Amateur Hour Continues

Swear to God if you actually had to type an original thought you’d have to make it out of pasted tweets ransom note style 😂
He provided an original thought which I found to be quite amusing.
Blasted Rush and Trump rallies in one comment.....clever.
I have no doubt in your mind that was an original thought reply 😂
And I have no doubt you completely missed it.
But then again, you believe Trump's election nonsense; it's not like you have a shred of credibility remaining.
I didn't have you pegged as one who would go down with the Trumptanic, but it's not the first time I overestimated you.
And I have no doubt you completely missed it.
But then again, you believe Trump's election nonsense; it's not like you have a shred of credibility remaining.
I didn't have you pegged as one who would go down with the Trumptanic, but it's not the first time I overestimated you.
LMFAO you need to go do a little current reading oh clueless one 🤡
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"Trump 2020!!! He's going to win! MAGA"
Are you even a little embarrassed?
Hey clueless one. Know thine enemy or at least have some semblance of a clue about them 😂
From what I understand the issue in GA revolves around a legal requirement for votes to be anonymous. Even the mail in votes. So when they receive a mail in ballot they are supposed to validate the legality of the ballot via signature, etc... and then separate the identity from the ballot. Camp Trump is questioning the legality of a large amount of mail in ballots.... after the identity of the voter has been separated from the ballot. It’s an uphill battle to say the least as it would seem that the information needed to identify questionable mail in ballots has been removed from the ballot as required by law
I thought you were one of the nuts claiming voter fraud and believing Trump would prevail.
Election week I was keeping the faith and frankly there have been a lot of things in this cycle that raise eyebrows. I’ve been especially interested in the analytics as that’s just math and resonates with me. Probabilities exist for a reason and there are lots of head scratchers.

But that isn’t proof and for what’s at stake unequivocal proof is the bar to pass. None has been shown yet that I can see.
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Election week I was keeping the faith and frankly there have been a lot of things in this cycle that raise eyebrows. I’ve been especially interested in the analytics as that’s just math and resonates with me. Probabilities exist for a reason and there are lots of head scratchers.

But that isn’t proof and for what’s at stake unequivocal proof is the bar to pass. None has been shown yet that I can see.
And I don't mind investigations or legal actions if they are supported by facts. If anyone did anything that illegally impacted the election, I would love to see them prosecuted to the fullest.
And I don't mind investigations or legal actions if they are supported by facts. If anyone did anything that illegally impacted the election, I would love to see them prosecuted to the fullest.
We aren’t in disagreement. There’s no doubt in my mind some level of fraud has occurred. It always does. But a coordinated effort orchestrated across multiple states without a trace after four years of Keystone Cops accusations is a bit much.

Maybe the fraud is like ANTIFA it’s an ideology and there is no organized structure 😎
Arizona Legislature shuts down after Rudy Giuliani possibly exposed lawmakers to COVID-19

Nice job, Rudy. Keep on cementing your legacy.

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