Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

They shouldn't be.

That is definitely not settled law and I hope it never is settled to be complete unregulated (the wild west). Have you seen some of our fellow humans? You might but from a practical standpoint, there are many I don't trust driving a car much less owning fully automatic weaponry.
For sale all over the web

  • 53a806bd-ef2e-41b2-b126-99b30336cd0c-5000lp-front-black.jpg
  • 177f424a-da55-48eb-ae31-cfda2c406250-5000-front-black.jpg

Same thing here. Why doesnt the lady show her whole face??

Because she knows the shirt she has on is a steaming pile of sheit...and shes a coward. She is afraid to let anyone recognize her while wearing that piece of garbage.

Same thing here. If she has to hide her identity to wear that BS...the she SHOULD NOT be wearing it. It really is that simple
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MTG Twitter Suspended over Highlighting ‘Trans Day of Vengeance'

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) congressional Twitter account has been suspended for a week after she condemned calls for a “Trans Day Of Vengeance” made before the Nashville school attack by a 28-year-old transgender shooter.

It was part of a Twitter-wide takedown of mentions of the event.

Greene was initially suspended after she tweeted that antifa was organizing the event, announced before the shooting yesterday that killed three children and three adults.

“After 3000 RTs of this tweet, my account was suspended AGAIN. Why is Twitter whitewashing the ‘Trans Day of Vengeance,’ @elonmusk? A day after a mass murder of children by a trans shooter? The people need to know about the threat they face from Antifa & trans-terrorism!!!” she wrote before the seven-day suspension hit.

MTG Twitter suspended over highlighting ‘Trans Day of Vengeance'
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That is definitely not settled law and I hope it never is settled to be complete unregulated (the wild west). Have you seen some of our fellow humans? You might but from a practical standpoint, there are many I don't trust driving a car much less owning fully automatic weaponry.
They had full autos in the Wild West?
Mini-14 comes in different calibers, you can also buy an AR-15 style weapon in 7.62. Silhouettes do not determine caliber. People need to focus on the why--the how can happen in too many different ways. AR-15 rifles have been available to the general public since the late 60's. The mass killings did really start getting cranked up till the 90's. You need to ask yourself what the hell happened to society in that time frame. The answer is too unpopular for a politician to dive into it.
Yes, let’s solve all of society’s problems and then, then we will figure out the elementary-schoolers-being-massacred issue.
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MTG Twitter Suspended over Highlighting ‘Trans Day of Vengeance'

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) congressional Twitter account has been suspended for a week after she condemned calls for a “Trans Day Of Vengeance” made before the Nashville school attack by a 28-year-old transgender shooter.

It was part of a Twitter-wide takedown of mentions of the event.

Greene was initially suspended after she tweeted that antifa was organizing the event, announced before the shooting yesterday that killed three children and three adults.

“After 3000 RTs of this tweet, my account was suspended AGAIN. Why is Twitter whitewashing the ‘Trans Day of Vengeance,’ @elonmusk? A day after a mass murder of children by a trans shooter? The people need to know about the threat they face from Antifa & trans-terrorism!!!” she wrote before the seven-day suspension hit.

MTG Twitter suspended over highlighting ‘Trans Day of Vengeance'
While I'm no fan of MTG, I believe she is correct here. My guess is that some underling at Twitter suspended her account. It will be interesting to see if Elon Musk lifts the suspension.
If only it were so: "The debate over the meaning of the Second Amendment has focused
primarily on a first-order question: does the amendment protect an individual
right to bear arms or a collective right of states to maintain militias free from
federal interference? At least since the 1939 Supreme Court decision in United
States v. Miller, the federal courts have tended to read the Second Amendment
in accordance with the collective rights approach.2 In recent years, however,
the individual rights view—which claims that the amendment guarantees
individuals the “right to possess firearms for personal self-defense and the
defense of others”3—has gained considerable support among academics and
courts alike. While far from fully displacing the collective rights view, the
individual rights approach to the Second Am..."

Does the second amendment give individuals the right to bear 'any arms' without regulations? Questions such as these are continuously debated.

