Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Does Gen Z have more mental health issues?


The younger generation has powered through a lot of upheaval in their short lives but it's taken a toll on their mental health. A new survey finds that an astounding 42 percent of those born between 1990 and 2010 – Gen Z – have been diagnosed with a mental health condition.Nov 9, 2022

I totally believe it.. people gave forgotten how to interact and connect with each other..the pandemic really did a number on all of us, but especially the kids
He can't get it through his head that people possessing illegal weapons won't bother with the laws.
And this last few shooters had legally obtained guns, and would not have been prevented from getting said guns by any type of proposed legislative measures that I can think of l.. I would love to be proven wrong
That's all you will continue to get until politicians become interested in actually solving the problem as opposed to simply scoring political points. The overwhelming majority of the proposals made by politicians would have no effect whatsoever on actually addressing the problem.

Thank goodness someone other myself and a few others here understand this. If I may, I'd add one other point. The political landscape won't change until citizens look beyond self-serving, and our own bias. Then start electing our politicians who pledge to be lobbyist-free, nation-centric instead of ethnic-centric, and mean it.
The media and politicians radicalize people for power . They tell groups they are being persecuted and discriminated against . Sooner or later a disturbed person decides to do something evil .

The folks in Washington and the media are the problem. Clicks and votes are more important than anyone .

You want to fix the problem get rid of the radicals in both parties that spew hate and do not traffic the media that feeds off them.
“Chief Drake added that while there was no known history of mental illness, it was a lead that was being investigated.

He also said Hale had been considering targeting another location – which was not identified – but had apparently decided not to because of the level of security around it.”

If only there were some way to protect the schools. <<taps head in frustration as the answer seems to be right in front of us, but just cannot see it>>

Saw some idiot last night in an interview saying armed security around the schools would traumatize kids and rob them of their childhood. And I thought back to my days in school when at least 20%-30% of the boys had guns in their vehicles. I guess it is possible, but I do not know of anyone robbed of their childhood because I had a deer rifle in my vehicle or any number of my buddies had those or shotguns or .22s. We really just didn't think about it being an issue. Different times and attitudes.

If someone had attacked our school, probably a decent chance they get shot by one of the high school boys or one of the male teachers/coaches with one of the boys' guns.
If only there were some way to protect the schools. <<taps head in frustration as the answer seems to be right in front of us, but just cannot see it>>

Saw some idiot last night in an interview saying armed security around the schools would traumatize kids and rob them of their childhood. And I thought back to my days in school when at least 20%-30% of the boys had guns in their vehicles. I guess it is possible, but I do not know of anyone robbed of their childhood because I had a deer rifle in my vehicle or any number of my buddies had those or shotguns or .22s. We really just didn't think about it being an issue. Different times and attitudes.

If someone had attacked our school, probably a decent chance they get shot by one of the high school boys or one of the male teachers/coaches with one of the boys' guns.
It’s only potentially traumatizing because leftist have indoctrinated our children to believe uniformed guards, police, etc. are evil and represent white supremacy.

I agree though. The short term answer is an armed presence.The long term answer is ridding our society of leftist ideology.
If only there were some way to protect the schools. <<taps head in frustration as the answer seems to be right in front of us, but just cannot see it>>

Saw some idiot last night in an interview saying armed security around the schools would traumatize kids and rob them of their childhood. And I thought back to my days in school when at least 20%-30% of the boys had guns in their vehicles. I guess it is possible, but I do not know of anyone robbed of their childhood because I had a deer rifle in my vehicle or any number of my buddies had those or shotguns or .22s. We really just didn't think about it being an issue. Different times and attitudes.

If someone had attacked our school, probably a decent chance they get shot by one of the high school boys or one of the male teachers/coaches with one of the boys' guns.

Again, I say one of the easiest and quickest ways of getting the right security in place is a jobs program for veterans...

Fund it at the DoE level and make a program where veterans have the option of moving straight out of active duty upon retirement or ETS, send them to a specialized school and give them the mission of "protect this location and the occupants from all harm and evil" before getting them into schools. Pay them a decent wage (most school systems don't pay enough to provide coverage at all locations) and keep them trained up.

They don't have to be police officers. They don't need to do truancy work. They don't need to do anything more than smile, patrol and defend their charges against all threats.

Simple fix and a good use of tax dollars. Better than sending it to Ukraine and back into the pockets of politicians.
The premise of your question is that transgender people are mentally ill and thereby more inclined to shoot up a school.

I can count on one finger the number of transgender people who shot up a school, a mall, or some other mass gathering. But its what, hundreds of straight people? -- who have shot up schools or malls or nightclubs, or what have you in just the last few years.
I haven't done a deep dive but by percentage some studies indicate a significantly higher rate of mental illness. This would certainly make the odds of them acting in violent or erratic behavior higher would it not?
If only there were some way to protect the schools. <<taps head in frustration as the answer seems to be right in front of us, but just cannot see it>>

Saw some idiot last night in an interview saying armed security around the schools would traumatize kids and rob them of their childhood. And I thought back to my days in school when at least 20%-30% of the boys had guns in their vehicles. I guess it is possible, but I do not know of anyone robbed of their childhood because I had a deer rifle in my vehicle or any number of my buddies had those or shotguns or .22s. We really just didn't think about it being an issue. Different times and attitudes.

If someone had attacked our school, probably a decent chance they get shot by one of the high school boys or one of the male teachers/coaches with one of the boys' guns.
You can blame the left for that. Liberals have been demonizing guns for the last 40 years.
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Yeah. Trans-Terror is apparently a thing now. They feel like they are experiencing genocide so they must fight for survival.
are the trans people not performing self-"genocide" (lol) by mutilating their junk so it is no longer functional?
Thank goodness someone other myself and a few others here understand this. If I may, I'd add one other point. The political landscape won't change until citizens look beyond self-serving, and our own bias. Then start electing our politicians who pledge to be lobbyist-free, nation-centric instead of ethnic-centric, and mean it.
To do that we have to agree on societies principles and morals. Currently we do not.
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