Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Also higher rates of autism in trans people apparently.. I just saw something about that last night..Apparently this girl was transitioning to be a boy.. Aubrey to Aidan, and had just decided to do that, and had ‘high functioning autism’.. I really think steroids could have been a factor in aggression, but I’m just guessing.. also autistic people are already ‘neurodivergent’ and then you are putting chemicals on top of that.. doesn’t seem like a smart idea..

Violence is fairly common and rarely talked about with autism too. Some estimates have mass murders being committed 8% of the time by autistics. That's more than 2x the autism rate. But people never talk about this stuff for two reasons: 1 if feels like you're attacking autistic people, 2 they want to cry on TV and ask why we haven't taken all the guns yet.

Edit: I'll add this about the title, it seems to be more about semantics than actual evidence. Violence is rare in society in general, agreed. Violence is unfortunately common with autism. Of all your mental disorders autism is one of the most common causes for a child to have to be removed from the home due to violent outbursts.

Violence is Rare in Autism: When It Does Occur, Is It Sometimes Extreme? - PubMed
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Violence is fairly common and rarely talked about with autism too. Some estimates have mass murders being committed 8% of the time by autistics. That's more than 2x the autism rate. But people never talk about this stuff for two reasons: 1 if feels like you're attacking autistic people, 2 they want to cry on TV and ask why we haven't taken all the guns yet

Violence is Rare in Autism: When It Does Occur, Is It Sometimes Extreme? - PubMed

I've got an autistic son. He's now a Junior in college and doing quite well, but pull up a chair if you want to hear all my concerns for his future trying to navigate a social environment that routinely chews him up.
The premise of your question is that transgender people are mentally ill and thereby more inclined to shoot up a school.

I can count on one finger the number of transgender people who shot up a school, a mall, or some other mass gathering. But its what, hundreds of straight people? -- who have shot up schools or malls or nightclubs, or what have you in just the last few years.

That's because they're a tiny subset of the general population, so the question is does their representative rate for gun homicide exceed their per capita population.
You believe everything they tell you? If so, God help you.
On a side note, the response to this particular tragedy has been very oddly forthcoming.. just giving the facts, channel 4 local news just threw their opinion in and took cheap shots maybe once, which is usually not their style..Metro police chief has been very transparent..Metro PD has done a great job from what I’ve seen
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I guess I should wise up and start listening to the Alex Joneses of the world. The moon landing was faked and the earth is flat, right?

I’m only calling out the press because their continual stubbornness to push an agenda rather than report the truth is deeply hurting our society. No need to pretend it’s not in order to “protect the sacredness of the press”.

Pretending and appeasing as a means to reach some desired end is exactly why our culture is as toxic as ever.
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Violence is fairly common and rarely talked about with autism too. Some estimates have mass murders being committed 8% of the time by autistics. That's more than 2x the autism rate. But people never talk about this stuff for two reasons: 1 if feels like you're attacking autistic people, 2 they want to cry on TV and ask why we haven't taken all the guns yet.

Edit: I'll add this about the title, it seems to be more about semantics than actual evidence. Violence is rare in society in general, agreed. Violence is unfortunately common with autism. Of all your mental disorders autism is one of the most common causes for a child to have to be removed from the home due to violent outbursts.

Violence is Rare in Autism: When It Does Occur, Is It Sometimes Extreme? - PubMed
You’re still pointing out all the zebras in the distance when there’s a horse right in front of you. It’s safe to assume rates of mental disorders are fairly consistent across different nations, and yet no other developed country has anything close to the homicide rate that the US does. It’s our extreme permissiveness with firearms. Period. In other news the sky is blue.
I’m only calling out the press because their continual stubbornness to push an agenda rather than report the truth is deeply hurting our society. No need to pretend it’s not in order to “protect the sacredness of the press”.

Pretending and appeasing as a means to reach some desired end is exactly why our culture is as toxic as ever.
How is it that right-leaning media pushes their agenda harder than anyone and yet it’s also people on the right calling the press the “enemy of the people?” I can’t figure that one out.
You’re still pointing out all the zebras in the distance when there’s a horse right in front of you. It’s safe to assume rates of mental disorders are fairly consistent across different nations, and yet no other developed country has anything close to the homicide rate that the US does. It’s our extreme permissiveness with firearms. Period. In other news the sky is blue.

