Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

That's awfully presumptuous.

I do plenty of charity work and contribute a substantial deal towards causes that are beyond myself.

Some of us settle and some of us don't. I don't think there's any disparity of masculinity between those two lifestyles.

I won't say it's selfish. I didn't want kids... until I first held my newborn son. Then it clicked.

Parents understand what they would be missing if they didn't have kids. People who don't have kids can't say the same.
That's about 20% true, which actually beats the hell out of your normal truth percentage.

I'm still waiting for someone to start a "brag about you kids" thread.
NY & ATL right. I hear one is soon to be married? Will that make both or you still have another bill on the horizon?
Of course you would think that. Nobody doubts your competence.
I don't know. What does 2A protect? All weapons? Anything available to the military? Anything that fires projectiles?
The founders weren't really very specific.....I guess that was intentional.
It's far different. Not everyone should be a parent.

You will die surrounded by your family, ideally. I will die having seen and done more things around the world than most can claim, ideally.

I don't see either of these as a measure of a man. I think I'm a better man for not having kids for little more than fulfilling a predetermined role, which I think way too many people do.

Before kids my wife and I traveled all over and lived in several awesome cities with our cool urban lifestyle. That came to an abrupt end when we had kids. I remember those carefree and fun times before kids fondly, but being a boring old parent is very gratifying and I can't even imagine living a life without my family now.
I learned some very interesting details this evening, including why nobody else was injured. The school did a phenomenal job. There were some very unfortunate circumstances, which I suppose were coincidental.

I would rather not say more, with regard for those involved, unless it is made public. However, I can say with certainty that fingers should not be pointed at the school.
I learned some very interesting details this evening, including why nobody else was injured. The school did a phenomenal job. There were some very unfortunate circumstances, which I suppose were coincidental.

I would rather not say more, with regard for those involved, unless it is made public. However, I can say with certainty that fingers should not be pointed at the school.

I have been wondering about this. The school must have done something extraordinary to keep the children safe.

I have also wondered if those children who were murdered were ones who happened to be outside of the classrooms at the time (bathroom, office, etc.)
So "arms" means guns and not weapons?

Well..... I also believe that law abiding citizens should be able to own full auto firearms as well without having to get a stamp from the ATF. The firearms act of 1933 was unconstitutional. Back then you could have cannons can still have a cannon, minus explosive rounds. It's just a big muzzle loader. Ironically, in most states you can legally purchase a military grade flame thrower, one of the most gruesome and destructive hand held weapons ever designed. A good one is about 1500 bucks.
It should. I doubt most people have the cash to dole out for a stinger missile though. Could’ve probably borrowed from 401k before dementia Joe.
So more or less, "if you can afford it, you should be able to legally buy it."

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