All things STOCKS

US stock futures are quiet in the pre-market. That's encouraging. Maybe things are settling down after a wild 3 or 4 weeks.

Invesco taking a 10%+ haircut in fairly heavy volume.

Thermo Fisher taking a little hit, but it's probably just adjusting after a good run up after being in the news with their C19 testing achievements.
I didn't swing by the Five Below, they may not even be open right now. Not sure.

I think that the Family Dollar acquisition has been around long enough that it's pretty much been priced in. DollarTree can close the bad ones and cut their losses. If nothing else they've eliminated one of their 2 primary competitors.

What I'd be more concerned about in the longer term for DollarTree is their pricing. At some point everything being a dollar becomes a problem. At least I think that Family Dollar priced more like DG, but admittedly I've never set foot in a FD. I've been in FIVE and it really didn't impress me, maybe if I was looking for kid's items it would. But most of the stuff looks like DLTR stuff, so their markup must be relatively huge.

All 3: DG, FIVE, and DLTR could be crushed if Walmart shifts their focus from super stores and add smaller spaces like DG, 5, Tree. As they expand their online business it might make a lot of sense for them to scatter smaller stores in more places to also serve as distribution points for customer pickups. Actually I was kind of expecting to see Amazon swoop in and pick up the Sears location on the cheap.

BestBuy and Staples future will depend on what customers want. Walmart sells lots of electronics and office supplies, but there's much less variety. No doubt they focus on having the most profitable goods (markup and/or turnover) in their stores. BestBuy and Staples could see issues similar to what hospitals face. All of those little clinics can peel off the highly profitable parts of healthcare and aren't burdened by having to take on any and all ailments. But way different industry with Medicare/Medicare and the government (and insurance) involvement.

Dollar Tree has Dollar Tree Plus at many locations now (items more than a dollar). In the short term, that should help sales. However, in long term, does the shopping experience change where its more like a Family Dollar with a small section of their stores being only $1. I think Dollar Tree needs to keep its shopping experience different than DG or FD.

I think all 3 are good companies (at a good price now). Long term, I just like DG the most since their price point and store count (# and location) is an effective moat against Amazon and Wal Mart.
@Thunder Good-Oil, hope you bought dip in DLTR this morning...

No, I'm hanging back for now. Too much uncertainty still while the virus hasn't statistically peaked. There's still plenty of time to catch a big move up. Q2 earnings are a long ways off. Q1 will be bad, but the 1/1-3/31 FYs will have a lot less damage than say 2/1-4/30. Q2 is a crap shoot, likely VERY ugly. So we aren't going to see a solid, sustained move away from the bottom for a long time. But DLTR or DG seem like safer, early positions to take.
No, I'm hanging back for now. Too much uncertainty still while the virus hasn't statistically peaked. There's still plenty of time to catch a big move up. Q2 earnings are a long ways off. Q1 will be bad, but the 1/1-3/31 FYs will have a lot less damage than say 2/1-4/30. Q2 is a crap shoot, likely VERY ugly. So we aren't going to see a solid, sustained move away from the bottom for a long time. But DLTR or DG seem like safer, early positions to take.

I sold half my position in FIVE and rolled that into DLTR (crazy thing, both stock prices were within a dollar of each other when I did that). I think FIVE has a good concept but their inability to be deemed an essential retailer in certain states gave me more pause about the downside.

I know Wall Street saw the negatives in DLTR's release (supply chain issues, operating costs) but FD's top line is promising.
I’m holding MFA, ZN, MARK, JNUG, JCP, and F for overnight swings. Ended up making about $1500 this morning off of THMO, which is pretty good considering I went to bed -$500 on it lol
Nice! I finally sold off my JNUG today. Didn’t make much profit, but a little bit is better than none. I got in on NVAX yesterday, so I’m hoping for a decent swing on it after they announced their flu vaccine was cleared by FDA. I’m thinking it’ll shoot up some early in the morning.
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All I know is I’ve been loading up on my Roth.....ready to watch the beauty of compounding interest over the next 30 years. Thankful to have had good mentors to encourage me to start right out of college.

Hopefully your employer has a Roth 401k option (mine doesn't but my wife's does). Those are really sweet and there's no income limit so you don't have to mess around with backdoor Roth conversions like you do with the IRA.
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Hopefully your employer has a Roth 401k option (mine doesn't but my wife's does). Those are really sweet and there's no income limit so you don't have to mess around with backdoor Roth conversions like you do with the IRA.
They do, through Principal just like with my traditional 401k. However, they don’t really “break out” the performance of the Roth separately which is crap. They just started offering the Roth last year, but I’ve already had mine through Vanguard well before then. Hard to beat Vanguard from a performance vs cost standpoint in my book.
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They do, through Principal just like with my traditional 401k. However, they don’t really “break out” the performance of the Roth separately which is crap. They just started offering the Roth last year, but I’ve already had mine through Vanguard well before then. Hard to beat Vanguard from a performance vs cost standpoint in my book.

Honestly, for most 401k plans, I think most people should stick largely to the low cost fund families (Vanguard, Fidelity) since most 401ks are loaded with hidden fees and dog crap funds.

If you are going to use mutual funds for your IRA, I'd suggest a more active fund family (especially if you are using index funds in 401k). I'm partial to TRowePrice but there are other good fund families that have low cost funds with a long track record of overperforming their index. I'd be almost certain over the long term, your self-directed IRA will outperform the comparable funds in your 401k.
We are parking 600 airplanes. I highly doubt we will buy any anytime soon.

That's why the stock price fell by 75-80%. They are also a huge player in defense and space.

The airlines are one of the largest beneficiaries of the multi-trillion dollar stimulus. I don't think that the commercial airliner production division has a less than zero value yet.
US stock futures are down 3%.

Stryker (moderate volume), MetLife (heavy volume), State Street (moderate volume), and Ameriprise are crashing in pre-market trading.
US stock futures are down 3%.

Stryker (moderate volume), MetLife (heavy volume), State Street (moderate volume), and Ameriprise are crashing in pre-market trading.
Makes no sense for Stryker to be going down. They have probably done more business in the last month than the last 6 combined. They just started allowing hospitals to rent beds which they have never done before.
Makes no sense for Stryker to be going down. They have probably done more business in the last month than the last 6 combined. They just started allowing hospitals to rent beds which they have never done before.

I haven't searched for the news on SYK. One thing that I'm wondering about with the healthcare companies that have had gains on virus related business... they probably aren't getting real big margins on the added business. They don't want bad pub for profiting on C19. They're building up some capacity, but once the virus is knocked down they might not be able to utilize their extra capacity. I wonder about Abbott, Quest, and Thermo Fisher, but I think they're pretty well diversified. The biotechs and Big Pharma should be fine, but the small and smaller mid-sized players might not come out of this stronger. TeleDoc might be better able to scale their operation and hang on to new clients. But they weren't making a profit before C19. If they can't be profitable when their business has exploded, they may not prosper in the long run.

I still think that that tech will see a multi-year growth cycle. Cloud. Video. TeleMeeting. Security and virus software. There are a ton of names in the various parts of tech that will do great.
Bought some LUV this morning, feels like a good fairly long haul buy. Also grabbed some CROX and VCEL it was a good buying market this morning I hope!
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