Adams has a point...

I think if Adams had any class he would have found something else to write about.

Dude no one on here likes Adams, but this article, unlike 99% of his, doesn't present BS opinions without facts. Facts are we have a split fan base. We got the old timers who go to the game and sit there and don't make a sound and moan when we go new school on jerseys. These same people think Fulmer never deserved to get fired and will argue all day that how much worse could we have been if we just kept Filmer after the last two coaches we went through. Then you got people like myself who understand times have changed. I love tradition, but I love seeing the Vols win more. You wanna moan that we are going new school to rebrand UT so be it, but people need to come out of their shell. We aren't UT of the 90s. We have been bottom feeders in the SEC for a while now and this program needs some excitement. If people can't accept that UT has to do what it takes to get back on top then they aren't true Vol fans. You play to win not carry own 60 year traditions. I don't care what it takes, legally of course, I'm ready to go back to beating Bama, Florida, and Georgia's ass on Sarurdays.
I have nothing but respect, admiration and gratitude for what Phillip Fulmer has meant to the University of Tennessee. But I can't find fault with this column. I believe that Coach Fulmer simply grew too comfortable in the job. I don't think he lost his ability to coach and I don't think he lost his edge -- nothing like that. He just got too comfortable. The decision to let him go was the right one, even if we have paid a high price for it.
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I think if Adams had any class he would have found something else to write about.

Considering how dishonestly he arranged those quotes, wove them into his own fictional storyline and created a straw man to attack, I don't think a change of subject would help Adams in the class department. It's doubtful it would help him in the ethics or integrity departments either given that this is hardly the first time he's displayed an utter disregard for intellectual honesty.

He's a polemicist who does his best to make UT a laughingstock, sew division, and in general, denigrate the university, the program and its fans, regardless of who or what he's writing about.
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I'm physically laughing out loud over the quote about Dooley not blaming anyone. I'll bet he did a lot of blaming in order to get an NFL position coach spot.

No he didn't. That's ridiculous. Just because Dooley was a bad HC at UT doesn't mean he doesn't know the game nor does it mean he's not a good position coach. I would bet you any amount you care to wager it never came up.
Fulmer fired himself by not doing his homework on offensive assistant coaches he hired. You want to be the man in charge you have to accept full blame when crap goes bad. That's why the big dogs in the big offices get paid big bucks because when the walls come down the blame always falls on them.

He did his homework on Clawson. Clawson was a highly proven commodity as an offensive coach. Clawson is a HC in the MAC now. Won a NC at Richmond (FCS) as a HC. Would love to get an honest take on the one year at UT from Clawson. Something wasn't connecting that year.
Dude no one on here likes Adams, but this article, unlike 99% of his, doesn't present BS opinions without facts. Facts are we have a split fan base. We got the old timers who go to the game and sit there and don't make a sound and moan when we go new school on jerseys. These same people think Fulmer never deserved to get fired and will argue all day that how much worse could we have been if we just kept Filmer after the last two coaches we went through. Then you got people like myself who understand times have changed. I love tradition, but I love seeing the Vols win more. You wanna moan that we are going new school to rebrand UT so be it, but people need to come out of their shell. We aren't UT of the 90s. We have been bottom feeders in the SEC for a while now and this program needs some excitement. If people can't accept that UT has to do what it takes to get back on top then they aren't true Vol fans. You play to win not carry own 60 year traditions. I don't care what it takes, legally of course, I'm ready to go back to beating Bama, Florida, and Georgia's ass on Sarurdays.

I know a ton of old school fans that were ok with Fulmer out. A lot of that same group weren't all that excited when UT hired him in 1992.
This was my comment on the article on GVX:

"But Dooley took his multi-million-dollar buyout like a man. He found another job and didnÂ’t blame anyone."

Is this so? Really? Dooley got out as soon as he could get his check. He didn't even coach his last game against KY. Like a man? Like a coward. He ran. Fulmer stuck around the team, university and fans he adored and stuck out 3 games after having to sit through a gut wrenching Press Conference to announce his "resignation." This after leading the team to an Eastern Division title the year before.

Lost his edge? Give me a break. You say he didn't have the talent he once had. How can Kiffy take his players and beat the daylights out of Georgia and SC. And take Alabama to the wire. That's the National Championship AL team that had to block a field goal as the time expired on their home field to win. You can't do that without talent. And nobody's crowning Kiffin as National Coach of the year either.

This BS you write in this article has been repeated time and again by the likes of Cattleman, Hitch, Clay Travis, even Roger has brought it up. But, truth is, you, me, Cattlman, nobody knows what really went on inside that athletic department.

I'm not here advocating Fulmer to have stayed on as coach although I am saying that I fully agree with Fulmer's assessment with Hammy. Look at the facts. He gave Fulmer an extension. Fine. The next season was tough. We all know that. But, did Hammy publicly give fulmer a vote of confidence? Did he champion Fulmer in the media and tell everyone that we're on the right track or he's meeting with Fulmer to figure this out and give him what he needs to get this turned around? NO! He fired him then gave a snot nosed brat an unlimited checkbook to bring on any and every crook he could think of. That was the worst hire in the history of TN football. If he doesn't take the SC job, we are in the deepest NCAA trouble that there is. Then he walks.

