Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Rather than focusing on being pro-gun, respectfully, place a higher emphasis on being pro-constitution. This battle is much greater than the time it takes to reload a firearm to possibly prevent further casualties. There is a non-stop assault on our rights, especially the 1st and 2nd amendment. Personally, I’m not willing to give another inch!
Yeah I swore an oath to uphold the USC.... never did that for pro-anything.
Nope, but I can understand why there would be a high level of mental illness within those groups.
This one proved to be mentally ill and from what I’ve read there were signs of aggression and anger present before this. He chose death by cop and killed innocent children and adults in the process.
There is no answer to who will flip a switch at any given time or what the trigger is. There are psychopaths with guns who never break the law.
Background checks are already in place to detect previous crimes and mental health issues like self harm or danger to others.
We have a generation of broken children created by broken parents. Unless someone has an answer for that we will continue on the same. I personally believe a whole loving family with solid values is the ideal situation for a child to be raised in. I believe it is the crux of the problem. Absence of the nuclear family.
Classic misdirection. Read Further. Surely there is a 'rate' or measure that can be used to attempt to keep 'more lethal' weapons out of the hands of the general public.

You fail to understand that the rate of fire is solely dependent on how fast a person pulls the trigger. No person is pulling a trigger 800-1200 times in a minute even if the gun is capable of such. If you pull the trigger one time and hold it you get one shot until you release the trigger to reset it then pull it again. Maybe you’re confusing semiautomatic with fully automatic otherwise nothing you have said makes any sense.
Twitter Reinstates Marjorie Taylor Greene

And just like that, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is back on Twitter, her seven-day suspension lifted after one day.

The social media platform flipped without an explanation on Wednesday, a day after it limited the lawmaker’s use of Twitter after she posted on upsetting reports about a “Trans Day Of Vengeance” being linked to the killing of young students at a private school in Nashville, Tennessee, by a former transgender student.

Twitter reinstates Marjorie Taylor Greene
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14 minutes with a shotgun might have been much, much deadlier.

Agreed. I have posted in this thread and the previous ones that a 12gauge..even a pump rather than much deadlier at the short distances these cowards shoot women and children inside buildings. Close to 100% kill rate with buckshot or slugs from that distance. Thank God that hasnt happened. Yet. You can buy a 12gauge at every Walmart and pawnshop in America. At 18 years old.

Just watched the video from the body cam. Very impressed by how PD responded.

Looks like police departments may have done some serious training after the absolute cowardly disaster that was the Uvalde shooting where a half dozen cops cowered in a hallway as kids were slowly executed for about 20 minutes. Most cowardly crap I have EVER seen in my life from a grown man. Training saves lives.
I can only think of one mass shooter to kill more than 20 people. I’m not convinced an extended magazine changes anything.

Like I said earlier, the real solution isn’t to slow their weapons down, but rather to have weapons of your own.

This is the second school in under a year without security that was shot up and we know it wasn’t coincidental. It’s been openly stated that the shooter had a different school in mind but went there due to “security”
What did that nut in Las Vegas use.. that’s one of the worst ones I can think of
I agree with you partially here: there are folks born that way. My readings on the subject indicated that a 10% number was thrown out for years, primarily by the gay/lesbian community. However, a summary of a study I read indicated the consensus was that among mammals including humans, the rate is really less than 5%.

Then last year a study comes out that almost 17% of teenage girls identify as lesbian (they're not, just identifying that way). If that is true, and frankly based on what I see and read I would not be surprised at all by that number, what exactly would you classify as a small portion? And how would you explain that, suddenly in a decade or so, have we started producing almost 1 in 6 lesbian females in the United States?

Fad. People do different or outrageous to be noticed. Just a variation of the class clowns we knew in school.
Not a perfect analogy, but I have to prove a certain fitness in order to do my job. If I screw up, my license can be taken away. I believe you should be vetted to own a weapon and should anything demonstrate otherwise, that the right should be forfeited.

You're vetted for your job and license because it is not a right. I think your speech rights should be forfeit for exercising it recklessly.
I agree with you partially here: there are folks born that way. My readings on the subject indicated that a 10% number was thrown out for years, primarily by the gay/lesbian community. However, a summary of a study I read indicated the consensus was that among mammals including humans, the rate is really less than 5%.

Then last year a study comes out that almost 17% of teenage girls identify as lesbian (they're not, just identifying that way). If that is true, and frankly based on what I see and read I would not be surprised at all by that number, what exactly would you classify as a small portion? And how would you explain that, suddenly in a decade or so, have we started producing almost 1 in 6 lesbian females in the United States?
It’s trendy.. I have girlfriends from childhood who definitely liked boys when we were younger, had husbands and kids and now they’re lesbians 😂… hippie lesbian grandmas.. it’s a thing lol.. our old neighbors had daughters who lesbians last year, and now they are ‘pansexual’ 😂.. Some people are gay and that’s who they are and they’ve always known it, for others it is trendy lol
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What did that nut in Las Vegas use.. that’s one of the worst ones I can think of
I had fallen asleep in bed with my TV on the news that night. I was having a nightmare about being in Vegas and being in the middle of a mass shooting incident. I woke up in the middle of the night and they were running the videos of the shooting.
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Fad. People do different or outrageous to be noticed. Just a variation of the class clowns we knew in school.
Where my brother lived until this fall (Uber-"progressive" large city in the pacific northwest), middle schoolers would decide in groups that they were gay or trans, then seek "gender affirming care" and demand to be treated as such. He estimated that 1/4 of his kids' schools had gone off their rockers.

