Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Hmmm.. give an example..I have to renew my license q 2 years.. how are you saying this would work with guns? People aren’t going to do it whatever it is.. they can’t even renew stickers on their car
I don't know. But the biggest obstacle to doing something substantive and meaningful is electing to do nothing - and that's what we continue to default to. Almost everyone of these mass shooters has had a mental health issue or other behavioral sign and has been able to lawfully obtain their weapons -and to me that just defies common sense.
I don't know. But the biggest obstacle to doing something substantive and meaningful is electing to do nothing - and that's what we continue to default to. Almost everyone of these mass shooters has had a mental health issue or other behavioral sign and has been able to lawfully obtain their weapons -and to me that just defies common sense.
They all had autism and or had been identified as having homicidal or suicidal ideation at some point, so I agree a database or flag on those folks would be helpful… I’m sure that will offend some people.. ‘shouldn’t autistic people have guns?’.. well, a lot of time you lack empathy, which is kind of key in not shooting people .. edit: now ‘experts’ are saying that autistic people experience empathy on ‘a scale’… but I would argue that it would be atypical as well, just my my personal experience
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To cause an active shooter to stop to reload more. It could give people a chance to escape or even intervene. What harm would it do you? Just trying to have an honest conversation.
Did you notice the shooter had more than one weapon? I'm kind of thinking they aren't going to stop and reload each one when the magazine is empty.
To cause an active shooter to stop to reload more. It could give people a chance to escape or even intervene. What harm would it do you? Just trying to have an honest conversation.

Let’s make a law where they can only carry one gun at a time as well. The honest conversation is that there are restrictions already in place that should prevent many of these tragedies. Why is our government failing to act on the laws they created and why do people thinking creating more laws for them to will do any better?
Just to be clear:

You believe mass shootings are due to a lack of proper training? If not, why even bring this up?
Not a perfect analogy, but I have to prove a certain fitness in order to do my job. If I screw up, my license can be taken away. I believe you should be vetted to own a weapon and should anything demonstrate otherwise, that the right should be forfeited.
Let’s make a law where they can only carry one gun at a time as well. The honest conversation is that there are restrictions already in place that should prevent many of these tragedies. Why is our government failing to act on the laws they created and why do people thinking creating more laws for them to will do any better?
That's not the point. I'm pro-gun. I just don't think high-capacity magazines are needed. So, if it could help, why not?
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To cause an active shooter to stop to reload more. It could give people a chance to escape or even intervene. What harm would it do you? Just trying to have an honest conversation.
Takes less than 10 seconds to drop a magazine and insert another and start shooting with a semi automatic weapon (handgun or rifle). Bolt action takes longer but all the modern bolt actions usually let you get 5 rounds in there. And if you're like me and enjoy a straight pull bolt action I can shoot pretty fast.

Now if we went back to only muzzle loaders then yeah, those might be hard to pull off a mass shooting with.
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To cause an active shooter to stop to reload more. It could give people a chance to escape or even intervene. What harm would it do you? Just trying to have an honest conversation.

I can only think of one mass shooter to kill more than 20 people. I’m not convinced an extended magazine changes anything.

Like I said earlier, the real solution isn’t to slow their weapons down, but rather to have weapons of your own.

This is the second school in under a year without security that was shot up and we know it wasn’t coincidental. It’s been openly stated that the shooter had a different school in mind but went there due to “security”
That's not the point. I'm pro-gun. I just don't think high-capacity magazines are needed. So, if it could help, why not?

Rather than focusing on being pro-gun, respectfully, place a higher emphasis on being pro-constitution. This battle is much greater than the time it takes to reload a firearm to possibly prevent further casualties. There is a non-stop assault on our rights, especially the 1st and 2nd amendment. Personally, I’m not willing to give another inch!
I can only think of one mass shooter to kill more than 20 people. I’m not convinced an extended magazine changes anything.

Like I said earlier, the real solution isn’t to slow their weapons down, but rather to have weapons of your own.

This is the second school in under a year without security that was shot up and we know it wasn’t coincidental. It’s been openly stated that the shooter had a different school in mind but went there due to “security”
14 minutes with a shotgun might have been much, much deadlier.
Not a perfect analogy, but I have to prove a certain fitness in order to do my job. If I screw up, my license can be taken away. I believe you should be vetted to own a weapon and should anything demonstrate otherwise, that the right should be forfeited.

If gun owners screw their rights can be taken away as well. There’s plenty of people who are court ordered to not own weapons
Let's just say that if the 2A ever had to be exercised for the main purpose it was designed, there is plenty of reason for high-capacity magazines.
The fact so many can't imagine a scenario where the populace would need to defend itself from the government is proof of how lazy, stupid, and unaware of world events this country has become.
Classic misdirection. Read Further. Surely there is a 'rate' or measure that can be used to attempt to keep 'more lethal' weapons out of the hands of the general public.
Do you seriously fail to understand that adopting any standard less than or equal to your quoted 45 per minute, would render every modern semiautomatic firearm illegal? Tens of millions of such firearms (not even counting those which have been lost in floods, tornadoes, and boating accidents) would be rendered illegal. Do you seriously fail to understand that most gun owners would not consider such a standard to be a reasonable compromise?
The fact so many can't imagine a scenario where the populace would need to defend itself from the government is proof of how lazy, stupid, and unaware of world events this country has become.
We keep discussing possible deterrents. How something as simple as a uniformed guard in front of an entrance may be enough of an obstacle for a criminal to change course.

I’m so thankful that as of right now our government has to consider the fact that a segment of the American populace is armed and willing. Maybe, just maybe that will be enough to deter power hungry authoritarians to slow their roll.

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