Amateur Hour Continues


You are such a sharp dude.
I can't wait for stammering Nance to impeach Trump. It will go down as the biggest mistake in 250 years of political history.
Weak. I made a factual statement and you couldn’t contest it so you bothered with the FIFY retort.

The only thing hitting home is that 20 years after Trump leaves office we’re still going to be having these stupid ass implied connections merely due to the level of liberal butthurt Trump caused by beating out Killary.

Yep. Some trivial gatekeeping criteria that you don’t even apply to your own conspiracy theories absolutely destroyed everybody in this forum and conclusively proved that this is in no way a black eye or reflects badly on Trump. 🙄

You’re truly a champion in your own mind.

I’m petitioning Freak to change your name to something courageous and clever like DonQuixote40 in honor of the occasion.
Yep. Some trivial gatekeeping criteria that you don’t even apply to your own conspiracy theories absolutely destroyed everybody in this forum and conclusively proved that this is in no way a black eye or reflects badly on Trump. 🙄

You’re truly a champion in your own mind.

I’m petitioning Freak to change your name to something courageous and clever like DonQuixote40 in honor of the occasion.
What conspiracy theory are you keeping harping on Rocky?! What windmill am I attempting to skewer here? It’s YOU guys chasing the windmill in this specific discussion!
Are you insane? Electing Trump was the will of the minority. Attempts to remove Trump are the will of the majority.
Just like the majority showing up to all of the Democratic rallies compared to Trump rallies?

Your head is so far in the sand I have no idea how you're breathing.
Just like the majority showing up to all of the Democratic rallies compared to Trump rallies?

Your head is so far in the sand I have no idea how you're breathing.
No one denies that there is a lunatic fringe of redhatters. We do deny that they represent the majority.

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