Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Eh, I think if anyone deserved it, it was the first guy. The other two it was just overkill. Censure and take away committee for some time. There should be consequence but this was a bridge too far and optics will be used against them .
I kind of agree with you but I don't feel sorry for them. About time liberals smelled a little of their own stench.
They're moving to Nashville. The people moving there are holding their noses to the state stench. It will not be long before TN turns purple. Hopefully it will not be a painful transition.

Wrong. Tennessee is more red now than it has ever been. Florida is now solidly red. The people moving now are moving for political reasons more and more often, fleeing liberal, commie cess pools like California and New York. Evidence to this fact is that there are were 600K newly registered republicans in Florida over the last 4 years verses only 30K new registered democrats over that same period. One of my future neighbors is a former NYC cop who moved here because he absolutely refuses to raise his kids in that dump. Meanwhile, as people flee places like California and New York, those states get even more blue.
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Wrong. Tennessee is more red now than it has ever been. Florida is now solidly red. The people moving now are moving for political reasons more and more often, fleeing liberal, commie cess pools like California and New York. Evidence to this fact is that there are were 600K newly registered republicans in Florida over the last 4 years verses only 30K new registered democrats over that same period. One of my future neighbors is a former NYC cop who moved here because he absolutely refuses to raise his kids in that dump. Meanwhile, as people flee places like California and New York, those states get even more blue.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. I've met/talked to a few transplants that brought their politics with them.
Wrong. Tennessee is more red now than it has ever been. Florida is now solidly red. The people moving now are moving for political reasons more and more often, fleeing liberal, commie cess pools like California and New York. Evidence to this fact is that there are were 600K newly registered republicans in Florida over the last 4 years verses only 30K new registered democrats over that same period. One of my future neighbors is a former NYC cop who moved here because he absolutely refuses to raise his kids in that dump. Meanwhile, as people flee places like California and New York, those states get even more blue.

That's wrong. It's tax issues and weather.
I would love to see leftist on this board even attempt to defend this. Postmodernist leftism is killing our culture. Some dude can say he’s a girl, compete as a girl, dominate the other girls, and we are all bigots for not agreeing with this approach.
While walking around in the locker room with his junk swinging
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I wouldn't be so sure about that. I've met/talked to a few transplants that brought their politics with them.

That and even some of the rightwing folk from CA arent as red as those around them. They can be swayed with slogans like "common sense gun control". TN will eventually go purple and Nashville will control the State.
I would love to see leftist on this board even attempt to defend this. Postmodernist leftism is killing our culture. Some dude can say he’s a girl, compete as a girl, dominate the other girls, and we are all bigots for not agreeing with this approach.

The Left could be pushing the suburban mom back toward the right with stuff like this. Is the juice worth the squeeze?
That and even some of the rightwing folk from CA arent as red as those around them. They can be swayed with slogans like "common sense gun control". TN will eventually go purple and Nashville will control the State.

Yep, the 4 big population centers are already light blue to dark blue and on top of that people from up north and out west are buying up land in the rural counties like hotcakes. TN is just 10-15 years behind GA in going blue/purple.
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I wouldn't be so sure about that. I've met/talked to a few transplants that brought their politics with them.
Hasn't been my experience. I've had several new patients that have moved from California, NY/NE, and the consensus has been that they had to get away from the craziness. All good people, really.
Yep, the 4 big population centers are already light blue to dark blue and on top of that people from up north and out west are buying up land in the rural counties like hotcakes. TN is just 10-15 years behind GA in going blue/purple.
Plus you also need to consider the demographics of the current 13-17 year old age group. (new voters in the next 5 years)
The demographics of voter roll additions (18 year olds) does not match the demographics of voter roll subtractions (deaths).
I wouldn't be so sure about that. I've met/talked to a few transplants that brought their politics with them.
I’ve met many over the past few months and I ask them why they moved here and 100% of them say California is way too liberal. I tell them welcome but make sure you vote the right way here
Plus you also need to consider the demographics of the current 13-17 year old age group. (new voters in the next 5 years)
The demographics of voter roll additions (18 year olds) does not match the demographics of voter roll subtractions (deaths).
There are more conservative young people than you want to admit
Yep, the 4 big population centers are already light blue to dark blue and on top of that people from up north and out west are buying up land in the rural counties like hotcakes. TN is just 10-15 years behind GA in going blue/purple.

Mostly agree. I may push the window a little further out because we currently are so red we have a super majority so it is going to take some time to erode that and adding to that, rightwing folks generally have more kids than the other side.
There will be at least one or more geopolitical or economic crisis in the next decade that liberal ideology will be shook to the core.

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