Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Again, not looking for more money. Not sure where you got that from. I can also flat out guarantee you that between my two jobs and Graduate School work, you don't work anywhere close in hours to me. My guess is that you are the person that can't stop complaining about welfare, while using it anyway. If you do work for a living, then being a cuck for the 1% isn't much better.
Considering I got my degree back in 93 I'm sure you do work alot more than me now. I can take off any day by sending a morning email and go golfing, riding through the mountains , or hit the lake. You will get there someday with hard work, setting goals, and leaving peoples sh!t alone. As for working two jobs you're not doing anything Millions and Millions haven't done. We all had to do it. Nothing special. But for someone that has posted they've got two jobs 3 or more times you sure have alot of time on your hands today.
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Aww, how cute. I bet you wish I was trolling.
If it helps, I don't think you're trolling. Sadly there really are people who think her ideas are genius. By the way, since you're with her and the world is ending in 12 years, can you send me all your money?
Since you're wanting to go into hospital management, have you ever been in an emergency room? Who do you think pays the vast majority of ER bills? I'll give you a hint it isn't the ones using the services.

Actually, very glad you brought this up.
I had completely forgotten a point that is pivotal to the healthcare debate.

For those against national care, you ask why should I have to pay for someone else's care. Well, you already do. When someone who is uninsured has to use the hospital, the hospital can't refuse them. They get the care, can't pay the crazy amount and the hospital then has to eat the cost. They do that by raising costs and insurance premiums on everyone. The only difference is that under our system we cant negotiate prices as effectively and the uninsured don't have to pay in (post mandate repeal).
First came the speech
Then came the shot (s)
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No, but at no point did I bring that up and furthermore illegals still pay income taxes and generally reciever very little from entitlements. So I get that you want someone to blame for your life sucking, but going the whole nationalism route isn't your best option.
This proves you're lost. How many illegals you know? I'd love for you and Luther to outline money where your mouth is. Come to Georgia, I'll prove on video, and we'll post it here, illegals living the high life from entitlement. I'll introduce you to a few who'll tell you what really happens with income taxes, food stamps, them voting, etc. You guys are in denial, or don't have a clue. I mentioned Luther cause he's here, we'd eat lunch, then see who's wrong
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Might want to link my actual quote

I said little to decent amount on 80k. Little being in relative proportion to what the other high income brackets were paying.

Y'all can't make one point without trying to parse words?
What would you consider a โ€œhighโ€ salary. Letโ€™s say what do you think you would need to earn to live in a $400k house, drive a new $35-$40k car say every 6 years, and raise 2 kids using the public education system and funding college?
Would you applaud an effort to combat human trafficking/drug smuggling, or would you only applaud things related to yourself?
Considering I got my degree back in 93 I'm sure you do work alot more than me now. I can take off any day by sending a morning email and go golfing, riding through the mountains , or hit the lake. You will get there someday with hard work, setting goals, and leaving peoples sh!t alone. As for working two jobs you're not doing anything Millions and Millions haven't done. We all had to do it. Nothing special. But for someone that has posted they've got two jobs 3 or more times you sure have alot of time on your hands today.

You are right, I will get there. But I will touch other people's **** and make sure this country is more like a decent place to live rather than an Ayn Rand wet dream.
Umm, yes if you are rich than you should absolutely pay more. And I don't know where you got that I only wanted them to pay for it. I explicitly said that nearly everyone should pay for it, including myself.

My degree is a dual concentration MPH Healthcare Management and Epidemiology

Want to guess which country doesn't have Nationalized Healthcare and which country also pays the most in administrative costs. Take a wild guess!
If you make 80k and pay 10% and they make 800k and pay 10% how much more do they pay than you?
Actually, very glad you brought this up.
I had completely forgotten a point that is pivotal to the healthcare debate.

For those against national care, you ask why should I have to pay for someone else's care. Well, you already do. When someone who is uninsured has to use the hospital, the hospital can't refuse them. They get the care, can't pay the crazy amount and the hospital then has to eat the cost. They do that by raising costs and insurance premiums on everyone. The only difference is that under our system we cant negotiate prices as effectively and the uninsured don't have to pay in (post mandate repeal).
Wow, that's some groundbreaking info there. I see college IS paying off for you.

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You are right, I will get there. But I will touch other people's **** and make sure this country is more like a decent place to live rather than an Ayn Rand wet dream.
You're going to touch other people's ****? Well that doesn't sound decent at all. In fact, it sounds a little perverted.

Not that I'm judging.
You're going to touch other people's ****? Well that doesn't sound decent at all. In fact, it sounds a little perverted.

Not that I'm judging.
Not that there's anything wrong with that
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What would you consider a โ€œhighโ€ salary. Letโ€™s say what do you think you would need to earn to live in a $400k house, drive a new $35-$40k car say every 6 years, and raise 2 kids using the public education system and funding college?

Obviously it is going to depend and I have stated that throughout. As per your specific example, 400k house at 30 yr mortgage we will say along with your other parameters. A family income of 150-200k per year would achieve that.

What always happens is that we go after the very top earners and you all throw in a high middle class earner and say "You are hurting them too." Like I said let's start at the top and work down.

Yes it's subjective, yes there are differences, no there is not a perfect system. But this current system as with any Reaganomics/Libertarian dream is not going to be supported.
You are right, I will get there. But I will touch other people's **** and make sure this country is more like a decent place to live rather than an Ayn Rand wet dream.
Ayn Rand lived your socialist wet dream. Perhaps, as AshG suggests, you should try to understand her experiences and what lead her to the ideas and opinions she expressed. But that would require something that you lack. Real world life experience.
If you make 80k and pay 10% and they make 800k and pay 10% how much more do they pay than you?

Are you advocating for a flat tax? If so, you are dumber than I thought. Here is a term to learn, marginal value.

10% to a person with 100$ means a meal or two.

10% to someone who has a billion may be a lot, but that person in no way is as needing of that.

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