Giving Hammy props in this article says all I need to know about the credibility of John Adams. Let's make one thing clear. You are on the same level as Cattleman.
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I think Fulmer has a point about the administration being to blame. If Hamilton had replaced Fulmer when he lost his fire, then who knows where our program might be. Instead he kept throwing money at him for the coach he once was instead of the coach he had become. Great coaches that hang on to past glory are like athletes that refuse to admit when it's time to retire. Sometimes, as painful as it might be, you have to make the decision for them. Hamilton obviously held off too long on making that decision.

What Fulmer did for the Vols in the '90's was amazing. What he did in the new millenium, not so much. Everything else aside, I do think he's a true VFL.

BTW, introducing VFL into the lexicon is about the only good thing Dooley did for the Vols.
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Considering how dishonestly he arranged those quotes, wove them into his own fictional storyline and created a straw man to attack, I don't think a change of subject would help Adams in the class department. It's doubtful it would help him in the ethics or integrity departments either given that this is hardly the first time he's displayed an utter disregard for intellectual honesty.

He's a polemicist who does his best to make UT a laughingstock, sew division, and in general, denigrate the university, the program and its fans, regardless of who or what he's writing about.

Exactly how is this "fictional storyline" different from reality? Based on everything he's ever said publicly, Phil Fulmer has never been self-aware enough to understand that the SEC changed around him, and that his inability to keep up is what cratered the program. He apparently thought he could keep doing things the same old way in the Meyer/Saban era of the SEC that he'd done it against Jim Donnan and Mike DuBose, and when it didn't work he blamed everything but himself. I'm no fan of John Adams, who's been defecating publicly in the KNS sports page ever since I was a kid, but this column is pretty well spot on.
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Adams gets it. Finally an article that has merit. Blind squirrel thingie.

And I concur, don't expect much posi-Vol from him this season.
I think Fulmer has a point about the administration being to blame. If Hamilton had replaced Fulmer when he lost his fire, then who knows where our program might be. Instead he kept throwing money at him for the coach he once was instead of the coach he had become. Great coaches that hang on to past glory are like athletes that refuse to admit when it's time to retire. Sometimes, as painful as it might be, you have to make the decision for them. Hamilton obviously held off too long on making that decision.

What Fulmer did for the Vols in the '90's was amazing. What he did in the new millenium, not so much. Everything else aside, I do think he's a true VFL.

BTW, introducing VFL into the lexicon is about the only good thing Dooley did for the Vols.

Mike Hamilton, on whom Fulmer now heaps all the blame, got his job because Phil Fulmer put him there. Hamilton didn't have the political wherewithal to fire Fulmer any early than he did.
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Stopped reading at, "Adams has a point."


These are the same posters who excoriate Adams, a poor imitation of Clay Travis, on every other article he writes.

Fact is, we would have won a lot more than we have with Fulmer at the helm. Fact is, the current AD ran off Gruden and Butch was third or fourth down his list.

That Butch is killing it just shows a blind hog can pick up an acorn and some luck finally came our way after Hambone's Hamfisted Hokum.
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Very true...Clawson? WTF? Fulmer knew he ran a complicated system...why do that when your already on the hot seat. Why would Dooley hire Sunseri. Both drastic changes that led to both offense and defense respectively going south in a hurry.

I honestly believe fulmer did not think he was on the hot seat.
I honestly believe fulmer did not think he was on the hot seat.

Kinda agree with ya there, it's like Hitler didn't have the concept that the Russians and Americans were at his doorstep.. Then when he gets fired he was blindsided or Railroaded out, Fulmer is a Tennessee Legend but as said a trillion times here, his laziness and arrogance caught up to him...

Adams did his job of stirring up the fan base and have people talk about his article..
Exactly how is this "fictional storyline" different from reality? Based on everything he's ever said publicly, Phil Fulmer has never been self-aware enough to understand that the SEC changed around him, and that his inability to keep up is what cratered the program. He apparently thought he could keep doing things the same old way in the Meyer/Saban era of the SEC that he'd done it against Jim Donnan and Mike DuBose, and when it didn't work he blamed everything but himself. I'm no fan of John Adams, who's been defecating publicly in the KNS sports page ever since I was a kid, but this column is pretty well spot on.

Mike Dubose has won an SEC title since Fulmer won one
I notice that people still defend Adams because he's making Fulmer look bad, but don't acknowledge that Ainge just said that Hamilton asked as a sophomore if he felt he needed a new head coach in the middle of the 05 season. Hmmm, makes what Fulmer said a lot truer.
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I notice that people still defend Adams because he's making Fulmer look bad, but don't acknowledge that Ainge just said that Hamilton asked as a sophomore if he felt he needed a new head coach in the middle of the 05 season. Hmmm, makes what Fulmer said a lot truer. everyone supposed to be listening to Eric Ainge.

Fulmer may be right about Hamilton. That doesn't change the fact that the downturn of the program was mostly his fault as HC
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I notice that people still defend Adams because he's making Fulmer look bad, but don't acknowledge that Ainge just said that Hamilton asked as a sophomore if he felt he needed a new head coach in the middle of the 05 season. Hmmm, makes what Fulmer said a lot truer.

Haha.... Wait, Hamilton approached Ainge with advice on a new coach... Is Ainge popping them little red pills again. We know he's still drinking...

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