AJ, Sapp, and O'Brien involved in altercation. (Rumor/Speculation)

Charles Mosley should have taken some extra English courses.

Mosley tweeted, "Aj gone be good so everybody can quit worrying"

I read the first part of the tweet and my heart dropped. I read it as "Aj gone for good..."

Not sure you can critique someone's English and admit to misreading it. Seems kind of... Pot meet kettle ish.
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I understand why it's there. But to say that the gun is more important than the rights the gun is there to protect is missing the point by a mile.

When the occasion arises that I need a gun to protect my rights, the entire democratic state has failed and we've descended into anarchy. Once again, I appreciate the 2nd amendment, but a lot of people have their priorities way out of wack on this issue.

Consider the most likely case of your rights being violated. It's probably a government official abusing power. Bad news. Now think about what would happen if you used your gun to resolve this issue. You'd go to jail (justifiably) for murder or assault. Resorting to force to resolve a grievance is almost always both unnecessary and a bad idea. We have other more civil ways to resolve these issues in modern society.

I will (again) reiterate that I'm not for revoking the right to carry a gun. I'm just pointing out that the single-minded focus that some people have on it is misplaced and, imo, misguided.

The focus is because once you remove the second, all the other very important rights are easy to take away.:hi:
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Those who bash the police are usually the ones making the call first when they are in trouble.

Totally consistent.

They never seem to arrive on time in emergencies, but they'll sure as heck make sure you get a speeding ticket or bring the whole dept. to a freaking college party.
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The focus is because once you remove the second, all the other very important rights are easy to take away.:hi:

The focus is because people somehow think they're in danger of losing the 2nd and that anything that in some way might reduce gun sales or the profits of gun manufacturers is somehow in violation of the 2nd amendment.
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They never seem to arrive on time in emergencies, but they'll sure as heck make sure you get a speeding ticket or bring the whole dept. to a freaking college party.

Curious to what you view as 'on time' to an emergency? Just wondering
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The focus is because people somehow think they're in danger of losing the 2nd and that anything that in some way might reduce gun sales or the profits of gun manufacturers is somehow in violation of the 2nd amendment.

Those who don't learn from History are doomed to repeat it

In all the history of the world, once the population is disarmed, they become victims of abuse at the hands of the governing

Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Khmer Rouge, and many more, disarmed the populace in the name of safety.

General Yamamoto said that Japan could never defeat America by invading our country because a gun would be behind every blade of grass

Too often, people blame inanimate objects for the failings of society. Alcohol is not to blame for drunk drivers. Murders are not the will of a bad gun. Humans are the faults for all.

Safety can never be guaranteed no matter how safe Liberals want life to be.
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Those who don't learn from History are doomed to repeat it

In all the history of the world, once the population is disarmed, they become victims of abuse at the hands of the governing

Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Khmer Rouge, and many more, disarmed the populace in the name of safety.

General Yamamoto said that Japan could never defeat America by invading our country because a gun would be behind every blade of grass

Too often, people blame inanimate objects for the failings of society. Alcohol is not to blame for drunk drivers. Murders are not the will of a bad gun. Humans are the faults for all.

Safety can never be guaranteed no matter how safe Liberals want life to be.

Good post!:good!:
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On topic:

Underage consumption really isn't that big a deal. Especially with this happening before spring practice even starts. The standard result for a first offense for underage drinking is a fine and unsupervised probation. I'm sure the coaches will add some additional consequences but this is NOT a disaster for any the players involved, at least at first glance.

I'm not sure what the resisting arrest charges stem from, but I'm somewhat suspicious of a resisting arrest charge without another charge that justifies the arrest in the first place.
I agree. I am sick of the whining BS of some of the posters on here about KPD and law enforcement in general. There are bad apples in EVERY profession. However, KPD is recognized as the best PD in the nation - highest rating. Period.

Most of the posters on here have no idea of how trained they are to avoid the appearance of not doing their jobs correctly. Most have no idea of the number of KPD officers that are VFLs that they cheered for in years past. Most posters have no idea of the excellent diversity of race, religion, etc. they have, much less the military backgrounds many have. Most have no idea that a player off this past year's team is going to their academy - who is a racial minority. I have no sense of humor over the trashing of the thin blue line that keeps each of you safe each night when your head hits the pillow.

