AJ, Sapp, and O'Brien involved in altercation. (Rumor/Speculation)

It depends on whether your loud party is disturbing others

What I have learned is that people drinking at parties have no respect for others around them. At 1 and 2 in the morning, people are trying to sleep. They don't want to listen to loud music or listen to yelling or screaming from drunk, obnoxious, human beings

People call the police and expect them to do their jobs.

Don't want us coming, act accordingly

CountVolcula is right in these postings. You should read them. As much as I'm upset about theses arrests Count's statements are true. If you're going to take a chance and throw a party and risk the cops being called then if and when they show up it's time to shut your mouth and end the issue that caused the phone call. A yes sir, no sir response (regardless of the good cop, bad cop attitude) is the right way to act, especially if you're the party host.

Could the KPD have turned over the players to coach Jones without arrest? I don't know. I wasn't there. I do know our players sacrifice their entire lives everyday day-in-and-day-out in a very unusual way and because of that I think special attention should be considered. But again I wasn't there. You can't however necessarily put fault any police officer who was called out to the scene. When that happens it's a high risk / volatile time. One or two players may get spanked (hard) by the coaching staff over this issue. Not good.
And I do know what officers go through. Most handle situations very professionally.
Don't know enough about this situation to know if the cops overreacted or not, but it sure seems like that is a distinct possibility........
Its the damned if you, damned if you don't again

If the officers did nothing, then the complainant could file a complaint with the PD and the officer could face disciplinary action against them for not doing their job. That could effect promotions down the line, days off, and lost wages.

Not only do officers face the stress of being shot at work, they also face the stress of, even if they did nothing wrong in handling a call, they could still get complained on by a citizen that didn't get the satisfaction they thought should come to them

I got written up once for refusing to write a misdemeanor citation to some kids for playing basketball at the dead end of a street. The person who complained called my supervisor at the time and said I wouldn't do my job. I argued that 10 year old kids were not hurting anything by playing because they were not obstructing the flow of traffic, which was the basis of the City Ordinance. She complained so much, I got written up. Even though it was my discretion to issue citation under the law

Tell us the truth: you shook the kids down for their milk money and looked the other way.
Do you really think they should have had them on the ground handcuffed face down?
It appears that is what was observed.
Some cops are on a power trip and enjoy showing who the alpha male is.

Its tactics

Everyone can Monday morning QB a situation. You don't know unless you were there why they did what they did

If I'm worried that they may run or fight, I will prone them and handcuff. Its easier to control a person who is prone.
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What is sad is this could have been avoided. A good friend of mine and I got tired of cops screwing up our parties years ago, so we switched tactics. Go out on a farm with the owner's permission. You carefully select your guest list, and everyone meets there. No old bitties calling the cops, no idiots showing up, and the cows don't care. If someone gets wasted, they sleep it off in their car. Saved us a world of grief.
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Its the damned if you, damned if you don't again

If the officers did nothing, then the complainant could file a complaint with the PD and the officer could face disciplinary action against them for not doing their job. That could effect promotions down the line, days off, and lost wages.

Not only do officers face the stress of being shot at work, they also face the stress of, even if they did nothing wrong in handling a call, they could still get complained on by a citizen that didn't get the satisfaction they thought should come to them

I got written up once for refusing to write a misdemeanor citation to some kids for playing basketball at the dead end of a street. The person who complained called my supervisor at the time and said I wouldn't do my job. I argued that 10 year old kids were not hurting anything by playing because they were not obstructing the flow of traffic, which was the basis of the City Ordinance. She complained so much, I got written up. Even though it was my discretion to issue citation under the law

As someone who works in the legal field, this sounds like an abuse of discretion to write kids up for playing basketball, regardless of what some old blue hair has to say about it. If the court system is cluttered up by kids being kids, then the whole system is a failure. Time, tax payers money, etc, gets wasted on something that should have been let go through the discretion of an officer of the court. It even stems further than that, if a lower court judge abuses his discretion at trial, even he can be reprimanded by a judge in a higher court on appeal. Lawyers can also be reprimanded for abuses in discretion.

At the end of the day, we are all human beings and if we work in the justice system, at any level, our discretion is key to keeping the courts running smoothly and efficiently. Some college kids having a party should be given a warning, or even two really, to keep things under control. Coming in guns blazing like the SS and throwing everyone to the ground is clearly an abuse of discretion. Granted, I don't know all of the facts, but the little that I do know seem nothing out of the ordinary for any college kid on any campus in the nation. From what I remember about the KPD is that they were quite over zealous when I was there, they seemed too afraid to pursue real threats of crime (because let's be honest, Knoxville does have some shady surrounding areas), but they had no problem picking on all the "college boys" for some immature fun. I think the whole department deserves to be investigated. When people are running around shooting folks, carjacking folks, murdering folks; a police department should probably focus more on that and not call every available unit to a college party. It's just rediculous. I think they should make it a requirement for cops to have degrees, then some of this could be avoided. It was clear the amount of "good ole boy" jealousy against the "college boys" that spurs a lot of these arrests.

