting demand or supply.
By making resale more difficult. Having a national registry, limited liability for every gun registered to you.

Here's my basic premise.
There are people who legally buy guns with the intent to resale illegally (they may have to act like they are not being purchased for resale, and the original seller may have to act like he doesn't know they are being purchased for resale) but they just giggle about how intentionally ineffective gun laws are. They are basically being allowed to commit criminal activity under the guise of being law abiding citizens.
By making resale more difficult. Having a national registry, limited liability for every gun registered to you.

Here's my basic premise.
There are people who legally buy guns with the intent to resale illegally (they may have to act like they are not being purchased for resale, and the original seller may have to act like he doesn't know they are being purchased for resale) but they just giggle about how intentionally ineffective gun laws are. They are basically being allowed to commit criminal activity under the guise of being law abiding citizens.

And how would a national registry prevent that?
By making resale more difficult. Having a national registry, limited liability for every gun registered to you.

Here's my basic premise.
There are people who legally buy guns with the intent to resale illegally (they may have to act like they are not being purchased for resale, and the original seller may have to act like he doesn't know they are being purchased for resale) but they just giggle about how intentionally ineffective gun laws are. They are basically being allowed to commit criminal activity under the guise of being law abiding citizens.
Do you have any solutions for the real problem? You know, the mentally ill people who commit these heinous crimes. Guns are not the problem. They've never been the problem. They're just a diversion to distract us from the lack of adequate identification and treatment for the mentally ill.
And how would a national registry prevent that?
If guns were instantly traceable to the owner on record, and the owner on record assumed some liability for the gun being used in an unlawful way, then people would be more motivated to make sure they were not the registered owner of guns they no longer controlled.
Do you have any solutions for the real problem? You know, the mentally ill people who commit these heinous crimes. Guns are not the problem. They've never been the problem. They're just a diversion to distract us from the lack of adequate identification and treatment for the mentally ill.
I've have tons of recommendations that will address the problem. Same with guns.
If guns were instantly traceable to the owner on record, and the owner on record assumed some liability for the gun being used in an unlawful way, then people would be more motivated to make sure they were not the registered owner of guns they no longer controlled.

Oh, so you want perpetual liability laws and not just a registry.

Why do you people want more federal control over your lives?
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If guns were instantly traceable to the owner on record, and the owner on record assumed some liability for the gun being used in an unlawful way, then people would be more motivated to make sure they were not the registered owner of guns they no longer controlled.
You assume way too much. You expect law abiding citizens to follow the law ,which for the most part they do, but criminals….. Common sense is difficult but possible. My opinion ,as a gun owner and supporter of the 2nd amendment, all guns period should not be sold to anyone under the age of 21 unless you are 18 and honorably discharged from the service. Everyone has to take a minimum 8 hour hunter safety course and show proof as such just like I did to a receive a concealed weapon permit. That proof would have your license number just like your concealed permit and that would have to be shown to purchase a gun or ammo. All second hand sales have to go through an ffl. People think the government is going to keep track of your guns? Who cares. You think they throw away your background check on a new purchase? I say hell no they don’t. If the argument for gun ownership is to help keep the government in check yeah right. They have tanks and bombs and missiles and would not hesitate to use them on us if need be.
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Oh, so you want perpetual liability laws and not just a registry.

Why do you people want more federal control over your lives?
Why would I care if am liable for a gun registered to me? Honest and law abiding gun owners should be pleading for this.
Because it is all of you honest and law abiding gun owners (which is the vast majority) that are inconvenienced because of the dishonest and unlawful gun owners.

Life lesson 101 - the innocent ALWAYS suffer because of the guilty.
Life lesson 102 - given 101, it is incumbent on the innocent to make it increasingly less attractive to be guilty.
If guns were instantly traceable to the owner on record, and the owner on record assumed some liability for the gun being used in an unlawful way, then people would be more motivated to make sure they were not the registered owner of guns they no longer controlled.
Pick a recent shooting........ Like the one that has sparked this discussion and apply what you're proposing to the situation........ Would it have changed the outcome?
Oh, so you want perpetual liability laws and not just a registry.

Why do you people want more federal control over your lives?
I sorta agree but that still does not stop people from purchasing SBR’s and suppressors. All taxed stamped up and registered and suppliers can’t keep them in stock they sell so fast. The whole registration argument falls flat when the government, if they want to, could come get every gun in every house. It would be ugly but they could do it.
By making resale more difficult. Having a national registry, limited liability for every gun registered to you.

Here's my basic premise.
There are people who legally buy guns with the intent to resale illegally (they may have to act like they are not being purchased for resale, and the original seller may have to act like he doesn't know they are being purchased for resale) but they just giggle about how intentionally ineffective gun laws are. They are basically being allowed to commit criminal activity under the guise of being law abiding citizens.

