Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

It was just an example of using fear to put a stop to something.

I don't care if he supports it or not.

When there's actually a body count, and a large one, it's rational to react to the fear of citizens it's your duty protect.

I'm done with you dummies for today, I've got stuff to do.

Re-read your NRA handbooks, try to re-articulate why we have these problems and other countries don't.

Because it's not worth it to you. It's not your kid. It's nobody you know.

Later all you simpletons, shills, and sociopaths.
You lack perspective and depth
Yep, and 2 + 2 = 4 and the sun rises in the east.

That's why you need laws and regulations that make some answer "no" when they ask themselves this question:
"Do I want to break this law and become a criminal, is the reward worth the risk.?

We all know that some will always answer "yes', nothing can be done to change that; but the more that answer "no" the better.

Good lord you always use the terms right wing nuts. But you progressive lefties and the dumbest of all. You guys think men can get pregnant. That trans women are actual women. Your side invented the term birthing people. Your side disrespects women and want to degrade them. You claim to be the party of science as long as that science lines up with your mindset.

Like clockwork every time there is a shooting you and EL and the other progressives show up thinking more laws is always the answer. You keep on wanting to blame the guns. Oh we have too many guns. Why can’t you just see the real problem? You have this convoluted notion that honest law abiding citizens should have to register their guns. That’s where your socialistic/communist ideals show up. You think the government has the right to know how many guns I or any other legal American owns. It doesn’t.

You can make all the gun laws you want. No law would have prevented this shooting. Evil exists and will never be defeated.
Haven't checked on this thread in a while. Can't say I'm shocked it's turned in to a transphobic hate fest.

Lol. Are you really an adult? Name one person in here that is afraid of trans people. So it’s cool to hate Republicans, MAGA people, rednecks, Christians and straight white males. But if anyone hates the trans or alphabet people, oh it’s the worst thing right? You are the typical liberal hypocrite.
She and every trans group out there should be condemning the actions of the shooter, as loudly as possible. Don't let a murderer be the representation of your people. It would be like the Germans praising Hitler.

I think the only people letting the murder represent any group are people who don't particularly care for that group already.

It is absolutely not on trans people to decry this as a group.
I think the only people letting the murder represent any group are people who don't particularly care for that group already.

It is absolutely not on trans people to decry this as a group.
I don't think trans people as a group are responsible, but the socially tactful thing to do would be for them to condemn the actions of one of their own and declare that this doesn't represent their goals. Why give more fuel to the anti-trans fire?

Do they HAVE to do it? No. But they should, IMO.
Actually I put that on the rest of society. Mentally ill people aren’t going to stand up and tell you they are mentally ill.
The left has been denying they are mentally ill for decades. This is just another example. If they think a dude can be a woman and woman can be a dude then they are either mentally ill or they are pandering to the mentally ill. They really are terrible as a group. Maybe even evil since they are open to harming children as it relates to this movement.
The left has been denying they are mentally ill for decades. This is just another example. If they think a dude can be a woman and woman can be a dude then they are either mentally ill or they are pandering to the mentally ill. They really are terrible as a group. Maybe even evil since they are open to harming children as it relates to this movement.

Undoubtedly there has been push to normalize it. The problem is accepting that push.
Actually I put that on the rest of society. Mentally ill people aren’t going to stand up and tell you they are mentally ill.
We’ve been forced to normalize their lifestyle choices. It’s like that shop teacher in Canada with the gigantic fake breasts. If a girl dressed like that at school, she’d be sent home, but a crazy guy does it and the students are threatened with expulsion if they take any photos of him. End times.
I've been dead once. I don't fear it. It's quite peaceful actually and it gave me some perspective.
Whoa whoa... Go on. What made it peaceful? Expand on that experience. I'm not looking for a gotcha, genuinely curious on your recollection.
We’ve been forced to normalize their lifestyle choices. It’s like that shop teacher in Canada with the gigantic fake breasts. If a girl dressed like that at school, she’d be sent home, but a crazy guy does it and the students are threatened with expulsion if they take any photos of him. End times.

Guess you heard that he only wore those to school and never at home. Nothing but seeking attention.
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I don't think trans people as a group are responsible, but the socially tactful thing to do would be for them to condemn the actions of one of their own and declare that this doesn't represent their goals. Why give more fuel to the anti-trans fire?

Do they HAVE to do it? No. But they should, IMO.

Are the trans rallies with a bunch of armed participants in poor taste right now? Sure, probably. Maybe don't do those.

It's not on them to apologize as a group. Should straight folks apologize every time a straight mass shooter pops up? No. That sounds absurd.
Are the trans rallies with a bunch of armed participants in poor taste right now? Sure, probably. Maybe don't do those.

It's not on them to apologize as a group. Should straight folks apologize every time a straight mass shooter pops up? No. That sounds absurd.
Lawful gun owners are demonized after every shooting. Trans people can feel the pain for a few days, especially when the conversation is around mental health

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