Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

OMG, what happened? I see an afternoon of patients and come back to see the last 10 pages? I had to quit at p91.

But quick: where can I stop and get a high caliber AR Gatling gun with a mega-recoil spring that rattles off 1000 RPM on my way home?

Did the lefties start drinking early today? I mean, can you even try to educate yourself so that we could just have a reasonable discussion? Lord, have mercy.
I know where there is one of those but it has a hypersonic muzzle velocity so when the bullet tumbles it creates a blackhole. Have to be careful where you point it.
But what unique upheaval has the Gen Z population faced compared to other generations? We've all faced different stuff, but what is unique about Gen Z other than there seems to be a lot of confusion over what is considered normal. Maybe it's more societal because the rules keep changing, and Gen Z has a shifting foundation. After all, the rest of us knew what sex we were ... it's not that complicated ... really, but Gen Z seems to struggle with simple stuff like that.
Almost half of Gen Z has mental issues. That’s scary, means half of the yahoo’s on VN are fked up in the head.
The right doesn't compromise because it is an erosion of rights. The left doesn't compromise because anything short of beginning gun bans defeats the leftist agenda.

You have to ask yourself, why is the right called the right?

This right here. The go to for gun grabbers is always bans, more limits, more hurdles and more infringements on the law abiding citizens they never propose anything else or target the people who commit the crimes. So **** compromise! Give those people and inch and they always try to ram it up your azz.
I'd think a Google would answer that question. There is a WIKI if people agree with that definition. But again, it gets down to the nuts and bolts. I'd rather not have weapons that 'rapid fire' or high capacity magazines in the general public (or bullets that are designed to cause massive damage to the body).
Joycelyn Elders agrees that the industry needs to design and produce safer bullets.
OMG, what happened? I see an afternoon of patients and come back to see the last 10 pages? I had to quit at p91.

But quick: where can I stop and get a high caliber AR Gatling gun with a mega-recoil spring that rattles off 1000 RPM on my way home?

Did the lefties start drinking early today? I mean, can you even try to educate yourself so that we could just have a reasonable discussion? Lord, have mercy.
Per Luther you can get a semi auto AR-15 with those stats
Part of the reason why i am about $200,000 in just Christian school tuition despite being blue collar and far, far from being wealthy.

I have never owned a brand new car or truck. Ever. We do not have a big house...despite the fact that i can build nice houses completely by myself because 30 years now of construction work is all that I have ever done. We dont take super expensive vacations out of country, dont spend much on material things at all to be honest. We invested in our kids instead. So far we have 1 valedictorian who dual enrolled in HS so that he graduated with a degree in (pediatric) clinical psychology in 2.5 years instead of 4...he is now working on his masters at night. My daughter probably won't be valedictorian but she will be top 5 in her class and plans to dual enroll also to get a jump on college. Far, far more importantly....they both came to Christ of their own accord, at different ages and times...and neither has ever even had a teacher call home negatively, much less a detention or discipline problem. We are raising responsible adults...not children. We are parents first, and friends second. My kids address any adult as "sir" or "ma'am ". They are not perfect, but they are miles better than we ever deserved...and much better than my wife and i were at their ages.

If we had put our kids in the same public garbage schools that we kids would likely use drugs and alcohol like all of their friends, not try hard in school, be caught up in all this trans/racism/kill whitey bullcrap that the Dimwits are all about etc. I have zero doubts about that. Apparently that is the way of the world these days.

We want no part of that crap. None. Praying for tidal waves.
Yep.. if your kids are in AP Honors classes (my son is), you avoid a lot of the crap that goes on in the general classes and he got several scholarships.. if you have kids in gen pop (because that’s what it is (like my daughter).. you just pray to get them out of there halfway intact
The right doesn't compromise because it is an erosion of rights. The left doesn't compromise because anything short of beginning gun bans defeats the leftist agenda.

You have to ask yourself, why is the right called the right?
Eh, there are some common sense things that can be implemented that would minimize infringements and in keeping with the spirit of the 2nd.

First and foremost we must stop treating everything and everyone with synthetic or otherwise harmful chemicals.
I thought about that too.

If I went through 1000 rounds per minute, and I wanted to invest roughly an hour into firearm training. That’s 60K rounds multiplied by the current cost per round which would equal, WTF!
Not to mention you would need dozens of barrels because most of them would melt in a few minutes.
It is very difficult to have a reasonable conversation with people that bring absolute fiction into the discussion and label them as established facts.
I have found it difficult to have conversations with people that divide the whole country up in to 'lefties' and 'righties' as if we all fit neatly in two exclusive categories.

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