Ainge Injury (Merged)

1st serious action of his career + LSU defense = trouble. I am glad you Cromptonites are still around because you provide me with a laugh about every day. Crompton might be the next Manning before he is done, but Ainge is the better QB right now and even though Crompton is probably good physically right now he is not at the "LSU level" mentally or experience wise. I mean come on, look at Stafford at UGA. That kid is super talented physically. He is going to be a stud. But he has to catch up to the mental part of the game and his numbers have been ugly because of that.

you're right Fat Stafford has a long way to go in the mental aspect of the game
This is no longer about Cromptonites and Aingophiles. This is about the reality that Crompton may have to take snaps.
we are screwed if compton comes in the gamebecause he is still young in he playing field and LSU's defense would tare him a new a** hole!
Be optimistic; Remember what Kellie Jolley did with less time to rehab. If it were that bad he would not of been in there at the end of the game due to swelling pain etc.
Crompton is only 1 year ahead of Stafford and he spent that year injured, so yes it is a pretty close comparison.
I want to know why we're even discussing this? EA is one of the top QB's in the nation and people are calling for crompton?? I hope EA torches LSU this week.
i don't think people are calling for crompton, i think a lot of people are afraid ainge's ankle is too injured for him to play on, thus the need for crompton. i think ainge really is ok to play, and i think he wants to prove himself against LSU more than anybody... that being said, if he's falling in the end zone and decides to just throw the ball up again, i want crompton. i think he learned his lesson thoough
i think crompton will be good.......but i can see this game turning into a similar situation to the GA game when Casey Clausen went out and we had the disasters that were CJ Leak and James Banks in at QB.......lets pray for Erik
I read an amusing post on a Tiger board that discussed the possibility of Ainge going out and lamented, "I'd rather play them at their best...besides, we don't do so well against UT backup QB's..." :lolabove:
I heard that he sat in the stands, drinking beer, signing autographs and swatting cheerleaders on the ass with his crutch...:)
No, but he did stay at a holiday inn express

So, is the humor on this issue because:

1) We're emotionally exhausted worrying about it
2) We think that he'll be ready to go, so we're not worried about it
3) We're not worried about it, JC will take care of us and I'm not talking about the man upstairs
4) We've officially lost it
5) 3 & 4

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