Amateur Hour Continues

Got an answer @Velo Vol ? I mean you were incredulous that Lee might somehow have been a decent person of high moral fiber and what not.
Did the German army have decent generals in WWII, some of who may have looked the other way when Jews were sneaking about, rather than report them for round up?
Did the German army have decent generals in WWII, some of who may have looked the other way when Jews were sneaking about, rather than report them for round up?
LMAO. Godwin’s Law 🤣🤣🤣. Give it up what BS pure deflection. The officer Corps of the Confederate Army was educated side by side with the officer corps of the Union Army and many in fact served together prior to secession. They shared the EXACT same ethics and tenets of their commission. Like I said Lee served in the US Army for 25 years before resigning his commission. The fact is many felt a duty to protect their home state and family as their first priority. This guided Lee to a very large degree.

If you’d get your nose out of Twitter and getting brainwashed by the dumbassery of that cesspool and read an actual book you’d have known this and not asked silly ass questions 😂
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Did the German army have decent generals in WWII, some of who may have looked the other way when Jews were sneaking about, rather than report them for round up?
Here ya go! This is why Lincoln offered command of the Union army to Lee. He was an accomplished officer and a highly moral man. He was against secession. However the draw to defend his native Virginia won out. I’d guess you can play Godwin’s Law on the History Channel I’m sure they are partisan red hat hacks.

Robert E. Lee resigns from U.S. Army after Virginia secedes from Union

Colonel Robert E. Lee resigns from the United States army two days after he was offered command of the Union army and three days after his native state, Virginia, seceded from the Union. Lee opposed secession, but he was a loyal son of Virginia. His official resignation was only one sentence, but he wrote a longer explanation to his friend and mentor, General Winfield Scott, later that day. Lee had fought under Scott during the Mexican-American War (1846-48), and he revealed to his former commander the depth of his struggle. Lee spoke with Scott on April 18, and explained that he would have resigned then “but for the struggle it has cost me to separate myself from a service to which I have devoted the best years of my life and all the ability I possess.” Lee expressed gratitude for the kindness shown him by all in the army during his 25-year service, but Lee was most grateful to Scott. “To no one, general, have I been as much indebted as to yourself for uniform kindness and consideration…” He concluded with this poignant sentiment: “Save in the defense of my native State, I never desire again to draw my sword.”
Ex-election security chief Christopher Krebs sues Trump campaign, lawyer for defamation

Another payoff due from Donnie.

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