AJ, Sapp, and O'Brien involved in altercation. (Rumor/Speculation)

RT @THEAustinMWheat: @RECRUITINGUT they were defending a girl from a guy who kicked her.

If true, I expect a swift protest of AJ by a coalition of campus feminazi groups with buzz cuts and chain wallets. The sexist fool should know his bounds. That girl is equal to any man in defending herself. Can he not see that? :crazy:
This isn't about DUI, it is about a mindset of over zealous police and their response to what would normally be dismissed. Someone mentioned improper technique as to why AJ was handcuffed and I guess taken away. Count can or do you care to explain? Listen I have respect for police in general, but giving them carte blanche is ridiculous. Just this week we had police arresting a fire fighter during a car wreck, I'll let you explain that one. Again over reaction is prevalent.

We handcuff for officer safety. But once a persons right to move freely is prohibited, then technically, they are under arrest.

The fire fighter deal was BS. That CHP officer should be fired.
I see a lot of comments regarding the amount of manpower KID brought. They went to a party in the early morning with probably 40 plus people there. What do you expect them to do show up with 3 men? Personally if I was in their shoes I would want the odds in my favor. I am not sure why people are criticizing the number of policemen that showed up. At the end of the day they want to go home safely, so who cares how many showed up.
Thanks officer...
My right that prohibits unreasonable search or seizure it is my belief that "checkpoints", "stop and frisk" in New York, the NSA program they all violate the 4th and my right to privacy.

Checkpoints do not Violate your 4th Amendment. This has been argued ad nauseum.

Now if they stop you, get you out, and search your car without probable cause, or your consent, then that is a violation of your 4th Amendment

I find it funny that so many people are concerned about the 4th and 5th Amendment, but brush off the two most important: The 1st and 2nd. If they can so easily get rid of the 2nd, what's to stop them from ignoring the rest

Then they don't care one bit that our President violates the Constitution daily, with the AHCA and Executive Orders
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We handcuff for officer safety. But once a persons right to move freely is prohibited, then technically, they are under arrest.

The fire fighter deal was BS. That CHP officer should be fired.

Count I respect your replies. I believe in law and order and as a conservative I believe in The Constitution, but here is where we may differ. Once the situation was determined in AJ's case why not use discretion instead of risking a chance to ruin a young man's life? Granted I have no clue about circumstances other than what is being discussed but if true seems to me some thoughtful reasoning should have taken place. Thanks for your service to your community only wish the communication was better with the KPD. Go Vols
Well I do have a problem with checkpoints and i'm not willing to give up my rights for "Safety." I'm sure your the type who is ok with the NSA spying on everybody to stop "terrorism."

Im sure you're the type stock piling ammo for the revolution.
Checkpoints do not Violate your 4th Amendment. This has been argued ad nauseum.

Now if they stop you, get you out, and search your car without probable cause, or your consent, then that is a violation of your 4th Amendment

I find it funny that so many people are concerned about the 4th and 5th Amendment, but brush off the two most important: The 1st and 2nd. If they can so easily get rid of the 2nd, what's to stop them from ignoring the rest

Then they don't care one bit that our President violates the Constitution daily, with the AHCA and Executive Orders
I agree the 2nd is the most imp. it gives the ppl the power to fight back against a tyrannical government, and protect our rights.
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I don't drink and drive, run drugs, or carry illegal weapons, so I have no problem with checkpoints or "showing my papers".

I guess since you don't run drugs or have illegal weapons then you wouldn't mind the police/government checking your homes as they wish and doing random searches? I mean, if you have nothing to hide then why not?
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Checkpoints do not Violate your 4th Amendment. This has been argued ad nauseum.

