Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Exactly. This place is a cesspool sometimes. I don’t give a rip who did it or what is between their legs. It is irrelevant. If you are hung up on that, you are a moron and are just trying to take focus away from the real issues. The need is to put a stop to it or for the general populace and our politicians to act like they care enough to at least try. So far I haven’t seen it.

One of the dead children is the pastor’s daughter, and my daughter and son in law are good friends of the family. My feelings are a little raw right now so I’m going to refrain from debate. But I find it reprehensible that our politicians and some of the populace want to spout worthless platitudes and self righteous 💩 and won’t dig in and do something about this issue. It is just going to keep happening and it seems to me that a fair number of people don’t care if kids die or not.
I agree with you that anyone who uses this tragedy to score political points is a butthole.. either side
Do more to detect mental illness that might lead to violence, but put some burden on the gun possessor to show they can be responsible. Catch them on both ends.

We agree on the bold. Perhaps categorizing all people using “preferred pronouns” on their resumes, social media accounts, etc. as mentally ill would be a good start.
Exactly. This place is a cesspool sometimes. I don’t give a rip who did it or what is between their legs. It is irrelevant. If you are hung up on that, you are a moron and are just trying to take focus away from the real issues. The need is to put a stop to it or for the general populace and our politicians to act like they care enough to at least try. So far I haven’t seen it.

One of the dead children is the pastor’s daughter, and my daughter and son in law are good friends of the family. My feelings are a little raw right now so I’m going to refrain from debate. But I find it reprehensible that our politicians and some of the populace want to spout worthless platitudes and self righteous 💩 and won’t dig in and do something about this issue. It is just going to keep happening and it seems to me that a fair number of people don’t care if kids die or not.

But it’s not irrelevant. It seems to be the driving motive at this point in time. It has been confirmed as a targeted attack, manifesto left behind, and they confirmed they’re investigating the theory that the attack revolves around this transgender bullsh**. Innocent children/people killed and likely due to what you are saying is irrelevant.
Today is a sad day in the great state of Tennessee. The senseless loss of 3 children and 3 adults at Covenant in Nashville. I see a lot of posts trying to lay the blame on one side or another, maybe, just maybe, we need to have discussions from many different angles and try to come to a sensible solution that actually helps the dire situation we find ourselves in at this time. Here are things that I see that truly need to be addressed.

Mental Health - we have a crisis going on with mental health in this country. There needs to be an honest discussion within the medical industry to determine the root cause to this. Is it over medication? Is it what we watch and allow into our minds? How can it get better? With every new medicine handed out it seems that the mental state of humans is getting worse.

Gun Rights - the ease of access to weapons that cause maximized harm in the hands of the deranged really needs to be looked at. Honestly, I am a very pro- 2nd amendment person but we have to be willing to look at what is happening to our citizens and really fight to protect everyone no matter which side of the isle they are on.

Violence - We've seen a huge uptick in violence against race, religion, political affiliation, etc. We have to stop this onslaught and teach ourselves self control and genuine love for our fellow man. Much of this divisiveness is coming from...

Social Media - We as a human race are spending too much time on social media, we get into our echo chamber and allow hate for our fellow man to take us over. While there are certain aspects of social media that are decent and good, much of it thrives on destruction of self and of others. Each of the items listed above are AMPLIFIED AND ENCOURAGED by staying on social media too long. Social media has made our society a worse, more evil place, void of forgiveness, empathy (unless they believe exactly as you do) and concern for our fellow humans. We must disconnect ourselves from the digital world and connect to the earthly world, get out in nature, in order right our course for future generations. There is middle ground that we must achieve and it isn't coming from these platforms.

I am saying this as a Christian, husband, father son and brother, I want a great country for my children. My prayers go out to the families of those that have been murdered or harmed in this senseless tragedy. We need to understand that neither side is 100% right and that both sides have been wrong.

I couldn't agree anymore on what you just said. It echoes how I feel as a person every single time something like this happens. It angers me and is absolutely heartbreaking to see children targeted. It's sad that six innocent people (including children) are killed to fit someone's sick manifesto. I'm glad that police took this scumbag out of the equation before it could have gotten worse. I don't know the answer for preventing it from happening more often because it will unfortunately. I do agree with what I quoted. People might not like this saying because it's said a lot after mass shootings,but I genuinely mean it. My thoughts and prayers are going to those affected by this tragedy.
Lmfao so what you’re saying is “I will pretend to support it but then I want to make it so absurdly difficult that no one can do it”.

