Amateur Hour Continues

The continued attempt to delude yourselves into believing that Trump is like previous presidents in any way must get old.
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The video forgot "words." He has the best words.
He has the market cornered on adjectives...that he does. My English teacher always reminded us “use too many adjectives, people will not take you seriously” she was also my moms boss, had to listen to her.
Why don't you list a few of Obama's top tweets where he complained/fretted about how the media was covering him?
You’re the one that GAF about his tweets not me. But via other channels 10 seconds netted a plethora of links. I read this one and figured it applies.

You idiots act like the WH being at odds with the media is something new. *yawn* 😴😴😴

Trump's war on press no match for Obama's
These are also some of the traits of the most successful CEO’s ever. Trump has 4 of them that are evident without benefit of a profile.

Thank you google once again for
“diagnosing” someone. I wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t have one family a week using the internet to “diagnose” their family member.
In which I have to spend an hour dispelling their interpretation of what they have read and are convinced of.
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Does it have to be a tweet? Obama made more than a few snarky comments about the press.
Sure, Obama had issues with the press. Every president does. The link below mentions his two most famous spats.
But, in the context of narcissism, I'm talking about how almost every day Trump is obsessed with how he's being portrayed on TV or on paper. We've never had a president so consumed with cultivating his image, and hopefully we never will again.
Sure, Obama had issues with the press. Every president does. The link below mentions his two most famous spats.

But, in the context of narcissism, I'm talking about how almost every day Trump is obsessed with how he's being portrayed on TV or on paper. We've never had a president so consumed with cultivating his image, and hopefully we never will again.
Who cares you’re splitting hairs. They both had a war on the media. Even though the media loved Barry.

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