Amateur Hour Continues

GOP Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, attacked her own father in a tweet today (referring to her dad, Mitt Romney, only as a "freshman Republican Senator") because he was critical of Donald Trump for his lack of morals. Christmas must have been a blast for the Romneys.
Actually it’s her uncle. And you know you’re an empty suit when your niece publically points and laughs.
Shhhh.................It means more to Bowel Broth to think she's his daughter.
Uncle/Father.... whatever. The Romneys are devout Mormons. Mitt's concerns over Trump's bent to hell moral compass is much more consistent with those beliefs than his niece's defense of a man who pays hush money to strippers and lies through his dentures on a daily basis.
Uncle/Father.... whatever. The Romneys are devout Mormons. Mitt's concerns over Trump's bent to hell moral compass is much more consistent with those beliefs than his niece's defense of a man who pays hush money to strippers and lies through his dentures on a daily basis.
Mitt has flip flopped on so many issues over his political career he’s done more flopping about than a carp laying on a boat dock. I could not give two ***** about a single word that comes from the man’s mouth and I’ll never vote for him.
Mitt has flip flopped on so many issues over his political career he’s done more flopping about than a carp laying on a boat dock. I could not give two ***** about a single word that comes from the man’s mouth and I’ll never vote for him.
Are you saying you didn't vote for him in 2012?
Uncle/Father.... whatever. The Romneys are devout Mormons. Mitt's concerns over Trump's bent to hell moral compass is much more consistent with those beliefs than his niece's defense of a man who pays hush money to strippers and lies through his dentures on a daily basis.

You need to grow the hell up dude & get over it. Try to live a good miserable little life w/out all this freaking complaining you do about TRUMP. It's not changing a damn thing. Good God man, Nobody cares.....geez.
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I met him once in the jetway getting on an airplane. "Plastic" seems to be a fitting description.
He has to me. Probably not do much for you.
Nothing will change your mind about his leadership skills but consider this timeline for a moment:

1) January of 2018: The Democrats (seeing they have no voter mandate or leverage in a Republican controlled House and Senate), agree to a full $20 billion funding of Trump's beloved border wall. The only caveat? DACA protection. Trump declines, the can is kicked down the road and no border wall funding is provided.

2) December of 2018: Trump tells Pelosi and Schumer that he would be "proud" to shut down the government over border security and that he will own the shutdown this time. He is only seeking $5 billion for the wall this time, however.

3) December of 2018: Trump initially agrees to sign a bill that does not include any funding at all for his wall but then reneges following criticism he receives from Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Fox and Friends.

4) January of 2019: We are in the 2nd week of a government shutdown and Democrats will take control of the House tomorrow with no incentive whatsoever to fund the wall now... They can now claim a voter mandate for their policies following the November 6th elections... and they have some leverage to fight the wall which they didn't have last January. Trump doesn't seem to understand that he will have to negotiate and offer the Democrats something to get them to the table.... DACA protection is it.

Trump will end up giving in on DACA and he will get less than $5 billion for his wall.... keeping in mind that he could have had $20 billion last January.... Does this sound like a good negotiator? Does this sound like competent leadership to you?
Nothing will change your mind about his leadership skills but consider this timeline for a moment:

1) January of 2018: The Democrats (seeing they have no voter mandate or leverage in a Republican controlled House and Senate), agree to a full $20 billion funding of Trump's beloved border wall. The only caveat? DACA protection. Trump declines, the can is kicked down the road and no border wall funding is provided.

2) December of 2018: Trump tells Pelosi and Schumer that he would be "proud" to shut down the government over border security and that he will own the shutdown this time. He is only seeking $5 billion for the wall this time, however.

3) December of 2018: Trump initially agrees to sign a bill that does not include any funding at all for his wall but then reneges following criticism he receives from Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Fox and Friends.

4) January of 2019: We are in the 2nd week of a government shutdown and Democrats will take control of the House tomorrow with no incentive whatsoever to fund the wall now... They can now claim a voter mandate for their policies following the November 6th elections... and they have some leverage to fight the wall which they didn't have last January. Trump doesn't seem to understand that he will have to negotiate and offer the Democrats something to get them to the table.... DACA protection is it.

Trump will end up giving in on DACA and he will get less than $5 billion for his wall.... keeping in mind that he could have had $20 billion last January.... Does this sound like a good negotiator? Does this sound like competent leadership to you?
No no no! There were two bills in the June timeframe. One was a hardline approach sponsored by Goodlatte. It died quickly. The other compromise bill died due to a fragmented partisan House. The Freedom Caucus wanted more hardline stances on DACA. Dims would not agree to the lower immigration limits. Trump wasn’t thrilled on the compromise bill but they got behind it. It never made it to his desk.

Trump was not the blockade on DACA in June. Period.
No no no! There were two bills in the June timeframe. One was a hardline approach sponsored by Goodlatte. It died quickly. The other compromise bill died due to a fragmented partisan House. The Freedom Caucus wanted more hardline stances on DACA. Dims would not agree to the lower immigration limits. Trump wasn’t thrilled on the compromise bill but they got behind it. It never made it to his desk.

Trump was not the blockade on DACA in June. Period.

Wait, that can't be right, it doesn't fit BB85's narrative.
Surprise! Trump couldn't handle someone else in D.C. getting the media attention for a couple hours this afternoon, so he runs out with a last-minute press conference

This will be cringe-worthy just like that trainwreck Q & A Cabinet Meeting yesterday. Whats the over/under on the number of lies for this one?
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