Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Again, not looking for more money. Not sure where you got that from. I can also flat out guarantee you that between my two jobs and Graduate School work, you don't work anywhere close in hours to me. My guess is that you are the person that can't stop complaining about welfare, while using it anyway. If you do work for a living, then being a cuck for the 1% isn't much better.
Wait a minute. Grad school in Epidemiology and “Healthcare Management”? So is that administrative or actual patient health mgmt?
Epidemiology is a medicine field. So you’re premed or what?

Healthcare Management is that hospital administration or medical office administration or more on the side of patient healthcare mgmt? Which would pretty much say not premed also.

So out of curiosity what are the typical jobs and earning potential for this field of study? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say somewhat diminished on income potential with limited openings each year? That would explain the stress on socialism and why you think you’re entitled to the money that others have earned.

I wanted to diversify hence why I chose one medical field and one managerial field. There are many variations on Epidemiology I could go into with earning potential generally varying from 60-100k. Management side is more for mobility and flexibility, but I think obviously dependent on which care setting you go into you can span a spectrum from 40-250k. My interests are towards public sector and private hospital management.
Yes, because clearly from this conversation the one thing you took away is that I want to be rich.
Maybe not now, but some day when you have 3 kids and a wife that all need housing and food I think you might change your tune.
On the other hand maybe you're perfectly fine living in a **** hole sacrificing some of your families comfort for a helping hand to some poor immigrant.
Choose your battles. I choose to look after #1 and #1's family.
Yes, because clearly from this conversation the one thing you took away is that I want to be rich.
Well based on your studies explained this far and the graduate coursework statement id say you’re planning accordingly then.

So what’s year 1 and year 5 salary projections in your chosen field out of curiosity? And where is the job? Hospital lab technology or the like?
Maybe not now, but some day when you have 3 kids and a wife that all need housing and food I think you might change your tune.
On the other hand maybe you're perfectly fine living in a **** hole sacrificing some of your families comfort for a helping hand to some poor immigrant.
Choose your battles. I choose to look after #1 and #1's family.

Love the whole immigrant thing thrown in there. Stupidity with a side of racism.
First, it needs to be a requirement that it be taught in school. There is no debate over the topic, I'm sick of science being politicized.

Now, one disagreement that I do have with AOC is that I do think nuclear energy is fairly safe and should be a transition source during a massive energy infrastructure investment towards the true renewables.
I also want a carbon tax implemented to fund negative emission technology and other initiatives.

Onto your second and third questions which I can really sum into one. Should Healthcare be Nationalized and therefore paid for according to income tax and progressive or small co-pays? Should college be paid for similarly?

Answers to both are Yes. Now you tried to frame it as "those with jobs." I think we need to start where there is near universal agreement, the rich (over 2 million) can afford to pay a hell of a lot more and most of us (even like half of conservatives). Majorities want even the marginally rich to pay more though a lesser amount (500-2 million).
As someone in graduate school in a healthcare profession with preliminary job offers near 80k. I would be willing and expect others in that class to also pay a small to decent amount in.

Let's remember that Nationalized health care would reduce administrative and third party costs greatly. All Nationalized systems pay less per capita than the US does. The only people who oppose it are older medical professionals who don't want their salaries (who average 25-100% more than the developed world) touched and Reaganites who scream socialism without grasping basic english. In fact, even the AMA is now fighting a coup by younger members at their conventions to endorse a national system. The American Public Health Association has endorsed it since the 1940s.

As far as college goes, I paid for each of my stages through merit scholarships. I will graduate with my masters with 0 debt. I, of all persons should be against free college then right? Wrong. I got very lucky with what opportunities were afforded to me and if I missed a few questions here or there, my scholarships might have been gutted and I may be like a lot of my other colleagues with 40k or more in debt. My parents took the time when I was little to instill education in me, I know a lot of others weren't given that and I am more than willing to promote that all be entitled to that.

Remember that free college also included tech skills that are dearly needed. Too many times I see people complaining about basket weaving or some other anomaly that people point out to try and make a point that it will be wasted which is far and away an extremely exception.

Long winded but hopefully you can find some common ground in that.
You need to get out of nursing school and get a job.
Have you taken a statistical methods course? Samples are representative. So Bob in Kansas probably got asked or someone akin to him. If a sample is representative than yes, there may be variations of you add in 100k more people but it is unlikely to be significantly different than 1k similarly polled persons.

When was the last poll you saw with that many people? That's why there are margins of errors.

I don't have the temerity to assert what would be a "true" accurate poll number but I've got a pretty high degree of confidence that the demographics pulled from this


These data were produced by the bi-annual Climate Change in the American Mind survey — a nationally-representative analysis of public opinion on climate change in the United States conducted by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication.

Surveys were conducted using the Ipsos KnowledgePanel®, a representative online panel of U.S. adults (18+), from November 28 to December 11, 2018. All questionnaires were self-administered by respondents in a web-based environment.

is going to be skewed. A self-administered web-based questionnaire from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication? Hmmmm.

I had a conversation the other day with someone discussing phone surveys. The first question I asked him is if he realized that right out of the gate the first observation to be made is all the answers would be entirely sourced from people that would even be bothered to take the survey at all, up to and including answering an unknown number in this day of nigh ubiquitous caller ID.