The overall US homicide rate depending on the year is around 6 per 100k. Plenty of other developed countries are at or above that rate. More interestingly the white homicide rate is on par with that of Canada or the EU (depending on the year it may be slightly above or slightly below, but is essentially the same) despite white American's have far greater access to guns than inhabitants of the other countries.

The unfortunate truth is that there is a massive black homicide problem in this country (12-13% of the population commits over 50% of all homicides). If the issue were guns, wouldn't both the white and black homicide rates be elevated? Especially given white Americans own more guns?
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No, I do think Christians are generally more likely today to defend their faith because they (well, we), have also felt dismissed and scorned.. There have always been finger waggers 😂, but for the most part, people just want to be left alone or not have the things that they don’t believe in shoved down their throat until they like it.. Most Christians I know are not going to witness to you unless you go to them for support or you are in need or are amenable to it.. I think people have a lot of imagined slights on both sides lol

While I agree with you on more than one area you mention, I still believe many Christians aren't really Christian anymore. Jesus was dismissed and scorned too. Yet he didn't follow the advice of the sons of Zeebedee. [Luke 9:51 - 56] It's easy to find excuses to not practice what the Christ advised us, that's been the case for centuries. These days, it's harder to excuse as technology gives easy and amazing reach for those who seek to practice what Jesus taught. Finally, what you mention was prophesized, but not the excuses we make for drawing back from the charge to witness we were given. I like being left alone too. Here's an example why. I detest being approach by some pale (or any color, actually) jackal with a gun in hand. Because he presumes, me being a person of color, the very nice car I was opening couldn't possibly be mine. Thus I was stealing it. At times, I'm not nice, I admit. So I held up my fob, pressed the horn button and glared at the bassard, while my car horn blared. He slinked back to his car, which happened to be parked next to mine. His car with Christian message decals on it. I admit to glaring his way, until he exited the parking lot. In a nutshell, the worst behaving and most bigoted people I have ever encountered claim to be Christians. That's one of many experiences I've had or witnessed is why I say many Christians aren't Christians anymore. Also, why I agree with your preference to be left alone.
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While I agree with you on more than one area you mention, I still believe many Christians aren't really Christian anymore. Jesus was dismissed and scorned too. Yet he didn't follow the advice of the sons of Zeebedee. [Luke 9:51 - 56] It's easy to find excuses to not practice what the Christ advised us, that's been the case for centuries. These days, it's harder to excuse as technology gives easy and amazing reach for those who seek to practice what Jesus taught. Finally, what you mention was prophesized, but not the excuses we make for drawing back from the charge to witness we were given. I like being left alone too. Here's an example why. I detest being approach by some pale (or any color, actually) jackal with a gun in hand. Because he presumes, me being a person of color, the very nice car I was opening couldn't possibly be mine. Thus I was stealing it. At times, I'm not nice, I admit. So I held up my fob, pressed the horn button and glared at the bassard, while my car horn blared. He slinked back to his car, which happened to be parked next to mine. His car with Christian message decals on it. I admit to glaring his way, until he exited the parking lot. In a nutshell, the worst behaving and most bigoted people I have ever encountered claim to be Christians. That's one of many experiences I've had or witnessed is why I say many Christians aren't Christians anymore. Also, why I agree with your preference to be left alone.
I agree that we could do a better job as Christians sometimes, we know how we are supposed to act, but sometimes don’t live our faith as well as we should..but, we are like anyone else, imperfect

Commendations are in order for these officers who didn't cowardly sit outside barricaded behind vehicles or on the other side of an unlocked door while children where being slaughtered. If we listen to the left, the killer's firepower is just too great to run toward the danger and eliminate it; too bad kids!

Apparently, hardening schools is also just too great a problem to solve and glass doors that can be easily breached are an incalculable mystery with no solution. Sorry kids!

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