Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

This. There’s already a perfect example in this very thread, @K-town Vol Fan doesnt want to discuss the shooter’s identity/mental state/motives. Focus on the guns instead.
Anyone who walks into a school with intentions to kill children clearly is not in a good mental state. That goes without saying. So how can we prevent mentally ill people from buying guns and killing children? That's the question of the day. And is always the question when these shootings happen. It's the same routine. No one ever has an answer and people just forget about it until it happens again. Maybe when this generation of kids grows into adults we might have some real change.
I posted earlier that apparently only 3 of 138 mass solutions in the US from 1984-present were carried out by females.

Is it worth asking questions about why this particular person went berserk?
the 'reason' may be in the manifesto the shooter left.
Look at the apparent absolute hatred that just oozes through the PF. Name calling, insults, dehumanizing whole groups, calling the other side the enemy like this is some kind of's insane. People have to be smarter.
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Where are people getting the “shooter was trans” information from? From everything I’ve looked at and read - the local stations, CNN, AP, FoxNews - I haven’t seen that anywhere. Is this just internet speculation, like from Twitter and random secondary-level news blogs/websites or something?
You guys can't have it both ways. You cannot say the Second Amendment is absolute then carve out an exception for gay or transgender people.

If she was making threats or something similar I agree she should not have had access to weapons. But straight people - same thing.

And I think we've gotten to the point where, to buy or possess certain types of weapons, the burden should be on the person seeking possession to show they are stable and sane and not a threat, as opposed to on the government to detect and act on some random post or blog entry, or some comment at the grocery, to evaluate someone.
The problem is how do you have proper gun control and still protect the medical privacy of people who should be on a do not sell to registry?
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WTF do you want commented on? If you are diagnosed with a mental illness you shouldn't be allowed to purchase a firearm, what else needs to be said?
And you do realize you are talking about half of the American population?
So we agree, half of the people currently armed, shouldn't be.
Now what?
You guys can't have it both ways. You cannot say the Second Amendment is absolute then carve out an exception for gay or transgender people.

If she was making threats or something similar I agree she should not have had access to weapons. But straight people - same thing.

And I think we've gotten to the point where, to buy or possess certain types of weapons, the burden should be on the person seeking possession to show they are stable and sane and not a threat, as opposed to on the government to detect and act on some random post or blog entry, or some comment at the grocery, to evaluate someone.

No, it's you that can't have it both ways. You can't push for more BGCs and restrictions while at the same time claim mental illness is normal.
Where are people getting the “shooter was trans” information from? From everything I’ve looked at and read - the local stations, CNN, AP, FoxNews - I haven’t seen that anywhere. Is this just internet speculation, like from Twitter or something?

It was literally confirmed in the press briefing by the police chief. Trans person, said it was a targeted attack with a manifesto recovered, and theory they’re investigating that it revolves around trans bullsh**.
I'm all for keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. If none of these people had access to guns, I would gladly get rid of most of our other regulations and restrictions..........
But I can't even get people to comment on this.....
What say ye?

About Mental Health.
How common are mental illnesses?
Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions in the United States.

  • More than 50% will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime.3
  • 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in a given year.4
  • 1 in 5 children, either currently or at some point during their life, have had a seriously debilitating mental illness.5
  • 1 in 25 Americans lives with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression.6
Are you saying we should get the guns out of the hands of these people? We may have found one more thing on which we agree.

What you’re doing here is gross. You’re pretending that all mental illness is the same and therefore we should ban almost everyone from owning guns. I’m sure there’s a left wing word for how pathetic and gross what you’re doing here is (able-ism perhaps?)

When you’re saying 50% you’re including things like ADHD and anxiety as valid reasons to limit the rights of others. It makes you really gross
Today is a sad day in the great state of Tennessee. The senseless loss of 3 children and 3 adults at Covenant in Nashville. I see a lot of posts trying to lay the blame on one side or another, maybe, just maybe, we need to have discussions from many different angles and try to come to a sensible solution that actually helps the dire situation we find ourselves in at this time. Here are things that I see that truly need to be addressed.

Mental Health - we have a crisis going on with mental health in this country. There needs to be an honest discussion within the medical industry to determine the root cause to this. Is it over medication? Is it what we watch and allow into our minds? How can it get better? With every new medicine handed out it seems that the mental state of humans is getting worse.

Gun Rights - the ease of access to weapons that cause maximized harm in the hands of the deranged really needs to be looked at. Honestly, I am a very pro- 2nd amendment person but we have to be willing to look at what is happening to our citizens and really fight to protect everyone no matter which side of the isle they are on.

Violence - We've seen a huge uptick in violence against race, religion, political affiliation, etc. We have to stop this onslaught and teach ourselves self control and genuine love for our fellow man. Much of this divisiveness is coming from...

Social Media - We as a human race are spending too much time on social media, we get into our echo chamber and allow hate for our fellow man to take us over. While there are certain aspects of social media that are decent and good, much of it thrives on destruction of self and of others. Each of the items listed above are AMPLIFIED AND ENCOURAGED by staying on social media too long. Social media has made our society a worse, more evil place, void of forgiveness, empathy (unless they believe exactly as you do) and concern for our fellow humans. We must disconnect ourselves from the digital world and connect to the earthly world, get out in nature, in order right our course for future generations. There is middle ground that we must achieve and it isn't coming from these platforms.

I am saying this as a Christian, husband, father son and brother, I want a great country for my children. My prayers go out to the families of those that have been murdered or harmed in this senseless tragedy. We need to understand that neither side is 100% right and that both sides have been wrong.
You guys can't have it both ways. You cannot say the Second Amendment is absolute then carve out an exception for gay or transgender people.

If she was making threats or something similar I agree she should not have had access to weapons. But straight people - same thing.

And I think we've gotten to the point where, to buy or possess certain types of weapons, the burden should be on the person seeking possession to show they are stable and sane and not a threat, as opposed to on the government to detect and act on some random post or blog entry, or some comment at the grocery, to evaluate someone.
So you want to ban liberals from owning firearms? I'm good with that.
It was literally confirmed in the press briefing by the police chief. Trans person, said it was a targeted attack with a manifesto recovered, and theory they’re investigating that it revolves around trans bullsh**.

Ok. Could you please show me or link me to the actual press briefing then?
Sandy Hook happened 11 years ago. This is not preventable at this point. It is going to keep happening, it's just a matter of how many kids die before police get there.

Then why don’t support allowing teachers to carry or expanding carry laws in general if your actual view is that this is unstoppable and the only thing you can do is hope a good guy with a gun shows up fast?
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What you’re doing here is gross. You’re pretending that all mental illness is the same and therefore we should ban almost everyone from owning guns. I’m sure there’s a left wing word for how pathetic and gross what you’re doing here is (able-ism perhaps?)

When you’re saying 50% you’re including things like ADHD and anxiety as valid reasons to limit the rights of others. It makes you really gross
"If you are diagnosed with a mental illness you shouldn't be allowed to purchase a firearm, what else needs to be said?"

The above statement is a quote from Hogg. The biggest supporter of gun rights in the PF - hell, maybe the world.
Call him gross as you're being bucked off of that high horse.
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