Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Plus you also need to consider the demographics of the current 13-17 year old age group. (new voters in the next 5 years)
The demographics of voter roll additions (18 year olds) does not match the demographics of voter roll subtractions (deaths).

Yeah, but TN kids arent like blue State kids. They are much more conservative. I have 2 in High School currently, one who will vote in 2024 and they are no friend to Democrat policy (raised Right). Neither are most of their friends.
Hasn't been my experience. I've had several new patients that have moved from California, NY/NE, and the consensus has been that they had to get away from the craziness. All good people, really.
Same. No one has mentioned anything about weather or taxes. It’s been Covid policies and leaving leftist lunatics. Several stated that they could not continue to raise their kids in that kind of environment.
Yeah, but TN kids arent like blue State kids. They are much more conservative. I have 2 in High School currently, one who will vote in 2024 and they are no friend to Democrat policy (raised Right). Neither are most of their friends.
We have nieces and nephews from the ages 12-25 and when we talk politics with them and their friends they are as conservative as I am. They bash the left over how radical they are
Plus you also need to consider the demographics of the current 13-17 year old age group. (new voters in the next 5 years)
The demographics of voter roll additions (18 year olds) does not match the demographics of voter roll subtractions (deaths).

Reality will hit them harder than past generations.
Plus you also need to consider the demographics of the current 13-17 year old age group. (new voters in the next 5 years)
The demographics of voter roll additions (18 year olds) does not match the demographics of voter roll subtractions (deaths).

Hard times changes peoples politics and we're about to see some hard times, when those teens come of age and can't find jobs their attitudes will shift.
Hard times changes peoples politics and we're about to see some hard times, when those teens come of age and can't find jobs their attitudes will shift.
It will shift even further to the left.
But we're only speculating. Personally, I hope the hard times we are about to see aren't to hard or long lasting. Maybe it will force the two sides to start coming back together. People have to eventually wise up.....don't they?
It will shift even further to the left.
But we're only speculating. Personally, I hope the hard times we are about to see aren't to hard or long lasting. Maybe it will force the two sides to start coming back together. People have to eventually wise up.....don't they?

There isnt much I want to come together on with the Left. I have very little in common with them. I would rather either a) split the Country, National divorce or b) return most power back to the States where it was intended to be and let States determine how they want to live.
Plus you also need to consider the demographics of the current 13-17 year old age group. (new voters in the next 5 years)
The demographics of voter roll additions (18 year olds) does not match the demographics of voter roll subtractions (deaths).
Is that ^ a new phenomenon?

All 50 states should be Blue based on the last 60 years. What happened?
We have nieces and nephews from the ages 12-25 and when we talk politics with them and their friends they are as conservative as I am. They bash the left over how radical they are
I've had a house/backyard full of high school and college aged boys/young men for the past two days, friends of my sons. I've heard them and talked to them enough to know that not a single one thinks there are more than two genders or wants to give up their 2A rights. As always, Luther is talking out of his a**.
It will shift even further to the left.
But we're only speculating. Personally, I hope the hard times we are about to see aren't to hard or long lasting. Maybe it will force the two sides to start coming back together. People have to eventually wise up.....don't they?
I certainly hope not, of we end up anything like Europe we will be subject to federal enforcement of speech crime.

I agree it's time to meet in the middle, the fringe is too much from both sides right now but the left is now the party of the MIC and establishment now. I support neither party but I think my idea of "the middle" is much different than yours.
I've had a house/backyard full of high school and college aged boys/young men for the past two days, friends of my sons. I've heard them and talked to them enough to know that not a single one thinks there are more than two genders or wants to give up their 2A rights. As always, Luther is talking out of his a**.

I also saw a poll a few months back where Bidens approval was in the 20's for the age group 18 - 24. Was driving through Nashville yesterday and this girl in her early 20's had a f*** Biden sticker on her back windshield.
I've had a house/backyard full of high school and college aged boys/young men for the past two days, friends of my sons. I've heard them and talked to them enough to know that not a single one thinks there are more than two genders or wants to give up their 2A rights. As always, Luther is talking out of his a**.

Culture is important, which is why the Left tries so hard to destroy it.
The Dems could have snagged a state like TN if they didn’t move so far into communism. Nationally the things that they support are better suited for a SNL skit.

Careful with women voters. The more the dems support dudes that are playing dress up replacing biological females the more the real ladies will move from the party. And maybe take their older children with them.
Gloria's defense was basically, "I didnt use the bullhorn like the other 2, didnt yell out like the other 2 and didnt pound on the podium like the other 2".

Then she gets outside and cries racism...after throwing the 2 black Reps under the bus. Clown world.

I noticed the same thing. She was practically begging. Saying she wasn't being loud. Then once it saved her, the white guilt kicks in and she plays the race card.
Guy protects himself from the tyrannical state

NMSP: Farmington police shoot, kill man after responding to wrong home

Sometimes it’s very hard to tell the good guys with guns from the bad guys, even when you have the bad guy’s address. But it’ll prob be easier once every citizen vigilante is carrying.

It’s still cool to infringe on free speech to protect kids from seeing a man in a dress, but not to mandate BGCs and/or registries to protect them from dying, right?

Just checking that hypocrisy levels here are maintaining.

Go with God, monkeys.
It will shift even further to the left.
But we're only speculating. Personally, I hope the hard times we are about to see aren't to hard or long lasting. Maybe it will force the two sides to start coming back together. People have to eventually wise up.....don't they?

So your thought is welfare will be more prevalent and lucrative and/or the trajectory of mental illness that leads to to more leftists will continue to grow.
Plus you also need to consider the demographics of the current 13-17 year old age group. (new voters in the next 5 years)
The demographics of voter roll additions (18 year olds) does not match the demographics of voter roll subtractions (deaths).

You mean the demographics of the 13-17 yo age group after your special kind of fools have been indoctrinating them? No doubt on your last sentence - that the new voters don't match the old voters ... in any way; probably one of the few things you've ever been right about. But it's certainly nothing to be proud or boastful of even if you've played your part.
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There will be at least one or more geopolitical or economic crisis in the next decade that liberal ideology will be shook to the core.

We can hope, but somehow the leftists will spin it so that it would have worked and been OK if they had been in full control. Look no further than the "it was Trump's fault" on the botched Afghanistan exit.

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