When you live in a swamp and somebody throws a rock, it doesn’t have to land on top of you for you to get a little muddy. Trump is a human turd. Even the people most willing to ignore reality to defend him don’t do so on the basis that he’s a decent human being.* He lost the benefit of the doubt. Therefore, he lives in the swamp. If the rock lands about campaign manager far away, he gets muddy, too.
I don’t see how that’s at all controversial, it looks like a windmill to me.
The proximity to Trump is baked in with the amount of mud he gets splattered with. So these demands for proof that it’s directly tied to him aren’t nearly as effective as you seem to think they are,** which is why nobody cares, or at least I don’t, how many times you stamp your feet demanding proof. It just makes you look like a jackass, IMO, when I know you don’t hold yourself to the same standard.
*- which is the real reason everybody hates him. Nobody liked Hillary enough to have acted like this over Romney, Rubio, or Jeb. Maybe Cruz.
** - there’s a similar story that is directly tied to him, about one of his federal reserve picks.