You realize the people that wrote it added context as well? Any interpretations to limit the 2nd amendment right happened only because it was allowed to.
That is definitely not settled law and I hope it never is settled to be complete unregulated (the wild west). Have you seen some of our fellow humans? You might but from a practical standpoint, there are many I don't trust driving a car much less owning fully automatic weaponry.

Thanks for another post reinforcing the fact we have a people problem and not a gun problem. Prior to 1934 fully automatic weapons were legal and not regulated and we didn't have mass shootings (outside of gang related).
MTG Twitter Suspended over Highlighting ‘Trans Day of Vengeance'

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) congressional Twitter account has been suspended for a week after she condemned calls for a “Trans Day Of Vengeance” made before the Nashville school attack by a 28-year-old transgender shooter.

It was part of a Twitter-wide takedown of mentions of the event.

Greene was initially suspended after she tweeted that antifa was organizing the event, announced before the shooting yesterday that killed three children and three adults.

“After 3000 RTs of this tweet, my account was suspended AGAIN. Why is Twitter whitewashing the ‘Trans Day of Vengeance,’ @elonmusk? A day after a mass murder of children by a trans shooter? The people need to know about the threat they face from Antifa & trans-terrorism!!!” she wrote before the seven-day suspension hit.

MTG Twitter suspended over highlighting ‘Trans Day of Vengeance'

I have not read through this entire thread, so my apologies if it’s already been answered.

But what is this trans day of vengeance? What are their gripes that are leading them to threaten violence?
There is a process to handle this properly and with consensus . Stop looking for an easy way.
I am sure there is a lengthy list that needs to be addressed.
Let me guess, you believe that they only meant hunting rifles and for home defense? Not arms that the military would use?
The Amendment was written in a day when the average hunting rifle was in some ways more effective than a musket carried by regular troops.

I’m going to go on the record as vehemently disagreeing with you on this. We as privste citizens absolutely do not need M4s. You want Jeff Bezos to have his own private army, Abrams tanks, C-130s and all?
I have not read through this entire thread, so my apologies if it’s already been answered.

But what is this trans day of vengeance? What are their gripes that are leading them to threaten violence?

Radical group's 'Trans Day of Vengeance' moves forward in wake of Nashville school shooting

Trans Radical Activist Network says trans community 'facing astronomical amounts of hate from the world'

Radical group's 'Trans Day of Vengeance' moves forward in wake of Nashville school shooting
The Amendment was written in a day when the average hunting rifle was in some ways more effective than a musket carried by regular troops.

I’m going to go on the record as vehemently disagreeing with you on this. We as privste citizens absolutely do not need M4s. You want Jeff Bezos to have his own private army, Abrams tanks, C-130s and all?


And need has nothing to do with it. The rest is just flailing.
If only it were so: "The debate over the meaning of the Second Amendment has focused
primarily on a first-order question: does the amendment protect an individual
right to bear arms or a collective right of states to maintain militias free from
federal interference? At least since the 1939 Supreme Court decision in United
States v. Miller, the federal courts have tended to read the Second Amendment
in accordance with the collective rights approach.2 In recent years, however,
the individual rights view—which claims that the amendment guarantees
individuals the “right to possess firearms for personal self-defense and the
defense of others”3—has gained considerable support among academics and
courts alike. While far from fully displacing the collective rights view, the
individual rights approach to the Second Am..."

Does the second amendment give individuals the right to bear 'any arms' without regulations? Questions such as these are continuously debated.
Wasn't the question posed when the 2A was established of whether a private citizen can own a cannon ( the most powerful weapon at the time,) and the response was a yes of course
The Amendment was written in a day when the average hunting rifle was in some ways more effective than a musket carried by regular troops.

I’m going to go on the record as vehemently disagreeing with you on this. We as privste citizens absolutely do not need M4s. You want Jeff Bezos to have his own private army, Abrams tanks, C-130s and all?

The Founding Fathers felt that citizens should be able to protect themselves against the government and any other threat to their wellbeing or personal freedom.
Wasn't the question posed when the 2A was established of whether a private citizen can own a cannon ( the most powerful weapon at the time,) and the response was a yes of course
It was written with the intent of giving the People protection against a tyrannical government. How could they defend themselves or remove oppressive leaders with lesser weaponry?

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