After the LSU loss, did anyone...

I got in huge trouble with my wife. We were getting ready to go out and she was upstairs getting ready. I was watching the game with our smokin' hot babysitter who was in her last year of college - and I'm talking Victoria's Secret catalog caliber too! Saw the last play thinking we had won the game and I jumped up yelling with the ole fist pump. Our babysitter jumped on me and threw her arms around my neck and we proceeded to fall all over the den yelling and screaming. Let me just say that she has known us for a while and is very sweet and touchy. So, we came crashing down on the couch and realized we were in a very awkward moment only made worse by two facts: ONE - the play was being reviewed and eventually overturned and TWO - my wife had come down the stairs at the precise moment we were flailing about the den. I got up and tried to play it cool like I was waaay more concerned about the fact that our coaching staff can't count but the ole spousal unit wasn't having any of it. There wasn't enough alcohol on the planet that night....

We have a winner!

Wait. Upon further review, we need a pic of the sitter or it didn't happen.:devilsmoke:
do anything to really get in trouble with Wife, Husband, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, parents, etc?

I broke the bedroom door (punched it open).
then in my rage I knocked over a bucket full of lightbulbs.

My wife was thriled!!!

You need anger management....Seriously....And a joint:cool2:

my reaction to my annoying Vandy fan friend
NOOB ALERT! I wasn't around then as a Vols fan. What happened in the LSU game in question, sounds like it was a heartbreaker....
NOOB ALERT! I wasn't around then as a Vols fan. What happened in the LSU game in question, sounds like it was a heartbreaker....

Vols heavy underdog playing at LSU. Final seconds LSU on the goal line going in for winning score. They fumble the snap and time expires giving UT the win. Only UT had 13 players on the field. LSU got one last play even though the game was over. They scored and won the game.
Vols heavy underdog playing at LSU. Final seconds LSU on the goal line going in for winning score. They fumble the snap and time expires giving UT the win. Only UT had 13 players on the field. LSU got one last play even though the game was over. They scored and won the game.

Ya it sucked. Especially since the review didn't happen till several minutes after the game. Everyone celebrated and then 5 minutes later it was like wtf is the ref looking at?

Oh man, I can imagine the atmosphere when it was announced that we lost...
I was worse off at end of MCB loss to NC. It was 2nd time in season and I was at rays esg and ran out cussing and pealed onto Kingston pike. Needless to say I went back and apologized and to brothers also. I try to realize this is a game and not to have stroke but it is hard sometimes as a 43 year diehard fan.

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