AJ, Sapp, and O'Brien involved in altercation. (Rumor/Speculation)

Heard enough, we need to call in Sharpton, Jackson, George W, Toney Blair, and Shaffir(ari) to aid us in this injustice. We can beat these charges.

No offense....just lite hearted today, cant stop being a smart ass.:):)
Those who bash the police are usually the ones making the call first when they are in trouble.

Totally consistent.

Nope, intelligent people know better than to involve police in minor disputes.

In my experience, only old people (mainly women) and ignorant people involve police in minor situations, usually making things worse.
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wanna make a lot of noise? rent a house out in country..apartment complex not a place to make music at 2 am
Why is the ratio important? are you counting everybody as enemies?:no:

Is that how police see every civilian?

Say your driving around, minding your own business. You get called on the radio and there is a fight at a location. Radio says that there are 50 or more individuals at the party

What would you do?

Would you go into that crowd by yourself?

Would you not want enough people there to help maintain control?

Would you know what kind of people you are dealing with?

You won't know what your getting into until you get there.

Alcohol doesn't make for rational thinking humans.

I appreciate all the help I can get. I'm not a superhero
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wanna make a lot of noise? rent a house out in country..apartment complex not a place to make music at 2 am

Seriously ; does AJ (it was his party right?)not have any friends with a house they could party at? Apartments are just asking for trouble. Just a bone headed move from the beginning by him.
Say your driving around, minding your own business. You get called on the radio and there is a fight at a location. Radio says that there are 50 or more individuals at the party

What would you do?

Would you go into that crowd by yourself?

Would you not want enough people there to help maintain control?

Would you know what kind of people you are dealing with?

You won't know what your getting into until you get there.

Alcohol doesn't make for rational thinking humans.

I appreciate all the help I can get. I'm not a superhero

Count is this you and your partner!?! :)

Why is the ratio important? are you counting everybody as enemies?:no:

Is that how police see every civilian?

Please don't make this into something it's not. It's the unknown that we prepare for prior to getting to a scene. When your going to a disturbance call involving a crowd, yes it is 4:1 until order is restored. Depending on the department and unit, we usually ride solo.

Not throwing jabs because I have been at that party before. Having a good time when the police came in and ended the fun. Guess I grew up, had a family and slowed down. Now I am that officer and have a different point of view.
I don't post often so ill say my piece and fade back into the viewing section.

I haven't read much but have already noticed several different versions of the incident. What is a common theme is the bashing of the police. Im am officer in middle Tennessee and don't know the reputation of UTKPD. But I ask you to put your self in the position of the police officers on scene. Again, I don't know the reason for the call but I assume it was a fight call. An officer arrived on scene and he has a group of football players that have been drinking and in a fight. Im a little dude compared to these guys so some might go into handcuffs if no one is cooperating and if I am out numbered. At least until I feel the situation is under control.
As far as the charges, I personally believe the resisting arrest charge is often misused. Yes, passive resistance is still resisting. But if I was being arrested I probably would give you the business too. Also, it is a college party. Of course there is going to be drinking and possibly minors there. Unless someone is physically injured or a property crime has occurred then I would've had them close down shop and call it a night. Im a training officer and stress to new recruits that we are only here to enforce criminal laws (some at our discretion) and to serve the public. Never are we to make anything personal and always remain professional. Unfortunately, there are a limited few that abuse their authority and walk a thin line on violating people's rights. These people seem to overshadow the good of law enforcement.
Due to the nature of the call and the people involved, supervisors were probably on scene. Officers then made LAWFUL arrest in fear that they would be reprimanded by their superiors for being lenient towards ut football players. Regardless, the officers made a decision and the defendants will have their time in court.
I just ask that you put yourself in the shoes of the police before bashing them. Ultimately, these are pretty minor charges and to be expected at a college. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often. If there were no injuries or property crime, I personally would've looked the other way and asked for the party to shut down. Orange tinted sun glasses or not. Apologize for rambling along. Ill head back to the viewing section. GO VOLS!

I wish law enforcers were not so afraid to do what is right!, regardless of what their bosses say.:hi:

There are real crimes to investigate out there, don't waste time with minor issues!:salute:
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Charles Mosley should have taken some extra English courses.

Mosley tweeted, "Aj gone be good so everybody can quit worrying"

I read the first part of the tweet and my heart dropped. I read it as "Aj gone for good..."
Say your driving around, minding your own business. You get called on the radio and there is a fight at a location. Radio says that there are 50 or more individuals at the party

What would you do?

Would you go into that crowd by yourself?

Would you not want enough people there to help maintain control?

Would you know what kind of people you are dealing with?

You won't know what your getting into until you get there.

Alcohol doesn't make for rational thinking humans.

I appreciate all the help I can get. I'm not a superhero

I see your point, but remember, You have guns and the power of the goverment behind you, 99.9% of people will comply with your orders, you do not need extreme show of force to control 50 civilians if you use your power wisely.

Forgive me but I have a bias against law enforcers because in my experience, too many of them abuse their power.:ermm:

You seem to be a good and rational law enforcer, plus you are a Vol, so I have no beef with you. :hi:

I wish the good cops would take control of the bad ones.
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I agree the 2nd is the most imp. it gives the ppl the power to fight back against a tyrannical government, and protect our rights.

The 2nd amendment is so far from being the most important that it's crazy. I'm not in favor of voluntarily surrendering any rights, but anyone who thinks that the right to own a gun is the most important right guaranteed under the constitution has obviously never considered what the removal of many of the other rights would be like.

Honestly, if all the other rights are respected and enforced properly, there's no need to have a gun. The 2nd protects against a somewhat far-fetched nightmare scenario. I'm not interested in giving it up but saying it's the most important shows that you've spent more time reading NRA pamphlets than the constitution.
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The 2nd amendment is so far from being the most important that it's crazy. I'm not in favor of voluntarily surrendering any rights, but anyone who thinks that the right to own a gun is the most important right guaranteed under the constitution has obviously never considered what the removal of many of the other rights would be like.

Honestly, if all the other rights are respected and enforced properly, there's no need to have a gun. The 2nd protects against a somewhat far-fetched nightmare scenario. I'm not interested in giving it up but saying it's the most important shows that you've spent more time reading NRA pamphlets than the constitution.

The gun is to ensure the other rights are protected.:thumbsup:
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I wish law enforcers were not so afraid to do what is right!, regardless of what their bosses say.:hi:

There are real crimes to investigate out there, don't waste time with minor issues!:salute:

Probably would not have responded if the party was out in the country with no neighbors to aggravate with loud music but neighbors were calling. This was in a populated area. Cops were getting constant complaints about it.
The gun is to ensure the other rights are protected.:thumbsup:

I understand why it's there. But to say that the gun is more important than the rights the gun is there to protect is missing the point by a mile.

When the occasion arises that I need a gun to protect my rights, the entire democratic state has failed and we've descended into anarchy. Once again, I appreciate the 2nd amendment, but a lot of people have their priorities way out of wack on this issue.

Consider the most likely case of your rights being violated. It's probably a government official abusing power. Bad news. Now think about what would happen if you used your gun to resolve this issue. You'd go to jail (justifiably) for murder or assault. Resorting to force to resolve a grievance is almost always both unnecessary and a bad idea. We have other more civil ways to resolve these issues in modern society.

I will (again) reiterate that I'm not for revoking the right to carry a gun. I'm just pointing out that the single-minded focus that some people have on it is misplaced and, imo, misguided.
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