So you’re not actually going to limit the availability of guns nor the sale of guns.
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If guns were instantly traceable to the owner on record, and the owner on record assumed some liability for the gun being used in an unlawful way, then people would be more motivated to make sure they were not the registered owner of guns they no longer controlled.

Just to be clear: how would this help?
Why would I care if am liable for a gun registered to me? Honest and law abiding gun owners should be pleading for this.
Because it is all of you honest and law abiding gun owners (which is the vast majority) that are inconvenienced because of the dishonest and unlawful gun owners.

Life lesson 101 - the innocent ALWAYS suffer because of the guilty.
Life lesson 102 - given 101, it is incumbent on the innocent to make it increasingly less attractive to be guilty.
Because many simply don't trust the federal government, it's the same federal government that compelled private entities to muzzle those that disagreed with them. There are many reasons not to trust the federal government, especially agencies and entities that we've given way too much power too already in exchange for warm fuzzies.
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Pick a recent shooting........ Like the one that has sparked this discussion and apply what you're proposing to the situation........ Would it have changed the outcome?
Not in the least. School shootings account for an infinitesimal amount of gun violence. You guys are always talking about the unnoticed children being killed in places like Chicago. These proposals address the much larger problem.
So you’re not actually going to limit the availability of guns nor the sale of guns.
Not with this specific proposal. This would just naturally reduce the sell but not limit the sell.

I have plenty of reasonable proposals that would limit sells.
Because many simply don't trust the federal government, it's the same federal government that compelled private entities to muzzle those that disagreed with them. There are many reasons not to trust the federal government, especially agencies and entities that we've given way too much power too already in exchange for warm fuzzies.
There are many things in life far more deserving of our distrust.
I don't trust the government, but I trust it much more than the absence of government.
I don't trust the government, but I trust it much more than unchecked and unregulated corporate greed.
I don't trust the government, but I trust it much more than the crackhead with an AR-15.
There isn’t a solution without giving up personal freedoms. The only real solution is to begin giving mandatory legitimate prison time to criminals in Possession of guns. As far as the mentally ill/subversive I’m all ears. Red flag laws are too broad and can be retaliatory imo. It requires a German like neighbor snitching on neighbors. Holding innocent people accountable for others misdeeds will not go over well UNLESS we first show that we will hold the criminal responsible by enforcing gun laws and sentencing them for extended amounts of time. I think there is a way to properly store a weapon when you leave your home, I’m just not a fan of someone being punished because a criminal broke into your car/home and stole your weapons.
Going to have to disagree. Patrolling the hallways discussion would be a welcome distraction to them.
I think it depends on how bad the school is lol...Tennessee public schools used to be a pretty safe bet, but with all of the influx of people from other places and their bratty kids and juvenile delinquents to middle Tennessee in particular, those days are gone
There isn’t a solution without giving up personal freedoms. The only real solution is to begin giving mandatory legitimate prison time to criminals in Possession of guns. As far as the mentally ill/subversive I’m all ears. Red flag laws are too broad and can be retaliatory imo. It requires a German like neighbor snitching on neighbors. Holding innocent people accountable for others misdeeds will not go over well UNLESS we first show that we will hold the criminal responsible by enforcing gun laws and sentencing them for extended amounts of time. I think there is a way to properly store a weapon when you leave your home, I’m just not a fan of someone being punished because a criminal broke into your car/home and stole your weapons.
No one wants anyone to be punished if they have properly stored weapon stolen which is then used in a crime.
But they do want the person to report it as being stolen as soon as they realize it.
There are many things in life far more deserving of our distrust.
I don't trust the government, but I trust it much more than the absence of government.
I don't trust the government, but I trust it much more than unchecked and unregulated corporate greed.
I don't trust the government, but I trust it much more than the crackhead with an AR-15.

I’m far less worried about crackheads with AR’s than I am politicians with a craving for power, and willing pawns such as yourself cheering them on every step of the way because you believe you know best.
My solution is just sit back and do nothing, on account of how stupid we have become. Make guns more available, not less.
I have a gun, you have a gun, darn nigh everybody's got one. Let the killings continue. At some point the Russians, Chinese, Iran, and North Korea just waltz in and take over. We won't even notice because we're busy killing each other. Then this coalition can just finish the job and inherent the country.
My solution is just sit back and do nothing, on account of how stupid we have become. Make guns more available, not less.
I have a gun, you have a gun, darn nigh everybody's got one. Let the killings continue. At some point the Russians, Chinese, Iran, and North Korea just waltz in and take over. We won't even notice because we're busy killing each other. Then this coalition can just finish the job and inherent the country.
And the winner is… Republiars or something like that.
I’m far less worried about crackheads with AR’s than I am politicians with a craving for power, and willing pawns such as yourself cheering them on every step of the way because you believe you know best.
We see things a little differently.
The thing you worry about (the fed) grows, because the things I worry about are not adequately addressed in the absence of government. Maybe if you redirected your worry, the thing you are most worried about would no longer deserve as much worry.

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