Amateur Hour Continues

When you live in a swamp and somebody throws a rock, it doesn’t have to land on top of you for you to get a little muddy. Trump is a human turd. Even the people most willing to ignore reality to defend him don’t do so on the basis that he’s a decent human being.* He lost the benefit of the doubt. Therefore, he lives in the swamp. If the rock lands about campaign manager far away, he gets muddy, too.

I don’t see how that’s at all controversial, it looks like a windmill to me.

The proximity to Trump is baked in with the amount of mud he gets splattered with. So these demands for proof that it’s directly tied to him aren’t nearly as effective as you seem to think they are,** which is why nobody cares, or at least I don’t, how many times you stamp your feet demanding proof. It just makes you look like a jackass, IMO, when I know you don’t hold yourself to the same standard.

*- which is the real reason everybody hates him. Nobody liked Hillary enough to have acted like this over Romney, Rubio, or Jeb. Maybe Cruz.
** - there’s a similar story that is directly tied to him, about one of his federal reserve picks.


Only difference between Trump, his opponent and his predecessor is there are 100x more people throwing rocks in his direction.
Because he doesn't think it would have legs?

He's on a roll, trashing the R establishment right now, straight up saying McCarthy is lying.

He's grandstanding and just running his mouth. I said earlier that it would not surprise me to see him run against Trump in the primary or a 3rd party, he's just ginning up notoriety for his run.

He's nothing but a blowhard without taking action on what he believes.
Pelosi and others have accurately described Trump as unhinged, in need of help. Its pretty obvious and out there for everyone to see that he's mentally ill. I mean, if this is just who he is, I'm not sure that's much of a defense of his character and intellect.

So the Trump defenders, in all their "I know you are but what am I" third grade logic, put out a fake video to try to attack Pelosi, who so far has threaded quite the needle of both antagonizing Trump and keeping the House factions in line on how to let Trump just continue to prove what a fool he really is.

Trump is losing this fight. Bigly.
LMAO at the spin control on this video!!😂

She said “three”. If Trump did this you’d be spamming this board over it. And yeah she was stammering. Trying to spin snippets put together of her stammering as “doctored video” is hilarious. What was that last “doctored video” that got you rubes all riled up? Need to try and remember that and dig it up 😂
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Aside from the completely low rent, trashy nature of the POTUS tweeting this, watching you spin clearly fakenews as legit is what's hilarious.

Your boy is losing it and you're following him down the rabbit hole.
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No. I think you get broader and more diverse 'cross section' by equally weighting every vote cast instead of silencing millions of votes in a winner take all system in which (absurdly) many delegates are not even required to pledge their EC votes to anyone but there own whim. California is a perfect example of why the EC is broken. Thirty percent of registered voters there are Republican, about 5.5 million. That's more than most states, about 4mm voted in 2016 - yet the get exactly ZERO EC delegates.

Throw in delegates and superdelegates that can do whatever the fuq they want and you have a complete sht show. I can't see the argument that sparsely populated, rural, "fly-over" states should have MORE of a say than the millions and millions of voters whose ballots are worthless because they lost their states simple majority.
Too bad that the people have never elected the president. The STATES elect the president. They are now and always have been the constituents of the Republic. The people’s vote counts exactly where it belongs, in their state. And before you rage back with another damn strawman tell me where my description doesn’t EXACTLY fit the process of our Republic.
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Aside from the completely low rent, trashy nature of the POTUS tweeting this, watching you spin clearly fakenews as legit is what hilarious.

Your boy is losing it and you're following him down the rabbit hole.
Us red hats are spinning this?!

Too bad that the people have never elected the president. The STATES elect the president. They are now and always have been the constituents of the Republic. The people’s vote counts exactly where it belongs, in their state. And before you rage back with another damn strawman tell me where my description doesn’t EXACTLY fit the process of our Republic.

You're rambling again. My post was an opinion based on a request for such, either pay attention to the context of the dialogue or sit down.

Also, learn the definition of what a strawman fallacy is, you keep using the term out of context and it makes you look silly.
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You're rambling again. My post was an opinion based on a request for such, either pay attention to the context of the dialogue or sit down.

Also, learn the definition of what a strawman fallacy is, you keep using the term out of context and it makes you look silly.
No I’m attacking your incorrect assertion that the people’s vote doesn’t count. It counts exactly where it’s supposed to. In their state of residence.
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Pelosi and others have accurately described Trump as unhinged, in need of help. Its pretty obvious and out there for everyone to see that he's mentally ill. I mean, if this is just who he is, I'm not sure that's much of a defense of his character and intellect.

