Now it's time to play "What if Bush was President?"
Supposed Bush announced the same details - we went in, shot him, confirmed with DNA then dumped the body.
Would anybody doubt it? More than those that might doubt Obama or the same amount, just different ones?
It may go something like this..
It took a while but we got him. We rooted Osami Bin Ladan out of the caves in northen Pakistani a few years ago. Al Queada built him a compund in Abbatebad, Pakistani to hideout in.
We been watching this place fer some time, gathering intellience. On my command yesterday I sent in a Navy Seal team and they killed Bin Ladan along with his some of Bin Laden security detail. Shot him two times in the head as he tried to hide behind his wife. He died like the coward he was.
Members of the Navy Seal team took the body of Bin Laden and transported it to one of our carriers were we took some DNA samples, cleaned him up a little and videoed a proper quick burial into the deep blue sea.
How did we find him , well some of our intellegence gathers down at Gitmo waterboarded a couple of them ole boys we are retaining down there and well they decided to talk to our intergeters and gave us the name of one of Bin Ladans trusted couriers. It took our intelligence a few days to locate him, but they did and he led us to Bid ladens hideout, oh by the way, that courier is no longer with us either.
Whats got me a little puzzeled is Osama was hiding out in the same town that houses the Pakistan miliatary traing academy and has a lot of military personel living there both active and retired. This place he has been hiding in is about 6 times larger than anything else in that town and has 12-18' high walls with bobwire on top and none of the Paskatani military didn't know Osama was hiding out there. None of them thought to see who was living in that compound. That smells a little fishy to me. I going to have a long talk with Pakistan. We are giving them all this money and Osama is hiding out in the middle of their most prestious military community.
I don't know about that.
I just have one thing to say to Pakistan, you are either with us or against us. I don't care who you are, if you are my emeny I will come after you hard. I will drop bombs annd then send the calvary in.. I done it to Afganistane and Iraq and I will do it to you. Thats the way we do things in South Texas.
May God Bless America... Good night