Now if they stop you, get you out, and search your car without probable cause, or your consent, then that is a violation of your 4th Amendment

I find it funny that so many people are concerned about the 4th and 5th Amendment, but brush off the two most important: The 1st and 2nd. If they can so easily get rid of the 2nd, what's to stop them from ignoring the rest

Then they don't care one bit that our President violates the Constitution daily, with the AHCA and Executive Orders

I'm angry about all these violations. I am sick of paying for the mistakes of others. It's all this crap legislation is. We need all of our amendments. In California, you cannot open carry anymore. We aren't free anymore.
I find it funny that so many people are concerned about the 4th and 5th Amendment, but brush off the two most important: The 1st and 2nd. If they can so easily get rid of the 2nd, what's to stop them from ignoring the rest

Then they don't care one bit that our President violates the Constitution daily, with the AHCA and Executive Orders

Thanks to the venture into right wing nut conspiracy land.
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I guess since you don't run drugs or have illegal weapons then you wouldn't mind the police/government checking your homes as they wish and doing random searches? I mean, if you have nothing to hide then why not?

You honestly do not see the difference in this and a sobriety checkpoint?
A fellow Last Lap man, I see.

UT athletes, especially football and baseball, were there every weekend and sat night @ 2 am you should've just left, or have your head on a swivel because something was going to happen. Then it would happen, end, people would take off in all different directions, then sunday morn you try to put it all together and everybody just acted like it didn't happen.
Count I respect your replies. I believe in law and order and as a conservative I believe in The Constitution, but here is where we may differ. Once the situation was determined in AJ's case why not use discretion instead of risking a chance to ruin a young man's life? Granted I have no clue about circumstances other than what is being discussed but if true seems to me some thoughtful reasoning should have taken place. Thanks for your service to your community only wish the communication was better with the KPD. Go Vols

Its the damned if you, damned if you don't again

If the officers did nothing, then the complainant could file a complaint with the PD and the officer could face disciplinary action against them for not doing their job. That could effect promotions down the line, days off, and lost wages.

Not only do officers face the stress of being shot at work, they also face the stress of, even if they did nothing wrong in handling a call, they could still get complained on by a citizen that didn't get the satisfaction they thought should come to them

I got written up once for refusing to write a misdemeanor citation to some kids for playing basketball at the dead end of a street. The person who complained called my supervisor at the time and said I wouldn't do my job. I argued that 10 year old kids were not hurting anything by playing because they were not obstructing the flow of traffic, which was the basis of the City Ordinance. She complained so much, I got written up. Even though it was my discretion to issue citation under the law
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Its the damned if you, damned if you don't again

If the officers did nothing, then the complainant could file a complaint with the PD and the officer could face disciplinary again against them for not doing their job. That could effect promotions down the line, days off, and lost wages.

Not only do officers face the stress of being shot at work, they also face the stress of, even if they did nothing wrong in handling a call, they could still get complained on by a citizen that didn't get the satisfaction they thought should come to them

I got written up once for refusing to write a misdemeanor citation to some kids for playing basketball at the dead end of a street. The person who complained called my supervisor at the time and said I wouldn't do my job. I argued that 10 year old kids were not hurting anything by playing because they were not obstructing the flow of traffic, which was the basis of the City Ordnance. She complained so much, I got written up. Even though it was my discretion to issue citation and under the law

F that trick. That is ridiculous
This all sounds good, but it's not reality in Knoxville. KPD best in the nation? In what, lawsuits for officers beating up people? If you read the papers at all, you know they've done plenty of that, have had to settle at least three suits for it in the last year.

Many of the responding officers were Sheriffs Department, they're not known for their racial fairness either.

And you don't want out players going to a party at another player's house even in the offseason? Did you ever go to college? That's an even less realistic statement than calling KPD one of the best in the nation.

Ask Bernard King. I know it is a whole new bunch wearing badges, but as you pointed out, KPD has somewhat of a bad rep. And I question the rating system if they are the best in the nation. Bad Cop, no do-nut.
F that trick. That is ridiculous

Yes it is, and its some of the things people dont realize officers go through

This has adverse effects on morale and our ability to make decisions based on human decency instead of the letter of the law
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Yes it is, and its some of the things people dont realize officers go through

This has adverse effects on moral and our ability to make decisions based on human decency instead of the letter of the law

She's probably the same type of person that would raise utter hell if she or a loved one was in trouble for something minor that wasn't hurting anyone.

People lack perspective. Especially when it comes to LEOs.
Do you really think they should have had them on the ground handcuffed face down?
It appears that is what was observed.
Some cops are on a power trip and enjoy showing who the alpha male is.
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