Again, I'm not asserting I have "the correct answer" but I view those polls with narrow eyed skepticism.
I wanted to diversify hence why I chose one medical field and one managerial field. There are many variations on Epidemiology I could go into with earning potential generally varying from 60-100k. Management side is more for mobility and flexibility, but I think obviously dependent on which care setting you go into you can span a spectrum from 40-250k. My interests are towards public sector and private hospital management.
That range in and of itself screams “undecided” on chosen career.

Hospital management. Ok that I get. Big money to the top 2 or 3 at a hospital. The rest... a comfortable living. Good luck and for your sake I seriously hope you aren’t ringing up $50k in college loan debt or you’re gonna start behind the 8 ball.
So it’s stupid and racist to focus on supporting you and your family instead of a person in our country illegally?

No, but at no point did I bring that up and furthermore illegals still pay income taxes and generally reciever very little from entitlements. So I get that you want someone to blame for your life sucking, but going the whole nationalism route isn't your best option.
That range in and of itself screams “undecided” on chosen career.

Hospital management. Ok that I get. Big money to the top 2 or 3 at a hospital. The rest... a comfortable living. Good luck and for your sake I seriously hope you aren’t ringing up $50k in college loan debt or you’re gonna start behind the 8 ball.

Again, I have 0 debt right now. The range I purported was of anyone in the broad field of healthcare Management, under my specific interests it is closer to 80-200k.
Again, I'm not asserting I have "the correct answer" but I view those polls with narrow eyed skepticism.

As well you should.

One of the first lessons we had in both my Qualitative and Quantitative requirement sets is on validity. Any research worth his or her salt addresses validity, limitations, and scope up front before presenting the data. They also use data collection - especially with human response such as polls - that are made to fit the level of validity they're looking for.

Those phone polls, in my opinion and the opinion of all of my instructors, are largely junk.
I wanted to diversify hence why I chose one medical field and one managerial field. There are many variations on Epidemiology I could go into with earning potential generally varying from 60-100k. Management side is more for mobility and flexibility, but I think obviously dependent on which care setting you go into you can span a spectrum from 40-250k. My interests are towards public sector and private hospital management.

Nobody deserves $60-100k or $40-250. Cost of living should be the exact same everywhere and everyone should make the same regardless of job.
No, but at no point did I bring that up and furthermore illegals still pay income taxes and generally reciever very little from entitlements. So I get that you want someone to blame for your life sucking, but going the whole nationalism route isn't your best option.

I don’t try and justify criminals or embellish lies.
I don't have the temerity to assert what would be a "true" accurate poll number but I've got a pretty high degree of confidence that the demographics pulled from this


These data were produced by the bi-annual Climate Change in the American Mind survey — a nationally-representative analysis of public opinion on climate change in the United States conducted by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication.

Surveys were conducted using the Ipsos KnowledgePanel®, a representative online panel of U.S. adults (18+), from November 28 to December 11, 2018. All questionnaires were self-administered by respondents in a web-based environment.

is going to be skewed. A self-administered web-based questionnaire from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication? Hmmmm.

I had a conversation the other day with someone discussing phone surveys. The first question I asked him is if he realized that right out of the gate the first observation to be made is all the answers would be entirely sourced from people that would even be bothered to take the survey at all, up to and including answering an unknown number in this day of nigh ubiquitous caller ID.

Again, I'm not asserting I have "the correct answer" but I view those polls with narrow eyed skepticism.

You approached this logically and I appreciate that. Online polls aren't the most reliable either in my opinion. Generally phone polls have to be represenative, not just in who you want to poll, but who does get polled. That means it may take longer and more calls to get accurate info, but most reputable pollsters will do that. If they don't, feel free to count me with you in being skeptical.
Wow, so you go straight for the throat and just penalize anyone that (has or makes?) over $2 million and force them to pay more. You don't think everybody should be involved in the funding of this. So why not $1 million? $500K? 250K? At some point, by putting a hard number like that on it, just like the AMT, you will get more and more people in your little confiscation. A wealth tax is an anethma to everything this country stands for.

Let me ask you this: What is your degree? What do you think will happen if all of a sudden there were 2, 3, 4 times the number of degree holders that you have now? Will your wages remain the same? You think that if there are more degree holders that you will be able to command the same kind of pricing power for your services?

And I think you are on drugs if you thing a government run health care system will reduce administrative costs. There will be buildings built to house the healthcare paperwork administration. At least there will be temporary construction jobs.

If you think it is expensive now, wait until it's free.

I hope we have this discussion after you leave academia and actually start having your money taken out of every paycheck. And don't even pretend that you will feel good about it.
ijob.i found it funny that he/she would be willing to pay a little on 80k. Typical over educated ignorant liberal.
ijob.i found it funny that he/she would be willing to pay a little on 80k. Typical over educated ignorant liberal.

Might want to link my actual quote

I said little to decent amount on 80k. Little being in relative proportion to what the other high income brackets were paying.

Y'all can't make one point without trying to parse words?
No, but at no point did I bring that up and furthermore illegals still pay income taxes and generally reciever very little from entitlements. So I get that you want someone to blame for your life sucking, but going the whole nationalism route isn't your best option.

Since you're wanting to go into hospital management, have you ever been in an emergency room? Who do you think pays the vast majority of ER bills? I'll give you a hint it isn't the ones using the services.
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