The police got a call. They went and handled it. The chips will fall where they may. Ask yourselves if that is where Vol football players should be at 1-2 AM in the morning if they are serious about keeping their noses clean and representing the team and university in a good light. Is it more important to be a loud party where tensions rise as the night goes on - or getting rest and staying prepared for school and work-outs? I hope Butch runs them until they puke their guts out, then runs them again. If you understand your HC at all you know that he will not put up with this boys will be boys crap.

Being well aware of what happened when Katrina hit New Orleans, having been on rideouts with Arizona, California, and Nevada police and sheriff deputies, I have a healthy respect for the job cops do. And awareness of the utterly, incredible, evil, and even stupid people they deal with all too often. Seems those kinds come out in force at night. One cop told me full moon nights are the worst. I can't vouch for that but he swore on it. So Vols4us, there's a lot of your post I feel forced to agree with because it's factual.

However, the other side of the coin is factual also. There are too many hoodlums with a uniform and badge that I have experienced or seen in action directly and either read news or watched news reports about. I believe these bad ones are the reason why distrust is so prevalent in certain communities and people. These days you don't really have to be a minority to be a target of uniformed punks. I call them punks because I've had the privilege to see true professional police at work, even when they had to be badass, they never acted like a hoodlum themselves.

As for AJ, if our current info is accurate, I'm shocked he's not in jail. It isn't smart to resist arrest, quite dumb actually. Sounds like the cops were nicer than they should have been given the resistance claims. Hope he takes the experience to heart and not repeat the mess. Run with folks who know how to have fun without attracting trouble.
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Say the police dept is 15 minutes away from a spot where a crime was just committed, I wouldn't expect it to take them any longer than that to get there, but a lot of times it does.

Thanks for the response. Have you experienced this before? I don't hear much of that in this area. I think I heard the average response time around here is 4 minutes.
Those who don't learn from History are doomed to repeat it

In all the history of the world, once the population is disarmed, they become victims of abuse at the hands of the governing

Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Khmer Rouge, and many more, disarmed the populace in the name of safety.

General Yamamoto said that Japan could never defeat America by invading our country because a gun would be behind every blade of grass

Too often, people blame inanimate objects for the failings of society. Alcohol is not to blame for drunk drivers. Murders are not the will of a bad gun. Humans are the faults for all.

Safety can never be guaranteed no matter how safe Liberals want life to be.

You're arguing against a straw man. I'm not in favor of disarming anyone. The "liberals" aren't in favor of disarming anyone (at least not most of them). Fighting tooth and nail against background checks and waiting periods just makes you look extreme and unreasonable (I admit that this is also a bit of a straw man since you never mentioned your opinion on either thing).
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Thanks for the response. Have you experienced this before? I don't hear much of that in this area. I think I heard the average response time around here is 4 minutes.

I'm not going into specifics, but the one time I truly felt I was in danger it took them well over 15 minutes to respond... And it shouldn't have taken but half that.

I guess I've just soured on them a little since then.
Thanks for the response. Have you experienced this before? I don't hear much of that in this area. I think I heard the average response time around here is 4 minutes.

They prioritize. For instance, response times for a robbery tend to be pretty slow if it isn't currently in progress because nothing is really going to change if they wait. My home was burglarized when I lived in Knoxville and there wasn't an officer there to take a statement until the next day. While I understand that there's no real hurry for them in that case many people do not and become frustrated.
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You're arguing against a straw man. I'm not in favor of disarming anyone. The "liberals" aren't in favor of disarming anyone (at least not most of them). Fighting tooth and nail against background checks and waiting periods just makes you look extreme and unreasonable (I admit that this is also a bit of a straw man since you never mentioned your opinion on either thing).

Be careful man. If you aren't for allowing kids to carry AK 47's, then most of this board will destroy you.
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Sounds like the cops wanted to let them off the hook. Then they gave the cops a few more reasons to comeback. Can't blame the police.
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You're arguing against a straw man. I'm not in favor of disarming anyone. The "liberals" aren't in favor of disarming anyone (at least not most of them). Fighting tooth and nail against background checks and waiting periods just makes you look extreme and unreasonable (I admit that this is also a bit of a straw man since you never mentioned your opinion on either thing).

Criminals who commit crimes with guns are never subjected to background checks and waiting periods, only law abiding citzens. That's what gets people who are pro 2nd ammendment bent out of shape.
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Sounds like the cops wanted to let them off the hook. Then they gave the cops a few more reasons to comeback. Can't blame the police.

police report means little. Neither does the side of the ones arrested. What happened is usually in the middle.

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