So the Trump defenders, in all their "I know you are but what am I" third grade logic, put out a fake video to try to attack Pelosi, who so far has threaded quite the needle of both antagonizing Trump and keeping the House factions in line on how to let Trump just continue to prove what a fool he really is.

Trump is losing this fight. Bigly.
Time for your side to replay the 25th Amendment card again.
No I’m attacking your incorrect assertion that the people’s vote doesn’t count. It counts exactly where it’s supposed to. In their state of residence.

Tell me then, where did the EC votes go for the 4 million California Republicans that voted for Trump? Because Clinton got all 55.

Clearly, you're in such a rush to 'show me' - you're not paying attention to the words that are being used and it's making you look stupid. Again, I was asked to provide an opinion on what I believed to be a better cross-section of the American electorates will. Believe me when I tell you I don't need a civics lesson on the process from you.
Tell me then, where did the EC votes go for the 4 million California Republicans that voted for Trump? Because Clinton got all 55.

Clearly, you're in such a rush to 'show me' - you're not paying attention to the words that are being used and it's making you look stupid. Again, I was asked to provide an opinion on what I believed to be a better cross-section of the American electorates will. Believe me when I tell you I don't need a Civics lesson on the process from you.
The EC votes were cast exactly as their constituents, the states, directed them to be. The 4 million Kalifornication Repubs cast their vote in their state. Their states method is all or nothing like many states. Prop delegate states are in the minority and for good reason it obviously dilutes the STATE’S votes.

You’re words were incorrect. Plain and simple.
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“Clearly”... 😂

I’m laughing my ass off at the glorious butthurt this has cause you idiot libs.

You're not laughing, you're triggered because deep down you know how titanically pathetic for a sitting president to once again spread fake, doctored video to assail a political rival. I think you're projecting.
The EC votes were cast exactly as their constituents, the states, directed them to be. The 4 million Kalifornication Repubs cast their vote in their state. Their states method is all or nothing like many states. Prop delegate states are in the minority and for good reason it obviously dilutes the STATE’S votes.

You've just restated and confirmed my point. If you were here, I'd tussle your hair and tell you what a good job you've done.
You're not laughing, you're triggered because deep down you know how titanically pathetic for a sitting president to once again spread fake, doctored video to assail a political rival. I think you're projecting.
I think you’re FOS on this whole response to the video. Here’s a real time video of me being triggered on this. B2FA4AAF-31CD-4C59-A350-55AC38923392.gif
You've just restated and confirmed my point. If you were here, I'd tussle your hair and tell you what a good job you've done.
Nope. Not even a nice try. I’m attacking your point on popular vote just like I always do when it comes up as it was not the intention of our election process. The founding fathers feared pure democracy as I’m sure they could imagine what a bunch of idiots and sheep our people would decay to in order to get dependent on the fed teet. They just won a war to end that ish.
Nope. Not even a nice try. I’m attacking your point on popular vote just like I always do when it comes up as it was not the intention of our election process. The founding fathers feared pure democracy as I’m sure they could imagine what a bunch of idiots and sheep our people would decay to in order to get dependent on the fed teet. They just won a war to end that ish.

I don't often use ad homs but you clearly don't possess the intelligence to critically think, digest or apply reason to my opinioned response from understanding why and how the EC works.
No. I think you get broader and more diverse 'cross section' by equally weighting every vote cast instead of silencing millions of votes in a winner take all system in which (absurdly) many delegates are not even required to pledge their EC votes to anyone but there own whim. California is a perfect example of why the EC is broken. Thirty percent of registered voters there are Republican, about 5.5 million. That's more than most states, about 4mm voted in 2016 - yet the get exactly ZERO EC delegates.

Throw in delegates and superdelegates that can do whatever the fuq they want and you have a complete sht show. I can't see the argument that sparsely populated, rural, "fly-over" states should have MORE of a say than the millions and millions of voters whose ballots are worthless because they lost their states simple majority.

Here here. Well said. Do you know there are many older citizens in this country whose vote for president has never counted. They might as have gone fishing.

Only difference between Trump, his opponent and his predecessor is there are 100x more people throwing rocks in his direction.
Not true in the least.
Trump is far worse by most every metric.
This delusion that they are equally bad is such a convenient cop-out.
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Pelosi and others have accurately described Trump as unhinged, in need of help. Its pretty obvious and out there for everyone to see that he's mentally ill. I mean, if this is just who he is, I'm not sure that's much of a defense of his character and intellect.

Is narcissism + stoking up the resentments of his supporters a mental illness? Because that's mostly what I see along those lines

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