Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

No one deserves to be a billionaire. No one has worked that much harder. If I cured cancer, solved world hunger, and stopped all wars, I still wouldn't deserve that. Why? Because, wealth IS scarce, being off the gold standard didn't change that.

I have a fundamental problem with people who think they can decide what others deserve.
No one deserves to be a billionaire. No one has worked that much harder. If I cured cancer, solved world hunger, and stopped all wars, I still wouldn't deserve that. Why? Because, wealth IS scarce, being off the gold standard didn't change that.
Gtfo. You want more money go work two jobs.
You're going to be a broken man 20 years from now when you realize that working for someone else will never make you rich and you're not happy.

Yes, because clearly from this conversation the one thing you took away is that I want to be rich.
Some of us respect the call to ministry given to us by God. God called me to work in the public education system for a time, and now I am responding to His call to prepare the next generation to go into a minefield where they are Public Enemy #1 for the sake of the children and their education.

I'd much rather be elsewhere making more money, but ignoring God's call has dire consequences. 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 tells us to expect extreme resistance when we fulfill our call, but to do so dutifully. I accept the mockery as a sign that I am in God's will.

This response has nothing to do with the subject at hand, but I understand you going for the sympathy post........... May God Bless your efforts.
No one deserves to be a billionaire. No one has worked that much harder. If I cured cancer, solved world hunger, and stopped all wars, I still wouldn't deserve that. Why? Because, wealth IS scarce, being off the gold standard didn't change that.

This pretty much sums it up
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This response has nothing to do with the subject at hand, but I understand you going for the sympathy post........... May God Bless your efforts.

I don't need anyone's sympathy. Don't strike at public education and expect an educator to keep their mouth shut.
Already answered and you are already wrong.

MPH dual concentration
Healthcare Management/Epidemiology
Epidemiology is a medicine field. So you’re premed or what?

Healthcare Management is that hospital administration or medical office administration or more on the side of patient healthcare mgmt? Which would pretty much say not premed also.

So out of curiosity what are the typical jobs and earning potential for this field of study? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say somewhat diminished on income potential with limited openings each year? That would explain the stress on socialism and why you think you’re entitled to the money that others have earned.
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Or, her life experience and the life experiences of those she is around on a regular basis have led her to a specific set of beliefs. Experience is a cruel teacher.

We should always make a good-faith effort to see people's opinions through their eyes and their formation - especially if they have a view we disagree with. Our ability to examine issues from multiple perspectives is one of the few things that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.
That's true to some extent but don't get carried away. I can think of a few examples of extreme personalities that lead me to not care about their experiences or what made them believe what they believe.
Epidemiology is a medicine field. So you’re premed or what?

Healthcare Management is that hospital administration or medical office administration or more on the side of patient healthcare mgmt? Which would pretty much say not premed also.

So out of curiosity what are the typical jobs and earning potential for this field of study? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say somewhat diminished on income potential with limited openings each year? That would explain the stress on socialism and why you think you’re entitled to the money that others have earned.

My dad worked in hospital admin for years without a college degree. Made pretty good money, too, until he was replaced by a computer. So he went out and found something else he was good at.

I wonder sometimes if administration degrees are just degrees in justifying your job as an administrator.
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Gtfo. You want more money go work two jobs.

Again, not looking for more money. Not sure where you got that from. I can also flat out guarantee you that between my two jobs and Graduate School work, you don't work anywhere close in hours to me. My guess is that you are the person that can't stop complaining about welfare, while using it anyway. If you do work for a living, then being a cuck for the 1% isn't much better.
I don't need anyone's sympathy. Don't strike at public education and expect an educator to keep their mouth shut.

My daughter is an educator (for now) so I understand some of the challenges you face. It's always been my contention that the problem with public education begins and ends at the administration building.
My dad worked in hospital admin for years without a college degree. Made pretty good money, too, until he was replaced by a computer. So he went out and found something else he was good at.

I wonder sometimes if administration degrees are just degrees in justifying your job as an administrator.
I think administrators can indeed make good money. But I think the good money billets are scarcer in the field, more towards the more senior ranks. “Good money” is somewhat subjective though too.
My dad worked in hospital admin for years without a college degree. Made pretty good money, too, until he was replaced by a computer. So he went out and found something else he was good at.

I wonder sometimes if administration degrees are just degrees in justifying your job as an administrator.

It would seem like university of Phoenix online offering.
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My daughter is an educator (for now) so I understand some of the challenges you face. It's always been my contention that the problem with public education begins and ends at the administration building.

Say it again, louder, for the people in back!

I worked in Jefferson County. We'd get more money in from the state for resources for our students. Apparently, those resources were always another Central Office administrator to tell us to do more with less.
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My daughter is an educator (for now) so I understand some of the challenges you face. It's always been my contention that the problem with public education begins and ends at the administration building.

The two professions that are waaaaaaay to top heavy in care and Public Ed. (I have a degree in Ed and have many family members in Ed)
Say it again, louder, for the people in back!

I worked in Jefferson County. We'd get more money in from the state for resources for our students. Apparently, those resources were always another Central Office administrator to tell us to do more with less.

Now you are talking the problems with public Ed. I concur wholeheartedly.
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Funny, I must have missed out on all of those classes. I wonder if they'll revoke my diploma because my transcript doesn't contain Liberal Inculcation 425?
It depends on your major. As an EE, I had to take 2 Cultures and Civs electives. One of them had zero politics in it (In the agriculture deparrment). The other was Religious Studies. That class opened my eyes to liberal indoctrination. My professor stood there and compared Trump supporters to Nazis (while discussing the Holocaust during the Jewish section of the course). The textbook we used made sure to include instances of Christian extremism while conveniently leaving out Islamic extremism.

These are just a couple of examples. I could keep going on and on.

I used to think that the Fox News stories you read about college campuses were just rare occurrences being used by FN to promote an agenda. Once I experienced that class, at UT, in a very red state, my eyes were opened to the extent of liberalism on college campuses.

Imagine if my major was something other than engineering!
Say it again, louder, for the people in back!

I worked in Jefferson County. We'd get more money in from the state for resources for our students. Apparently, those resources were always another Central Office administrator to tell us to do more with less.

That's the understanding I've gotten. My daughter loves the kids and loves teaching, she's thinking of leaving because she hates the BS that prevents her from actually teaching. She's going to come work for me this summer and if she likes it she's not going back in the fall.

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