Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Andy Ngô 🏳️
BREAKING: The deceased mass shooter of the Christian school in #Nashville has been identified as #trans person Audrey E. Hale. Three children & three staff were murdered. The shooting comes amid a surge in far-left death threats in Tennessee over the state banning the medical transitioning of minors. Hale's art page featured LGBTQ+-themed work.
A female? bah, I have my doubts. I know this will cause consternation from our progressives but I cannot help but wonder if it was a trans teen.

Secondly, every blithering idiot wailing at the top of their lungs WHY ARE THEIR SO MANY GUNS!?!


It isntly like a greater percentage of the population have guns and it was much easier to get a gun (just walk into any store and buy one) than it is now. But it is unquestionable that a greater percentage of the population (though still very small) is willing to commit mass murder.

Is it drugs that teens are using? SSRIs, Ritalin, etc? is it hyper real violent gaming? is it the loss of faith that humanizes their fellow men/women? This is what we need to look at.

Now its coming out that it as a 28 year old. Lets see if it was personal or it was a political agenda.

Killer Karen or Tranny Terror? or someone who just hated the school for a personal reason, abuse, etc? But those people are not likely to go shoot it up and murder innocent people.

And btw - main reason I think it could be these above is because the left has so wound these people up against a Christian org. IF that that is a big if, it is a trans person or a pink haired Karen, they will def have targeted the school because it was Christian.
Damn bro. I think you were spot on. News saying it’s a transgender
Then why don’t support allowing teachers to carry or expanding carry laws in general if your actual view is that this is unstoppable and the only thing you can do is hope a good guy with a gun shows up fast?
I think this is a logical option. My opinion is that there should be the following as mandatories for this:
-mental testing to ensure that the teacher is of sound mind every 2 months. If the teacher is going through a traumatic time, (divorce, loss of family member, stressful situation) they are off for 1 year minimum then retested.
-there should be high level training, with a swat team or seals. This includes hand to hand combat training. This allows an avenue for employment for former military to train and allows for them to have teaching roles at the schools. Also, training all teachers inside of the school building at the beginning of the year and 1 every 2 months for active shooter situations.
-shooting 250 rounds per month under duress, must be supervised during training. you've got to be able to handle the stress that would come with this.

I may be missing something but this would be a good start.
Andy Ngô 🏳️
BREAKING: The deceased mass shooter of the Christian school in #Nashville has been identified as #trans person Audrey E. Hale. Three children & three staff were murdered. The shooting comes amid a surge in far-left death threats in Tennessee over the state banning the medical transitioning of minors. Hale's art page featured LGBTQ+-themed work.

How tolerant
Yep, the reason I asked was a friend of mine had guns stolen in a safe, much as the attempt played out at your house.
Hubby bolted a piece of angle iron on the top of the safe and the other piece is bolted into wall studs. It's a tall gun safe so pretty heavy. We also now have a security system and cameras. Just need razor wire and land mines. Sad state of affairs really.
Yes, it’s gross for many reasons. One of the biggest being the massive number of people overly diagnosed with mental illness every year.

You don’t think it’s gross to limit the rights of half the country?

This I agree with. It's my belief that we over diagnose mental illness as an excuse for bad behavior and a lack of discipline and the drugs that are prescribed lead to actual mental instability.

A man carries a child at the reunification center at the Woodmont Baptist church after a school shooting, Monday, March 27, 2023, in Nashville


Adults walk with a child at a reunification center at the Woodmont Baptist Church



A man takes two children home from The Covenant School after Monday's shooting


Two adults escort terrified kids away from the Covenant School on Monday after a school shooting


Parents gathered in the sanctuary waiting for updates on whether or not their children were among those harmed


A woman holds her young child after a school shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville on Monday. Three children were killed by the woman


Terrified parents wait for their kids at The Covenant School in Nashville. The woman was killed by police

Nashville school shooting: Female shooter kills 6 | Daily Mail Online
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I'm not sure what's wrong with you people. 9 year olds were murdered at school today, and your biggest concern is the genitals of the shooter.
Exactly. This place is a cesspool sometimes. I don’t give a rip who did it or what is between their legs. It is irrelevant. If you are hung up on that, you are a moron and are just trying to take focus away from the real issues. The need is to put a stop to it or for the general populace and our politicians to act like they care enough to at least try. So far I haven’t seen it.

One of the dead children is the pastor’s daughter, and my daughter and son in law are good friends of the family. My feelings are a little raw right now so I’m going to refrain from debate. But I find it reprehensible that our politicians and some of the populace want to spout worthless platitudes and self righteous 💩 and won’t dig in and do something about this issue. It is just going to keep happening and it seems to me that a fair number of people don’t care if kids die or not.
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Antidepressants are often prescribed for ADHD.

I wouldn’t say often, blood pressure medications and amphetamine derivates are the mainstays of treatment. I have seen some anxiety meds used for ADHD (because anxiety can be misdiagnosed as adhd) but it’s less common
This I agree with. It's my belief that we over diagnose mental illness as an excuse for bad behavior and a lack of discipline and the drugs that are prescribed lead to actual mental instability.

We also diagnose just boys being boys as mental illness. The main indication for adderall is really just “my kid gets in trouble at school”
I think this is a logical option. My opinion is that there should be the following as mandatories for this:
-mental testing to ensure that the teacher is of sound mind every 2 months. If the teacher is going through a traumatic time, (divorce, loss of family member, stressful situation) they are off for 1 year minimum then retested.
-there should be high level training, with a swat team or seals. This includes hand to hand combat training. This allows an avenue for employment for former military to train and allows for them to have teaching roles at the schools. Also, training all teachers inside of the school building at the beginning of the year and 1 every 2 months for active shooter situations.
-shooting 250 rounds per month under duress, must be supervised during training. you've got to be able to handle the stress that would come with this.

I may be missing something but this would be a good start.

Lmfao so what you’re saying is “I will pretend to support it but then I want to make it so absurdly difficult that no one can do it”.

What you just posted is as dumb as saying “all cops should be black belts and have a doctorate degree in counseling”

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