Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I’d actually be curious what the data is as far as when shooters acquired their weapons vs when the shooting took place. It could be that these are rash decisions that would lose momentum if they couldn’t be rapidly pulled off. Or maybe not, but it would be helpful to know.

In some ways isn’t this another form of suicide? The vast majority of people who attempt suicide and fail do not attempt again, though I don’t know if a temporary roadblock in being able to procure arms would constitute a failure. It seems possible; humans are fickle.

This lunatic had maps and a manifesto and had put some time into planning it. Where does a f****** “waiting period” do anything in this instance? How about the Vegas instance? Maybe we should have a waiting period for pressure cookers as well.
Hell yes I believe your right to own an AR is dog crap compared to the hundreds of innocent kids (and adults) killed in mass shootings so far and the hundreds who will die in the future if something doesn’t change.

“Fear to cause surrender”? What are you even talking about? Surrender of what?
So you're for banning swimming pools, alcohol, and numerous other things that result in more children's deaths?
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Now actually address my question without trying to frame my position for me. Take it as it's stated. No more no less.

Can you remind me the post # with the question.

Why wouldn’t they be?

I'm no psychiatrist or mental health profession but I think you need a really broad definition of mental illness to call them that. This seems akin to wanting to send people to shock therapy.
This lunatic had maps and a manifesto and had put some time into planning it. Where does a f****** “waiting period” do anything in this instance? How about the Vegas instance? Maybe we should have a waiting period for pressure cookers as well.
Can I have my money back on the pressure cooker when my wife decides she doesn't need it?
What is skewed about my data? The black homicide rate is around 30 per 100k. Removing an obvious outlier only makes sense.

New Hampshire is above the national average and yet has a far greater population density ( than Canada (<27 per km).

You’re right it’s not hard to understand. There is a major problem (30 homicides per 100k) within the black community of our country. But to try to say that means we have a gun problem in this country as a whole is insanely disingenuous and not backed up by the data.

As far as your claim of “cherry picking”. I’m just doing what you’re doing. Instead of comparing our country to the EU or Canada, you prefer to compare it to countries the size of states. So I picked a state with very loose gun laws that’s middle of the pack in terms of population density. Seems like a fair comparison.
67 million vs 1.3 million is a proportionally greater disparity than 330 million vs that same 67 million. The EU includes former Soviet countries that are much poorer and less stable than the US, and as you say, “Removing an obvious outlier only makes sense.”
Can you remind me the post # with the question.

I'm no psychiatrist or mental health profession but I think you need a really broad definition of mental illness to call them that. This seems akin to wanting to send people to shock therapy.

How is “being a man trapped in a woman’s body” not a mental issue? What’s the statistic of diagnosed mental illness among the alphabet community? Like well over 70%? Just maybe the dysphoria itself is the mental illness.
This lunatic had maps and a manifesto and had put some time into planning it. Where does a f****** “waiting period” do anything in this instance? How about the Vegas instance? Maybe we should have a waiting period for pressure cookers as well.
How much time? A week? Two? Maybe a waiting period would help or maybe not. It would be interesting to see the data.
I’d actually be curious what the data is as far as when shooters acquired their weapons vs when the shooting took place. It could be that these are rash decisions that would lose momentum if they couldn’t be rapidly pulled off. Or maybe not, but it would be helpful to know.

In some ways isn’t this another form of suicide? The vast majority of people who attempt suicide and fail do not attempt again, though I don’t know if a temporary roadblock in being able to procure arms would constitute a failure. It seems possible; humans are fickle.
You bring up some good points.. I think people who actually are in charge of all of these decisions need to look at all of these factors in a non biased way..yep, it was basically suicide by a Borderline Personality person, who did not just want to take herself out but cause maximum impact in devastating others as well.. her parents thought she had sold her gun, but she had 7.. they acted shocked about all of this, but they admit that they thought she didn’t need to have guns, which would indicate that they knew there was a problem
67 million vs 1.3 million is a proportionally greater disparity than 330 million vs that same 67 million. The EU includes former Soviet countries that are much poorer and less stable than the US, and as you say, “Removing an obvious outlier only makes sense.”

That’s why we are looking at per capita numbers instead of total. To adjust for the population differences. So I’ll ask again. New Hampshire has half the homicide rate of Canada, about 8x the population density of canada, and far more permissive gun laws.

If the problem is guns, how do you explain that disparity?
Can you remind me the post # with the question.

I'm no psychiatrist or mental health profession but I think you need a really broad definition of mental illness to call them that. This seems akin to wanting to send people to shock therapy.

Lol. You’re relying on the psychiatric community to handle this with any integrity. Lol.
Man, we need like a 15 day refundable waiting period on household items then. I'd save a lot of money.
I just need a door greeter at Kroger to ask me if I’m hungry as soon as I walk in the door. If I answer yes, best if I just leave, get some food, and come back later.

Grocery bill when not hungry= $150 UBA
Grocery bill when hungry $864 UBA.

UBA stands for Under Biden Administration. The modifier is needed.
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How much time? A week? Two? Maybe a waiting period would help or maybe not. It would be interesting to see the data.

You realize that as is everyone who tries to buy a gun doesn’t pass a background check don’t you? If there’s any type of red flag it’s denied or at least delayed. It’s the government doing this and they’re inept in almost everything they do and that’s what needs to be fixed. How many times have they failed by letting someone that was on their radar do this? Why aren’t mental health professionals already involved? How many times does a felony gun charge get dropped to a misdemeanor only for that person to get another gun and kill someone? This isn’t on the law abiding citizens. It’s on the government that for some crazy reason you want more of.
I just need a door greeter at Kroger to ask me if I’m hungry as soon as I walk in the door. If I answer yes, best if I just leave, get some food, and come back later.

Grocery bill when not hungry= $150 UBA
Grocery bill when hungry $864 UBA.

UBA stands for Under Biden Administration. The modifier is needed.
Facts. I've always been told it's terrible to shop when you're hungry.
We have a deer rifle (Benelli)..if I really wanted to put a big hole in something, that is what I would use, but I don’t want to do that 😂.. Also would not be able to do it very fast lol..I think my Rueger has maybe eight in a clip? this person was crazy.. I think we should try and at least listen to one another’s sides.. somehow we have all forgotten how to do this..
Are you sure? Benelli is known for their shotguns. Didn't know they made deer rifles.
I still seem to be the only one interested in the fact that 33% of mass shootings are by bipolar or schizophrenic people and another 8% are by autistic people.

That’s massive giving how rare those diseases are.
Can you remind me the post # with the question.

I'm no psychiatrist or mental health profession but I think you need a really broad definition of mental illness to call them that. This seems akin to wanting to send people to shock therapy.
It's really not all that important.

To summarize I asked you if you thought a higher rate of metal illness might also mean a higher rate of erratic and violent behavior.

This was around the time when prohibitions for firearms, "red flag " stops were being discussed.

I just found your response odd. It could be that there were multiple discussions going on. That and framing my argument, again possibly from crossing other discussions/responses.

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