He has since moved to the country.
But you are talking about the ar and the firing rate of an ar is the same as that of almost every gun in this country.

That’s why I keep asking if you want to ban all of them.

If not, what are you proposing? It’s no faster than other guns. So what’s your plan

But it looks menacing and has been the buzz word for quite some time.

If we're being honest the magazine capacity and the time it takes to change said magazine is the biggest factor in how many RPM. I would guess it would take no less time to change magazines on an AR than any other gun. As someone posted earlier, the AR is the customizable option for folks who want to make it their own. Kinda like the Jeep of guns. No more or less deadly than others but looks like it would be.

The super high fire rates that have been posted would melt the barrel of any gun. Right?
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Oh my.

@Grand Vol please read this and give us your thoughts.

My thoughts are someone didn't read far enough into the article.

And the barrel will melt in short order at the quoted rates of fire. And that's only on FA military versions. Which don't typically end up in the hands of civilians. Don't know the exact number of NFA lowers on circulation, but I'd suspect it's less than a thousand. More than likely far less. Namely because the AR/M16 platform really came to prominence around the same time as the GCA 1968. Likely not many more were produced before FOPA 1986 because the AR really didn't take off until the 90s or so.

Sustained rate of fire from any AR platform (full auto or not) is only 12-15 rounds per minute.

Now, someone hopefully educated.
Not a perfect analogy, but I have to prove a certain fitness in order to do my job. If I screw up, my license can be taken away. I believe you should be vetted to own a weapon and should anything demonstrate otherwise, that the right should be forfeited.

Can we do similar requirements for voting? Some sort of basic civics test? Disqualified if on government assistance under a certain age? Show up in person unless disabled or overseas? A voter ID?
Twitter Reinstates Marjorie Taylor Greene

And just like that, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is back on Twitter, her seven-day suspension lifted after one day.

The social media platform flipped without an explanation on Wednesday, a day after it limited the lawmaker’s use of Twitter after she posted on upsetting reports about a “Trans Day Of Vengeance” being linked to the killing of young students at a private school in Nashville, Tennessee, by a former transgender student.

Twitter reinstates Marjorie Taylor Greene
Looks like I was right on this one. I predicted she would quickly be reinstated.
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But it looks menacing and has been the buzz word for quite some time.

If we're being honest the magazine capacity and the time it takes to change said magazine is the biggest factor in how many RPM. I would guess it would take no less time to change magazines on an AR than any other gun. As someone posted earlier, the AR is the customizable option for folks who want to make it their own. Kinda like the Jeep of guns. No more or less deadly than others but looks like it would be.

The super high fire rates that have been posted would melt the barrel of any gun. Right?

Yeah, I couldn’t imagine there’s a barrel capable of such a fire rate. Luther was just trolling. Even he doesn’t believe an ar can shoot 1200 rpm
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Can we do similar requirements for voting? Some sort of basic civics test? Disqualified if on government assistance under a certain age? Show up in person unless disabled or overseas? A voter ID?
Me likey..unfortunately, stupid people should be able to vote 😂, but only one time 😂.. a think driver’s licenses should be mandatory, no exceptions, and only military abroad can vote mail in… my Aunt lived in Dubai, and Sri Lanka for years, she had no idea what was going on over here for years and had no skin in the game imo
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Can you imagine a semi-auto shotgun cranking out 700 RPM of 00B? That's over 6,000 9mm projectiles every 60 seconds (and one damn sore shoulder).

They made them illegal here, as well as restrictions on how many shells/slugs you can even have in your shotgun...the Mossberg persuader i used to have before the fire has a 7 plus 1 capacity with 2.75in normal shells in it...but legally you can only have 3 plus 1 in the pipe IIRC,? That sucks for those who actually observe that law.

The "street sweeper," semiautomatic 12ga with the 20 round magazines are insane. I would LOVE to have one...probably the deadliest home defense weapon you could have right? Those are only attainable by military and maybe SWAT anymore though i think? Please Lord, don't ever let some lunatic bring something like that to a public place to hurt innocent civilians.
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Where my brother lived until this fall (Uber-"progressive" large city in the pacific northwest), middle schoolers would decide in groups that they were gay or trans, then seek "gender affirming care" and demand to be treated as such. He estimated that 1/4 of his kids' schools had gone off their rockers.

He has since moved to the country.

It's incredible how something new pops up, gets some notoriety, and suddenly it's the new thing that people have to be or have to have.

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