Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Thank goodness someone other myself and a few others here understand this. If I may, I'd add one other point. The political landscape won't change until citizens look beyond self-serving, and our own bias. Then start electing our politicians who pledge to be lobbyist-free, nation-centric instead of ethnic-centric, and mean it.

Most on the left consider nation centric and ethnocentric to be the same thing. Have you never seen a debate on border control?
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Clay Travis
Michael Collazo and Rex Englebert were the brave @MNPDNashville police officers who arrived at the school, ran to gunfire, and killed the trans murderer before she could kill more innocent people. They are heroes. Share their story widely instead of the killer’s name.

Oh no...God bless those folks and their families. What is wrong with people these days man? Hope the Lord puts an end to this madness soon. I have seen way more than enough.
It’s up to us and the political leadership to “put an end to this madness.“ God has given us all the tools, our leaders need to get off their asses.
I haven't done a deep dive but by percentage some studies indicate a significantly higher rate of mental illness. This would certainly make the odds of them acting in violent or erratic behavior higher would it not?
Also higher rates of autism in trans people apparently.. I just saw something about that last night..Apparently this girl was transitioning to be a boy.. Aubrey to Aidan, and had just decided to do that, and had ‘high functioning autism’.. I really think steroids could have been a factor in aggression, but I’m just guessing.. also autistic people are already ‘neurodivergent’ and then you are putting chemicals on top of that.. doesn’t seem like a smart idea..
It’s up to us and the political leadership to “put an end to this madness.“ God has given us all the tools, our leaders need to get off their asses.
The leaders of this country (both left and right) could care less. 95% of what they do or say is to appease their base and donors. In about a week this shooting will no longer be spoke about and then another one will happen and the same outrage (ban guns, thoughts and prayers) blah blah’s a never ending cycle of BS.
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
The trans shooter left a manifest not a suicide note and it isn’t hard to infer the message intended

‘You mess with our kids, we kill your kids’

Textbook act of domestic terrorism
So basically she was going after church kids… smh.. yep, that is terrorism.. those poor babies
Also higher rates of autism in trans people apparently.. I just saw something about that last night..Apparently this girl was transitioning to be a boy.. Aubrey to Aidan, and had just decided to do that, and had ‘high functioning autism’.. I really think steroids could have been a factor in aggression, but I’m just guessing.. also autistic people are already ‘neurodivergent’ and then you are putting chemicals on top of that.. doesn’t seem like a smart idea..

Testosterone increases aggression, if she was chemically transitioning.
Testosterone increases aggression, if she was chemically transitioning.
Oh most definitely… my husband did some bodybuilding back in the day and I could always tell when he was on exogenous testosterone.. it makes you extremely offended and upset by the most minor perceived slight, and extremely impulsive .. I had to give him an ultimatum.. he was crazy... I can just imagine if your brain is atypical /as this girl had autism/ and you are not processing these things in a predictable manner.. if I were the prescribing physician I would be crapping my pants right about now
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You won’t find a post from me offering prayers.

While my heart goes out to the victims and their families I have a “suck it up buttercup” attitude. Freedom is dangerous but I accept that risk as it’s much more palatable than the alternatives.
“Suck it up buttercup” to the families of murdered 9 year olds so you can own an AR and go plinking with your buddies on the weekends? That’s depraved, sir.
are the trans people not performing self-"genocide" (lol) by mutilating their junk so it is no longer functional?

It’s only potentially traumatizing because leftist have indoctrinated our children to believe uniformed guards, police, etc. are evil and represent white supremacy.
I agree though. The short term answer is an armed presence.The long term answer is ridding our society of leftist ideology.

I don't know about the accusation you make of leftists, but assume it is true. With, here's the flip side of the coin. Police officers' past and ongoing behavior has feed general distrust of officers. It's not just among minorities now. With the qualified immunity manure, cops get very limited if any real accountability in the majority of their misconduct. They know it, so many have become nothing more than badged bullies and uniformed thugs. So much so, that when a REAL cop dares to report or intervene on a gross violation of department policy or civil rights violation, said good cop gets reprimanded, penalized, harassed, even fired. So, if what you say the left is doing, take a look at why, and what cops are doing to feed that narrative. Probably you don't have the guts, or you're too biased to do so. If you're going to preach leftist ideology, preach rightist ideology too, honestly not biased. There are no innocent parties in this mess. But there sure is a lot of finger pointing to avoid your own contribution to the situation. [Today at 7:59 AM #1,037]

Grand Vol said:
Again, I say one of the easiest and quickest ways of getting the right security in place is a jobs program for veterans...
Fund it at the DoE level and make a program where veterans have the option of moving straight out of active duty upon retirement or ETS, send them to a specialized school and give them the mission of "protect this location and the occupants from all harm and evil" before getting them into schools. Pay them a decent wage (most school systems don't pay enough to provide coverage at all locations) and keep them trained up.
They don't have to be police officers. They don't need to do truancy work. They don't need to do anything more than smile, patrol and defend their charges against all threats.
Simple fix and a good use of tax dollars. Better than sending it to Ukraine and back into the pockets of politicians. [Today at 7:59 AM #1,037]

Nope. we have already seen White supremacists and White vigilantes believing their privilege justifies taking the law into their hands, and not just shooting people due to their skin color, but literally hunting them down for doing nothing more than minding their own business, jogging, meeting a Craiglist customer in plaza parking lot to complete the sale of a toy. We don't need any more a-holes with a cowboy complex, strutting around with a gun and a biased attitude. I guarantee, we'll end up with such a bang-bang shoot 'em jackass killing or wounding some of the very kids he was supposed to protect. If you're going to post guards, make sure they are trained personnel and mentally stable to do the job the right way.

