Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Just metropolises? Gee, I'm willing to bet you'll find less "likely applies" generally throughout the country(ies). You don't seem to know what argument you're making.
Having observed and studied this for several decades, you'll find that homicides by other means are considerably more prevalent in the U.S. too. As UK criminologist Colin Greenwood remarked of the disparate occurrence of beating deaths in the U.S. "Are Americans in possession of more hands and feet per person than UK citizens?"

Japan has a rape rate 27 times lower than the U.S. Are Japanese men 27 times less likely to have a penis? With a rape rate 132X that of Japan, do South African men have a per capita surplus of rapey appendages?

Figure out what your argument is.
Do you think it’s reasonable to compare the state of New Hampshire, population 1.3 million, to the United Kingdom, population 67 million?
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But that isn't what was said. You deny there is any correlation. I pointed out the high rate of mental illness associated with those that identified as LBTQ etc and drew a logical conclusion that that may make them at risk for higher rates of erratic and or violent behavior........ And you dismissed it outright.

I don't care to demonize any group of people. But these are legitimate questions and perhaps it's time we take kid gloves off and have real discussions instead of skirting the issue because it may offend someone. Science and facts should never be dismissed or ignored because it's inconvenient.

And this is part of the problem with the looseness with which people are describing this:

1) Some people on the board are saying that transgender status is itself a mental illness (I am willing to wager these same people would say that homosexuality is, as well);

2) You just phrased it as a "high rate of mental illness associated with those that identified as LBTQ."

So is it merely the status of being gay or transgender that is mental illness, or is it "correlated" to that? I'm not even sure what you mean by "correlated." But in any event, you see the point, I think you should commit to your position, one way or another. Are you saying that homosexuality or transgender identity is itself a mental illness?

I find such desires or identities odd and cannot relate to them in any way. But I also don't know why people actually like seafood. I don't consider that a mental illness just because seafood makes my skin crawl.

Next, you make the leap of logic that if these folks are "mentally ill" in the form of sexual preference or identity, that has some bearing on their being violent. There is no basis for that. You just want it to be true.

And that last statement is because your comment that you don't want to demonize a group of people is a flat out lie by you. You absolutely DO want to demonize them. You aren't fooling anyone by claiming you don't.
Not “unrecoverable,” whatever that means, and don’t need to be “recovered.” Just read a table wrong, mea culpa. White perps outnumber black perps more than 4:1 in cases of a white victim.

Look at the aggregate, since most murders are committed against the murderers own race.

Also what is the ratio compared with black victims murdered at the hands of white perps. Is it similar?
That would require more funding for police departments and better training and pay for officers, which we’ve shown we don’t want to do.

I don't know if it would require more funding, just a reallocation of current funding. We spend a lot of money trying to win an unwinnable war against freedom, I mean drugs.
I don't know if it would require more funding, just a reallocation of current funding. We spend a lot of money trying to win an unwinnable war against freedom, I mean drugs.
I just mean to the degree many officers spend time “fee-grabbing” as my father calls it, you would have to replace that lost revenue.
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So, what do the local yokels have to say about that? This literally reads that trans people suffer from several mental illnesses at a high rate (but, of course, it's our society's fault). That the shooter was a victim???

That's a damn Cult statement.
That's a bunch of ******** the children and innocent adults are the victims

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