To the current students, I suggest writing some letters to say you don't feel safe and the police are obviously focusing their efforts in the wrong places. When I was a student at UT, it was during the time when Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were brutally murdered. When a friend of mine got arrested for jaywalking a few days later, I wrote letters to the university, KPD, UTPD, and the entire city council. I received responses from all of them. They were equally appalled and understood that the students should be the protected class of people in the campus area, not the class of people who get harassed by cops.... /rant.
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Was at Curts bday party tonight and Im not sure what happened, but Malik Brown, AJ Johnson, and D Sapp were all hand cuffed on the ground. Seemed like a regular college get together and then some kid caused and altercation that ended in what seems to be arrests. From what I can tell none of the three did anything wrong, they were just trying to get everyone inside.

Props to you for posting the news, knowing there was gonna be the normal jacknuts calling you a liar....good look
What is sad is this could have been avoided. A good friend of mine and I got tired of cops screwing up our parties years ago, so we switched tactics. Go out on a farm with the owner's permission. You carefully select your guest list, and everyone meets there. No old bitties calling the cops, no idiots showing up, and the cows don't care. If someone gets wasted, they sleep it off in their car. Saved us a world of grief.

That's the only way we partied. Build a fire. Play in the mud and chasing girls. Ohhhh to be young again.
Disorderly Conduct?

Providing Alcohol to a minor?

Could be either I guess; I just found it odd that he was only charged with resisting arrest. If you don't put yourselves in a situation like this to begin with, you have nothing to worry about.
Sobriety checkpoints are nothing but tactics in intimidation.
People have the right to go from point A to Point B without interference from the government. They say they are sobriety checkpoints, but they use them as forms of harassment and do little to nothing to get drunks off the road.

4th of July DUI Checkpoint - Drug Dogs, Searched without Consent, while Innocent - YouTube

One Youtube video provides evidence of Constitutional abuses at checkpoints?

You're more likely to have your Constitutional rights abused by the politicians you freely elect than by LE.

As far as the right to free movement. It doesn't mean you can do what you want while you move. You still have to observe the laws of the States while you freely move within its boundaries

I assume you don't fly, because you go through a checkpoint each time you get on and off a plane
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As someone who works in the legal field, this sounds like an abuse of discretion to write kids up for playing basketball, regardless of what some old blue hair has to say about it. If the court system is cluttered up by kids being kids, then the whole system is a failure. Time, tax payers money, etc, gets wasted on something that should have been let go through the discretion of an officer of the court. It even stems further than that, if a lower court judge abuses his discretion at trial, even he can be reprimanded by a judge in a higher court on appeal. Lawyers can also be reprimanded for abuses in discretion.

At the end of the day, we are all human beings and if we work in the justice system, at any level, our discretion is key to keeping the courts running smoothly and efficiently. Some college kids having a party should be given a warning, or even two really, to keep things under control. Coming in guns blazing like the SS and throwing everyone to the ground is clearly an abuse of discretion. Granted, I don't know all of the facts, but the little that I do know seem nothing out of the ordinary for any college kid on any campus in the nation. From what I remember about the KPD is that they were quite over zealous when I was there, they seemed too afraid to pursue real threats of crime (because let's be honest, Knoxville does have some shady surrounding areas), but they had no problem picking on all the "college boys" for some immature fun. I think the whole department deserves to be investigated. When people are running around shooting folks, carjacking folks, murdering folks; a police department should probably focus more on that and not call every available unit to a college party. It's just rediculous. I think they should make it a requirement for cops to have degrees, then some of this could be avoided. It was clear the amount of "good ole boy" jealousy against the "college boys" that spurs a lot of these arrests.

To the current students, I suggest writing some letters to say you don't feel safe and the police are obviously focusing their efforts in the wrong places. When I was a student at UT, it was during the time when Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were brutally murdered. When a friend of mine got arrested for jaywalking a few days later, I wrote letters to the university, KPD, UTPD, and the entire city council. I received responses from all of them. They were equally appalled and understood that the students should be the protected class of people in the campus area, not the class of people who get harassed by cops.... /rant.
Good on you mate! That has been my point all morning long.
Thanks to the venture into right wing nut conspiracy land.

If you think that the notion that most liberal democrats want to do away with or drastically limit the 2nd amendment is "right wing nut conspiracy" then you are definitely a low information news consumer.
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If you think that the notion that most liberal democrats want to do away with or drastically limit the 2nd amendment is "right wing nut conspiracy" then you're not paying attention.

He's just butt hurt fade. Ignore him.
Could be either I guess; I just found it odd that he was only charged with resisting arrest. If you don't put yourselves in a situation like this to begin with, you have nothing to worry about.

Obviously you are either holier than thou or never attended college. Ridiculous.
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I find it funny that so many people are concerned about the 4th and 5th Amendment, but brush off the two most important: The 1st and 2nd. If they can so easily get rid of the 2nd, what's to stop them from ignoring the rest

Then they don't care one bit that our President violates the Constitution daily, with the AHCA and Executive Orders

Prove your allegations above with specific supporting examples from credible sources, or said allegations are dismissed.
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