Rasputin Vol Posted:

My response is:
Religious people aren't religious anymore. Rather than preaching and practicing the tenets of their faith, They use it as a club, excuse, justification to preach an US vs THEM outlook. And along with it, actions to back up their corrupt and hypocritical mindset. Not that the behavior is new, but it is more widespread and radical now. Coupled with power and money mongers, politicians eager to feed these attitudes for their own benefit. Finally, these same people INSIST on being allergic to the truth when it is pointed out to them. They harden their attitude, ridicule those who dare to tell them the truth, threaten them, and too often now, act on those threats. Now, they're even weaponizing local, county, state, and federal positions to further their extremist agenda.
Most on the left consider nation centric and ethnocentric to be the same thing. Have you never seen a debate on border control?

I have seen jackasses on both the left and right side. I see them both as finger pointing POS who aren't really focused on anything except finger pointing.
I have seen jackasses on both the left and right side. I see them both as finger pointing POS who aren't really focused on anything except finger pointing.

The topic wasn’t “jackasses” but rather ethnocentricm and nationalism. Your reply is meaningless
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I don't know about the accusation you make of leftists, but assume it is true. With, here's the flip side of the coin. Police officers' past and ongoing behavior has feed general distrust of officers. It's not just among minorities now. With the qualified immunity manure, cops get very limited if any real accountability in the majority of their misconduct. They know it, so many have become nothing more than badged bullies and uniformed thugs. So much so, that when a REAL cop dares to report or intervene on a gross violation of department policy or civil rights violation, said good cop gets reprimanded, penalized, harassed, even fired. So, if what you say the left is doing, take a look at why, and what cops are doing to feed that narrative. Probably you don't have the guts, or you're too biased to do so. If you're going to preach leftist ideology, preach rightist ideology too, honestly not biased. There are no innocent parties in this mess. But there sure is a lot of finger pointing to avoid your own contribution to the situation. [Today at 7:59 AM #1,037]

Grand Vol said:
Again, I say one of the easiest and quickest ways of getting the right security in place is a jobs program for veterans...
Fund it at the DoE level and make a program where veterans have the option of moving straight out of active duty upon retirement or ETS, send them to a specialized school and give them the mission of "protect this location and the occupants from all harm and evil" before getting them into schools. Pay them a decent wage (most school systems don't pay enough to provide coverage at all locations) and keep them trained up.
They don't have to be police officers. They don't need to do truancy work. They don't need to do anything more than smile, patrol and defend their charges against all threats.
Simple fix and a good use of tax dollars. Better than sending it to Ukraine and back into the pockets of politicians. [Today at 7:59 AM #1,037]

Nope. we have already seen White supremacists and White vigilantes believing their privilege justifies taking the law into their hands, and not just shooting people due to their skin color, but literally hunting them down for doing nothing more than minding their own business, jogging, meeting a Craiglist customer in plaza parking lot to complete the sale of a toy. We don't need any more a-holes with a cowboy complex, strutting around with a gun and a biased attitude. I guarantee, we'll end up with such a bang-bang shoot 'em jackass killing or wounding some of the very kids he was supposed to protect. If you're going to post guards, make sure they are trained personnel and mentally stable to do the job the right way.

Rasputin Vol Posted:

My response is:
Religious people aren't religious anymore. Rather than preaching and practicing the tenets of their faith, They use it as a club, excuse, justification to preach an US vs THEM outlook. And along with it, actions to back up their corrupt and hypocritical mindset. Not that the behavior is new, but it is more widespread and radical now. Coupled with power and money mongers, politicians eager to feed these attitudes for their own benefit. Finally, these same people INSIST on being allergic to the truth when it is pointed out to them. They harden their attitude, ridicule those who dare to tell them the truth, threaten them, and too often now, act on those threats. Now, they're even weaponizing local, county, state, and federal positions to further their extremist agenda.
No, I do think Christians are generally more likely today to defend their faith because they (well, we), have also felt dismissed and scorned.. There have always been finger waggers 😂, but for the most part, people just want to be left alone or not have the things that they don’t believe in shoved down their throat until they like it.. Most Christians I know are not going to witness to you unless you go to them for support or you are in need or are amenable to it.. I think people have a lot of imagined slights on both sides lol
Also higher rates of autism in trans people apparently.. I just saw something about that last night..Apparently this girl was transitioning to be a boy.. Aubrey to Aidan, and had just decided to do that, and had ‘high functioning autism’.. I really think steroids could have been a factor in aggression, but I’m just guessing.. also autistic people are already ‘neurodivergent’ and then you are putting chemicals on top of that.. doesn’t seem like a smart idea..
Agreed . . . Definitely a lot of comorbidities possible with HFA. Just a plethora of things that we don't fully understand.
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