Amateur Hour Continues

Who's the libertarian?
Gorsuch, IMO. Kavanaugh is a statist turd. Perfect Trump appointee.

We’ll see what Gorsuch does when they start taking abortion cases* but I thought the right/left political interpretation of the Hobby Lobby case pegging him as some hyper conservative missed the mark. I think he favors individual freedom and since Hobby Lobby is family owned, he wasn’t going to force them to do anything.

So far (again IMO), his SCOTUS positions have confirmed that. He’s more like Kennedy than Scalia.

*- abortion isn’t a huge issue for me. I think the Court should try to find a moderate solution, but I think there’s an overblown panic that he’s going to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Pelosi is eating his lunch any everyone is watching him melt down. He has no idea what to do but lash out like a grade school bully.

I'll pray for him.

Your party fights for the right to murder babies, so I doubt you or any of your comrades will be praying for anyone other than Lenin or Chairman Mao.
Gorsuch, IMO. Kavanaugh is a statist turd. Perfect Trump appointee.

We’ll see what Gorsuch does when they start taking abortion cases but I thought the right/left political interpretation of the Hobby Lobby case pegging him as some hyper conservative missed the mark. I think he favors individual freedom and since Hobby Lobby is family owned, he wasn’t going to force them to do anything.

So far (again IMO), his SCOTUS positions have confirmed that. He’s more like Kennedy than Scalia.
He hasn't been really tested yet. I would like to see a challenge to the citizens united ruling.
I don't know about that. To the extent she goaded him into saying he wanted to shut down the government, that was something. But there's not been many instances of that.

He lashes out at anyone prominent who tarnishes his handcrafted image.

I do. He's losing it, he went on a 30 minute rant in the rose garden where he had to poll his sycophant staff one by one in front of the press corp to back his rendition of how the meeting played out. Between Tillerson and Pelosi spit roasting him and the tariff war, today was as bad as gets for his image. Strangely, I'm starting to move beyond disdain and into pity.
I think the Court should try to find a moderate solution, but I think there’s an overblown panic that he’s going to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.

How is a moderate solution different than now?

If Roberts is the institutionalist some people make him out to be, he's going to have quite a pickle on his hands as far as keeping the court more or less where public opinion is (which I think is where it's at now).
I do. He's losing it, he went on a 30 minute rant in the rose garden where he had to poll his sycophant staff one by one in front of the press corp to back his rendition of how the meeting played out. Between Tillerson and Pelosi spit roasting him and the tariff war, today was as bad as gets for his image. Strangely, I'm starting to move beyond disdain and into pity.
Trump doesn't deserve pity neither do his supporters.
*- abortion isn’t a huge issue for me. I think the Court should try to find a moderate solution, but I think there’s an overblown panic that he’s going to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.
The states have put the full court press on thinking he will.
How is a moderate solution different than now?

If Roberts is the institutionalist some people make him out to be, he's going to have quite a pickle on his hands as far as keeping the court more or less where public opinion is (which I think is where it's at now).

I think they need to say that States can’t limit access in cases of unwanted sex or medical necessity and give a fairly broad definition of medical necessity. Then restrict criminalizing seeking a legal abortion in another state on full faith and credit grounds.

Then essentially leave it up to the states how far beyond that they want to go.
I do. He's losing it, he went on a 30 minute rant in the rose garden where he had to poll his sycophant staff one by one in front of the press corp to back his rendition of how the meeting played out. Between Tillerson and Pelosi spit roasting him and the tariff war, today was as bad as gets for his image. Strangely, I'm starting to move beyond disdain and into pity.

I just saw that. He went from person to person and had them vouch for him. That folks is insecurity and weakness. If we ever have a real crisis he may roll up in a ball and suck his thumb.
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When you live in a swamp and somebody throws a rock, it doesn’t have to land on top of you for you to get a little muddy. Trump is a human turd. Even the people most willing to ignore reality to defend him don’t do so on the basis that he’s a decent human being.* He lost the benefit of the doubt. Therefore, he lives in the swamp. If the rock lands about campaign manager far away, he gets muddy, too.

I don’t see how that’s at all controversial, it looks like a windmill to me.

The proximity to Trump is baked in with the amount of mud he gets splattered with. So these demands for proof that it’s directly tied to him aren’t nearly as effective as you seem to think they are,** which is why nobody cares, or at least I don’t, how many times you stamp your feet demanding proof. It just makes you look like a jackass, IMO, when I know you don’t hold yourself to the same standard.

*- which is the real reason everybody hates him. Nobody liked Hillary enough to have acted like this over Romney, Rubio, or Jeb. Maybe Cruz.
** - there’s a similar story that is directly tied to him, about one of his federal reserve picks.
LMAO Rocky! I really thought you were more grounded than this! Seriously, an emotional plea?! 😂

It was going to be Trump or Killary. I was resigned to the fact it would probably be Killary. I chose Gary Johnson but figured it was moot. And then Trump beat her and that was awesome. And he won because he was a better candidate. And I’ll take that 10 out of 10 times. 😎
I think they need to say that States can’t limit access in cases of unwanted sex or medical necessity and give a fairly broad definition of medical necessity. Then restrict criminalizing seeking a legal abortion in another state on full faith and credit grounds.
What would be the Constitutional basis for this limitation of you're tossing out the right of privacy?
LMAO Rocky! I really thought you were more grounded than this! Seriously, an emotional plea?! 😂

It was going to be Trump or Killary. I was resigned to the fact it would probably be Killary. I chose Gary Johnson but figured it was moot. And then Trump beat her and that was awesome. And he won because he was a better candidate. And I’ll take that 10 out of 10 times. 😎
He is a bigger crook and you know it, so stop your idiocy. You act like you won the lottery with a trump presidency. You didn't but act like you did.
I just saw that. He went from person to person and had them vouch for him. That folks is insecurity and weakness. If we ever have a real crisis he may roll up in a ball and suck his thumb.

It's because he realizes that he has lied so much that no one believes him. In fact, the more he denies it, the more likely it is viewed to be true.
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I do. He's losing it, he went on a 30 minute rant in the rose garden where he had to poll his sycophant staff one by one in front of the press corp to back his rendition of how the meeting played out. Between Tillerson and Pelosi spit roasting him and the tariff war, today was as bad as gets for his image. Strangely, I'm starting to move beyond disdain and into pity.

I think to the extent he's losing it (more than he did a year ago), it's more due to the investigations and his resulting inability to control the news coverage.

As a legal strategy, he may be able to slow walk this stuff through the courts and hope Barr continues giving him cover. But he can only threaten and walk out of meetings for so long. The weight of all this is going to accumulate.
I think to the extent he's losing it (more than he did a year ago), it's more due to the investigations and his resulting inability to control the news coverage.

As a legal strategy, he may be able to slow walk this stuff through the courts and hope Barr continues giving him cover. But he can only threaten and walk out of meetings for so long. The weight of all this is going to accumulate.

Impeachment would be a mistake, but stonewalling and obstructing Congressional subpoenas may leave them little choice.

Truthfully, aside from stroking his own ego - I can't imagine why he'd want to do this for another four years.
Impeachment would be a mistake, but stonewalling and obstructing Congressional subpoenas may leave them little choice.

Truthfully, aside from stroking his own ego - I can't imagine why he'd want to do this for another four years.

Avoid prosecution?
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