Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I'm all for keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. If none of these people had access to guns, I would gladly get rid of most of our other regulations and restrictions..........
But I can't even get people to comment on this.....
What say ye?

About Mental Health.
How common are mental illnesses?
Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions in the United States.

  • More than 50% will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime.3
  • 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in a given year.4
  • 1 in 5 children, either currently or at some point during their life, have had a seriously debilitating mental illness.5
  • 1 in 25 Americans lives with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression.6
Are you saying we should get the guns out of the hands of these people? We may have found one more thing on which we agree.
Do you consider gender dysmorphia or transgender is as mental illness?
So you have no suggestions for eliminating schools as soft targets. You just want to infringe on other Americans' constitutional rights, which wouldn't solve the problem.

She shot her way in. How would you propose to harden EVERY SINGLE entry point to EVERY SINGLE school? Followed by every entry way into every grocery store. Or church.
As we are in the context of trying to restrict access to firearms to people with certain characteristics, I don't think once's religious beliefs is a valid basis to include or exclude.

Its not that you are a different gender, its that you identify with the opposite gender. Its far more complicated than, as you said below, I am Henry the VIII.

The people that went into the Capitol on 1/6 showed a propensity to either actual violence, or to tolerate violence for a political cause. When they did that, IMO they showed far more we should be worried about than this inchoate fear of people who prefer to be the opposite sex. If anyone should not be allowed ot have guns, its the people that went into the Capitol or have posted things in support of Trump calling for death and destruction if he is indicted.

Those are a far better proxy for propensity to violence and should be disarmed first and foremost.

The trans folks say that its not a false reality -- that they identify in another direction. I'm not saying they are right or wrong. I'm just not sure its a mental illness or that it means they might be violent.

The Bible and what you consider under it a "sinful act" is no basis for deciding who should, or should not, have guns.

Nowhere in my post did I indicate that homosexuality or homosexual acts by themselves should be a bar to owning or carrying a gun. Choosing to have sex with a same sex partner is forbidden in the Bible but does not indicate insanity.

Being a male and actually believing that you are a female and trying to get everyone around you to join in your fantasy is the sign of a broken mind. Those people do not need to be carrying a gun because they are by definition, unstable.
Nashville Covenant school Headmaster hailed as hero in wake of shooting: 'She protected her children'

EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: Katherine Koonce, the headmaster at The Covenant School who was shot and killed on Monday, went to great lengths to prepare her students and staff for active shooter situations and immediately took action when a former student opened fire.

Nashville City Councilman Russ Pulley said that Koonce was in the middle of a virtual meeting when the shooting started around 10:13 a.m.

Nashville Covenant school headmaster hailed as hero in wake of shooting: 'She protected her children'
She shot her way in. How would you propose to harden EVERY SINGLE entry point to EVERY SINGLE school? Followed by every entry way into every grocery store. Or church.
I don't know why it should be any surprise that liberal LG would arrive on the scene to try to obfuscate, but we're talking about protecting children at schools. Schools are currently soft targets. They should NOT be soft targets, and that could easily be changed.
She shot her way in. How would you propose to harden EVERY SINGLE entry point to EVERY SINGLE school? Followed by every entry way into every grocery store. Or church.

How about we start by making sure every school in America has an actual armed person there to defend them? Seems like a pretty basic goal that would make them less of a target right?
Nowhere in my post did I indicate that homosexuality or homosexual acts by themselves should be a bar to owning or carrying a gun. Choosing to have sex with a same sex partner is forbidden in the Bible but does not indicate insanity.

Being a male and actually believing that you are a female and trying to get everyone around you to join in your fantasy is the sign of a broken mind. Those people do not need to be carrying a gun because they are by definition, unstable.
Spot on in the second paragraph.
So your interpretation is that 'shall not be infringed' means there will be no regulations? No limits to the type and lethality of weapon? Search up scholarly articles on the topic and you won't find that so clear cut.

There are plenty of regulations. Am I missing something?
Saw a relevant quote yesterday:

Saying "guns kill people " is just like saying "pencils misspell words".

It is just as ignorant and irrational...casting blame on inanimate objects rather than the REAL problem...the mental health or ability of the person that uses each tool.

Love the " big scary black AR" fear rearing its ugly head clockwork. Semiautomatic rifles chambered in the REAL deadly calibers...30.06, 7mm magnum, hell even Barrett. .50cal or THE deadliest of all inside a building...a 12 gauge shotgun that leaves no survivors...get no press, nobody trying to ban them, no mention at all. Meanwhile the lowly AR15...usually chambered in .223...get vilified as if they were Hitler himself, drunk with bloodlust.

Seems that some folks here discount/dismiss the .22 rifle as merely a squirrel gun or "can plinker" not dangerous at all....while simultaneously living in abject fear and disgust for an AR15 which is .223 ?!?

Yall ever stop to think about how little the difference is between .22 and .223 ? More powder behind it...but the actual projectile is almost exactly the same diameter as a .22....maybe its the magazine capacity that makes em so scary? 1st gun was a .22 rifle and i got a 30 round magazine for it can't be the magazine.

Wonder what could have caused the irrational fear of AR style rifles? Since it can be easily demonstrated that they are actually far LESS deadly at the close range in which mass casualty events occur versus pretty much any shotgun, deer rifle, or many pistols? Where could all this fear about those "scary black ARs" have come from? Hmmmm
So, what you are saying is yes and you believe there is a high level of mental illness in these groups compared to the general population.
Maybe view it similarly to being a war vet. Being a war vet is certainly not a mental illness, but war vets have much higher likelihood of suffering from mental illness.

I hope some of you will actually think that through before responding,
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Maybe view it similarly to being a war vet. Being a war vet is certainly not a mental illness, but war vets have much higher likelihood of suffering from mental illness.

I hope some of you will actually think that through before responding,
I did.

Being a war vet is the same as being born a male but believing you are female, pursuing avenues to appear as female, and insisting the rest of the world affirms you are female.

Thanks for the clarification.

Current Scorecard:
Kids born with Cleft Palates=Youth Gender Reassignment Surgery (Luth)

War Veterans=People with Gender Dysphoria (Luth)

People that like seafood= People with Gender Dysphoria (LG)

Keep it coming fellas. Enlighten the rest of us.
I hope people have watched the body cam video at this point. And asked themselves whether their sport is worth it.
I agree. but both ways.

What does it even matter? Isn’t intent enough? It takes a hateful person to go kill innocent people…much less INNOCENT 9 YEAR OLD CHILDREN.

The shame is that had she lived, she would go to trial in 3 years and spend decades in prison instead of being executed today.

She knowingly chose to go murder innocent kids because of whatever was bothering her in life. It’s so evil.

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