What you just posted is as dumb as saying “all cops should be black belts and have a doctorate degree in counseling”
What I am saying is there needs to be an application process and proper training for handling situations like these, how to move, how to handle a gun. Allowing any teacher to carry a gun inside of a school isn't the right move. The last thing we need is a bunch of untrained, non-shooting, wanna be bad asses firing off shots in a school full of kids with an active shooter.
Exactly. This place is a cesspool sometimes. I don’t give a rip who did it or what is between their legs. It is irrelevant. If you are hung up on that, you are a moron and are just trying to take focus away from the real issues. The need is to put a stop to it or for the general populace and our politicians to act like they care enough to at least try. So far I haven’t seen it.

One of the dead children is the pastor’s daughter, and my daughter and son in law are good friends of the family. My feelings are a little raw right now so I’m going to refrain from debate. But I find it reprehensible that our politicians and some of the populace want to spout worthless platitudes and self righteous 💩 and won’t dig in and do something about this issue. It is just going to keep happening and it seems to me that a fair number of people don’t care if kids die or not.

Laws don’t stop murder. Both Canada and the EU have almost identical homicide rates to the white US population despite much different laws.
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I agree with you that anyone who uses this tragedy to score political points is a butthole.. either side
At the end of the day though, both sides have to be willing to put down their talking points and come up with a viable way to stop it. Unfortunately neither side is capable of doing that on any subject so I don’t hold much hope that this will ever stop. Just have to stomach burying more children.
I couldn't agree anymore on what you just said. It echoes how I feel as a person every single time something like this happens. It angers me and is absolutely heartbreaking to see children targeted. It's sad that six innocent people (including children) are killed to fit someone's sick manifesto. I'm glad that police took this scumbag out of the equation before it could have gotten worse. I don't know the answer for preventing it from happening more often because it will unfortunately. I do agree with what I quoted. People might not like this saying because it's said a lot after mass shootings,but I genuinely mean it. My thoughts and prayers are those affected by this tragedy.
I like what the (I think it was the D.A.? said in the press conference, ‘we are going to get flack for this , but we are in the South, that’s what we do’ having to feel like you should apologize for that is ridiculous.. but that’s the world today.. the teachers and the police praying together was very powerful for me
We agree on the bold. Perhaps categorizing all people using “preferred pronouns” on their resumes, social media accounts, etc. as mentally ill would be a good start.

400 million people we cannot find all of those that might lash out violently, so some burden must be placed on the gun owners to address this, too.
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What I am saying is there needs to be an application process and proper training for handling situations like these, how to move, how to handle a gun. Allowing any teacher to carry a gun inside of a school isn't the right move. The last thing we need is a bunch of untrained, non-shooting, wanna be bad asses firing off shots in a school full of kids with an active shooter.

Right. It’s much better they just wait to die. I’m okay with some level of standards as determined by the local school district. But what you listed was nonsense “they should be trained by navy seals”
At the end of the day though, both sides have to be willing to put down their talking points and come up with a viable way to stop it. Unfortunately neither side is capable of doing that on any subject so I don’t hold much hope that this will ever stop. Just have to stomach burying more children.
I agree, everyone is too dug into their respective camps, and at least one side is going to have to be the ‘bigger person’, and both are going to need to swallow their pride
Lmfao so what you’re saying is “I will pretend to support it but then I want to make it so absurdly difficult that no one can do it”.

What you just posted is as dumb as saying “all cops should be black belts and have a doctorate degree in counseling”
I especially like the requirement for hand to hand training with Navy Seals. That was good.
I know more that makes this look very much like she was targeted, but I would rather not say, yet.
It's being reported as being in a manifesto. Can we add a question to the form to buy guns?

Do you think manifestos are normal?
If yes, have them detained.
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What I am saying is there needs to be an application process and proper training for handling situations like these, how to move, how to handle a gun. Allowing any teacher to carry a gun inside of a school isn't the right move. The last thing we need is a bunch of untrained, non-shooting, wanna be bad asses firing off shots in a school full of kids with an active shooter.
Well this is more sensible than suggesting Seal Team 6 train Mrs. Washington
It's being reported as being in a manifesto. Can we add a question to the form to buy guns?

Do you think manifestos are normal?
If yes, have them detained.
I think they are for people who do this kind of stuff. Generally if they do it for a reason they want people to know that reason.
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