Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I know not the time for the debates but its actually everyone throwing their thoughts and prayers at all of it instead of trying to fix the problem. Prayers ain't it. Action is. If its your God punishing children for our "rejection" than its up to us to make it better.

Tap dancing all the way around the issue but not offering specifics on what could make "it better" As tragic as it seems what "made this better" was meeting force with more force. I think it's simple (unfortunate) but simple what works. Those weapons that took out the shooter work the same outside as they do inside. But it doesn't fit the "guns are bad" narrative.

Great work by MNPD
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Hard times changes peoples politics and we're about to see some hard times, when those teens come of age and can't find jobs their attitudes will shift.

Not so sure about reality changing political stance. They could just as well become more "victims" of their own poor choices without admitting they made poor choices. Student loan debt is a perfect example - bad choices and unwillingness to accept blame; makes them "victims" of a rigged system.
Tennessee just showed how to deal with left wing loons it's unfortunate they didn't expel all 3 of the guns are the problem whack jobs.
Yeah, but we're racist because we kicked out 2 black members and kept a white woman. Racist racist racist. I'm glad they pulled the racist card.
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It will shift even further to the left.
But we're only speculating. Personally, I hope the hard times we are about to see aren't to hard or long lasting. Maybe it will force the two sides to start coming back together. People have to eventually wise up.....don't they?

Then tell your side of the aisle (along with establishment Republicans like Mitch McConnell) to be open to sitting at the table for a real discussion and not as an opportunity to further divide us.
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Yeah, but we're racist because we kicked out 2 black members and kept a white woman. Racist racist racist. I'm glad they pulled the racist card.

It was as expected as these 3 bafoons went to the floor of the house to call attention to themselves as 6 families were trying to figure out how to move forward.
Then tell your side of the aisle (along with establishment Republicans like Mitch McConnell) to be open to sitting at the table for a real discussion and not as an opportunity to further divide us.
Let's not pretend like the right is any more interested in open dialogue and working across isle.

Politics in this country are horrid and not parties share blame.
The 2 party system is the cancer that will inevitably kill the host that is the United States.

While I am a conservative, I am disgusted by the Republicans for doing absolutely nothing to change the voting practices before the midterms or 2024 elections. They are as worthless as a group as the Dimwits, albeit far more sane and practical. Nothing will ever change as long as there are only 2 parties whose primary concern is enriching themselves and their donors. We need to ban lobbying and lobbyists, its nothing more than legalized bribery and theft of influence FROM the constituents TO the mega donors. Then we need to impose strict 2 term limits on EVERY federal elected official as to rid us of lifetime politicians and their entrenched benefactors. Until these things change this country will continue the death spiral that is our current trajectory.

We need a grassroots revolution to demand these changes. Demand a government that serves the people, rather than a government that dominates us. Sadly everyone is too divided, distracted, and struggling just to get these things will never happen.
Tap dancing all the way around the issue but not offering specifics on what could make "it better" As tragic as it seems what "made this better" was meeting force with more force. I think it's simple (unfortunate) but simple what works. Those weapons that took out the shooter work the same outside as they do inside. But it doesn't fit the "guns are bad" narrative.

Great work by MNPD

Great work but there should be pressure to release that manifesto. They are hiding something.
Let's not pretend like the right is any more interested in open dialogue and working across isle.

Politics in this country are horrid and not parties share blame.

The difference is there's a sizeable group of conservatives who do see the establishment Republicans as part of the underlying problems. The same can't be said about democrats. And spare me the there's many democrats who don't agree with the left wing idiocy because not one of them have the stones to say it publicly.
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That's not the plan.
The difference is there's a sizeable group of conservatives who do see the establishment Republicans as part of the underlying problems. The same can't be said about democrats. And spare me the there's many democrats who don't agree with the left wing idiocy because not one of them have the stones to say it publicly.
You have it a little backwards. The republican party is currently completely controlled by the lunatic fringe. The same is not true with the democratic party. BUT the more conservatives refuse to work across the aisle, the more the democratic party will move to its extreme.....and that increasing divide will be to almost no ones benefit.
You have it a little backwards. The republican party is currently completely controlled by the lunatic fringe. The same is not true with the democratic party. BUT the more conservatives refuse to work across the aisle, the more the democratic party will move to its extreme.....and that increasing divide will be to almost no ones benefit.

If any of your above post were true the Senate would have never been able to pass this monstrosity of an omnibus just before Christmas. And I am not certain that the party who tries to tell us that chemically castration is "needed" is one that isn't on the fringe. President Biden (after being briefed on the Covenant shooting) started his press conference with a weird take on freaking ice cream. Give me a break with the absurdity.

Establishment republicans are why we are squarely in the middle of the Russia Ukraine fiasco. Where was this concern for Ukraine when Russia took Crimea? Enough with the scums profiting while young men and women are killed. It's been going on since Vietnam and it's time to stop
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