Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Absolutely it does. The 2nd applies to military grade firearms..... It was one of the stated purposes of the 2nd.
But didn't someone say those 800-1200 rounds per minute ARs aren't available on the civilian market? I'm confused.
Are they available or not?
If not, why?

Careful now
My point is that there are no controls that allow the enforcement of the laws. The NRA and their minions in Congress have legislated against efforts to do so. As pointed out previously, this and most of the high profile shootings in recent memory have been committed by individuals that should be restricted from owning guns, yet they were able to purchase them legally. All of our rights have limitations, even the first amendment and the right to vote - all I am looking for is a means to monitor and enforce them for the benefit of those that abide by the laws.
I don't understand. Laws are already on the books. The laws are not being properly enforced because the government is incompetent. Your proposed solution is to pass more laws? How does that make any sense?
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I wouldn’t consider that the height of manhood by any means, but I have a feeling your version of manhood isn’t very masculine.

Things like being a father, providing for a family, protecting your family. The actual roles of men.

Ambition, adhering to your word, providing, sticking up for the lesser. Your descriptions are purely natural. Mine are societal.

You trust those feelings of yours too much.
My favorite post is when Luther said an AR-15 rifle could shoot 1200 rpm.
I didn't say it. I posted a link that said. Seems now some of you guys are saying that it is accurate but not for the ARs available to the general citizen, only for military grade.....why are you not allowed to purchase? Isn't that a 2A infringement? nah...........
This one proved to be mentally ill and from what I’ve read there were signs of aggression and anger present before this. He chose death by cop and killed innocent children and adults in the process.
There is no answer to who will flip a switch at any given time or what the trigger is. There are psychopaths with guns who never break the law.
Background checks are already in place to detect previous crimes and mental health issues like self harm or danger to others.
We have a generation of broken children created by broken parents. Unless someone has an answer for that we will continue on the same. I personally believe a whole loving family with solid values is the ideal situation for a child to be raised in. I believe it is the crux of the problem. Absence of the nuclear family.
I agree with most every word of that post.
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Start with that post above.

Which is why I don't go along with people on the right who seemingly want little or no gun control. Yes, guns are part of the problem. I also don't go along with harsh controls that you'll hear or see in some municipalities. But again, I know for this forum, I'm in the minority.
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Do you seriously fail to understand that adopting any standard less than or equal to your quoted 45 per minute, would render every modern semiautomatic firearm illegal? Tens of millions of such firearms (not even counting those which have been lost in floods, tornadoes, and boating accidents) would be rendered illegal. Do you seriously fail to understand that most gun owners would not consider such a standard to be a reasonable compromise?

I seriously understand that we need to reduce the lethality of weapons available to the general public. I seriously understand that calling for no controls is simply untenable. Why would I trust just about any Tom, Dick or Harry to own all manner of weapons when I'm not sure I trust many of them to drive. Yes, for some of these weapons, you'll receive a ton of training before use in certain professions. Does our average citizen receive such training prior to making decision such as when to use deadly force? So yes, I do look for compromise and not a strict 'gun control is off the table' position.
I didn't say it. I posted a link that said. Seems now some of you guys are saying that it is accurate but not for the ARs available to the general citizen, only for military grade.....why are you not allowed to purchase? Isn't that a 2A infringement? nah...........

Tripling down on ignorance.
I wouldn’t consider that the height of manhood by any means, but I have a feeling your version of manhood isn’t very masculine.

Things like being a father, providing for a family, protecting your family. The actual roles of men.
I would say the successful raising of a family is one good metric.
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But didn't someone say those 800-1200 rounds per minute ARs aren't available on the civilian market? I'm confused.
Are they available or not?
If not, why?

Careful now

"Former Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Warren Burger argues that the sale, purchase, and use of guns should be regulated just as automobiles and boats are regulated; such regulations would not violate the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. " I tend to agree with Warren Burger on this.

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